Saturday, October 06, 2007

Linds's Classic Apricot Marinated Roast Beast.

Cliff was the subject of experimentation from my past, tonight for dinner. My parents used to make this when I was younger, and it has been years since I've had it. Thankfully, we didn't die, and neither will you, if you eat my fancy shmancy Apricot marinated Roast beef dinnah!!

This meal is both sweet and savory, the apricot marinade/gravy adds a flavour you wouldn't expect into your dish! (and for those who think I'm crazy, what do you think HP sauce you have with your steak is made from? That's right, PLUMS, vinegar, and spices!!)


1- 2 or 3 pound Beef Roast, your choice in cut.
1- bulb of garlic, 1/2 of this bulb should be chopped into coarse chunks.
2- containers of pureed/strained apricot baby food
1/3 cup of White vinegar
3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary, chopped fine
15 or so bite sized baby white potatoes
1/2 pound of carrots, chopped in bite sized chunks
1 medium white onion, that has been cut into 5ths
approximately 10 large white mushrooms, cut into halves
extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper

Using a sharp paring knife, place strategic stabs into the roast and using your finger, stuff the roast with peeled garlic segments. (This feels quite dirty, to be honest. Ignore the slightly pervy sensation and continue to make your roast deeeeffinglicious.)

In a large plastic ziploc bag, place roast, chopped garlic, vinegar, apricot baby food, rosemary, pepper and mix thoroughly until roast is covered in it.

Zip up and place into fridge to marinate in overnight. A bowl works great to keep the marinade covering the entire roast as it sits there absorbing the flavours.

The next afternoon, take the roast out of the bag of marinade, but DO NOT throw the leftover marinade away. This will be used later. Add 1/2 a cup of water to the mixture.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.

In a large cooking pot that is suited to being in the oven for extended periods of time, heat and drizzle olive oil in, and when the oil starts to smoke slightly, you know it's hot enough to sear the sides of the roast to keep moisture in during the time it's in the oven. Sear roast until it is browned on all sides, and turn heat off.

Wash your potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots, and layer them in however you want, I'd suggest carrots on the bottom, mushrooms, onions, and potatoes on the top, to get them all brown and gorgeous.

Pour your remaining apricot marinade over the top of the roast and potatoes, and place in the oven to cook.

When your roast is at the right level of done-ness, (depending on size and cut of meat, and center temperature) place the meat on a cutting board to rest for approximately 10 minutes.

While your roast is resting, take a strainer over a bowl, and pour your veggie/gravy mixture into the strainer, separating the gravy.

Pour the gravy back into the pot that you were roasting everything in, on low heat, simmer until it thickens into real gravy as opposed to Au jus, and slice your meat against the grain in thin slices to get the best results. Sometimes a bit of beef gravy mixture adds some more flavour. Add some salt and coarsely ground pepper into the gravy to taste.

I also placed the veggies back in the oven for about 5 minutes to add a bit of crisp to the potatoes.


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