Friday, August 31, 2007

Stupid Chuffing Fish!!!

I've recieved 3 betta fish now, from my mom, one has survived, and is enormous, the other (red one) was apparently sick from the get go, and after copious TLC, finally bit the big one after coming back from my trip to Puntzi lake with Cliff. Damnit.

So, my mom gets me one more betta, to replace the now deceased Siddartha, (who I renamed "ugly" because of all of his hideous fish diseases. Seriously. That was one ugly fish...) I decide to get 2 mini catfish, and see if they will be the little tank cleaners that my mom's is with her betta. No dice. Both Blue (Gautama) and Turq, my new turquoise betta attempt to beat the snot out of these two, terrified little catfish. *grumble*

Well, fine! I'll put them in a new, smaller tank, unoccupied by my big, territorial guppies in drag. Lets put this one up on the shelf, and the two larger tanks (I purchased another, with gravel and awesome decorations, to house turq, that was another 50 bucks out of my pocket.)

Wait... I can't see them. They are BOTTOM dwelling fish. Super. Fine. I'll put them in the middle of the two larger tanks on the desk. Awesome, except they are algae and fish waste eating fish, and they are the only things in the tank, thusly no poop to munch on.

Okay. Lets go get some tetras. Harmless. 10 for 15 bucks at the pet store. Awesome cheap and easy, just like my women.

Linds: "Can I put these in a tank with no filter?"

Fucking stupid twat at pet store: "Oh yeah, no problem. These guys can handle it."

Linds: "Sweet! Gosh they are pretty."

I arrange tetras and catfish together in tank. Pretty little zippy fishes. Nice! Pooping and wasting all over the place, lots of nibblies for the catfish. What a great little ecosystem I've got!!

Later that night...

Cliff: "Hey, honey? Are they supposed to be swimming all at the top of the tank like that?"

Linds: "Uhm... They weren't doing that at the pet store. My guess is 'No'."

Cliff: "I think they need a bubbler or a filter or something... Don't tropical fish need stuff like that?"

Linds: "Dammit! That stupid bitch!!! I ASKED HER THAT! Now I feel bad! How irresponsible and money grubbing!"

Cliff purchases me a filter/bubbler at walmart, 20 bucks. I place it in the tank, which is now 1/3 filter, 2/3rds water and plants etc. I'm one catfish and one tetra short now. They've gone to the happy goldfish bowl in the sky. I've also picked up some catfish/bottom feeding tablets for the lone, sorry little catfish in the tank. another 8 bucks out of my pocket.

Linds: "Dammit!"

I pick up a tank with a built in gravel filter and bubbler that occupies the side of the tank. Awesome. 20 more dollars out of my wallet. My last resort, because the tank is too small, and I don't make shitloads of money at my job. I've probably spent close to 120 bucks in fish, fish supplies, tanks, gravel, filters, nets, aquarium salt, water treatment/dechlorinator, medication, and aquarium toys/decorations, including plants. I've followed instructions religiously, gradually aquainted these new fish into their living environment, and spent hours in the past 2 months, pampering these tempermental little shits.

I come home, to find little bodies floating in the bubbling water.

Linds: "Dammit!!!!!! DAMMIT! Waste of my TIME, WASTE of my MONEY, I feel so BAD! I killed these stupid effing FISH! Cliff I'm a bad fish parent!!! BAD!"

I scoop up turq, and toss him into the new, now happily (properly) bubbling tank. Hopefully he does well in there, it's got an adjustment for how much air comes through the filter, and will stay cleaner sans-catfish.

I swear to jeebus above and all that is holy, If these ones croak, I'm getting a pet rock. Zero responsibility, Zero cost, and zero disheartening experiences. This has to be one of the most expensive, effort wasting, time consuming hobbies I've ever decided to pick up. This is why I spend time reading. It costs me less and is far more enjoyable. Plus, I don't end up committing fish genocide.

Does anyone want to buy a couple fish tanks? I've got a 1.17 gallon and 2 - 0.5 gallon tanks, with toys. I need to recoup my funds after this whole fucking scenario.

I tried, I really REALLY tried to make this whole thing go smoothly, what the hell is wrong with me? I feel so crappy.