Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from My Family to Yours.
(Don't tell my mom I posted this one. I'd catch it for sure.)

Yeah, I know. I look like crap. Whatever. It's Christmas morning, I worked a full, insanely busy shift yesterday, and I REALLY don't feel like doing my hair and makeup. Hell. I didn't feel like GETTING up this morning.

You can tell I'm a grown-up when I decide to sleep in later than my parents on Christmas morning.

The best present, (and one of the four I recieved) is by far my best of Stevie Ray Vaughan collection from the parental units. SWEET. It was the one I was drooling over in the local music store, a month and a half ago, that I refrained from buying because it was about 40 bucks for a 2 disc set. That's 30 songs. Very, very nice.

My Dad said that if he knew it was this good, he would have kept it. Suckah Fool!

Merry Christmas Folks.

1 comment:

Linds said...

Christ that's a horrid picture of me. *shudders*