Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting...

But this is cheap Tuesday night entertainment.

From the ever so delightful Seanners, showing me what fantabulous delights he can do with the "face tracking" feature on his webcam.

Henceforth, you can call him "Sir Elton".

Love you, sweets. *giggles.*

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Digging Through My Bookmarks....

Uncovers three different web comics that have snagged valuable hours from my life, when I discover them, giggle, and then decide to read the entire thing from the first strip.

Danielle Corsetto's fantabulous "Girls with Slingshots" I got a message from "Jaime" on myspace a couple of weeks ago asking if I was her twin. (I grinned my fool head off and replied that my boobs weren't nearly that big, but that I was flattered she'd see the similarities.)

Paul Taylor's multicultural and crazy plot twisting "Wapsi Square" took two nights after work to browse through his entire 2001 to 2007 strips, but it was well worth the read and lack of sleep with the references to ancient mayan/aztec cultures, mixed in with modern life and the depths and heights of human emotions.

Bernie Hau's clever and creatively done "Alien Loves Predator". How can you not like a comic that takes two of the most vicious creatures in movie-kind, and gives them names like Preston Predator and Abraham Alien (Abe, for short) with a penchant for speed dating, naked chicks, and Chinese Food in New York City, that had Jesus for a room mate? ALP has permanantly ingrained the Engrish term "Frip-frops" in my head forever.

Good stuff.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Thought...

When Cliff and I were born, both of our births were greeted with sorrow. Granted those auspicious days were a little over 16 years separated from each other, and sorrowful for completely related reasons. Both encompassing the loss of a child.

His because he was "unwanted" (but never in my eyes, or his adoptive parents and sibling...) and given up for adoption. Not that I think any less on a woman giving her child up to someone else, it is a huge sacrifice, and one not made lightly. He was given unto the care of an adoption agency.

When I was born, my twin sister was stillborn. Needless to say amidst the joy of birthing a whole, hale and wailing baby girl, the loss of the first, I think, at that moment overshadowed the birth of the second.

I hope, that one day when I have my baby, nothing but joy surrounds that birth.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Weirdest Thing...

So far about working my new job, is that most people come into the store, only to turnaround and get into a heated discussion with whoever they came in with. It's very odd... They walk in, look at something for a few seconds and walk out. Or they walk in this general direction, enter the store, and then sort of veer off into the direction of another location, and it seems that they have difficulty walking in straight lines, like they have an inner ear imbalance going on that prevents them from one place to another unless they walk like drunken idiots.

That's about it...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The One Word Meme

Currently listening to: "The Final Shakedown" by Groove Armada From the album "Love Box"

1. Yourself: Mellow.
2. Your Lover: Phenomenal.
3. Your Hair: multicoloured
4. Your Mother: Hrmph.
5. Your Father: Brusque.
6. Your Favorite Item: Bed. (Still, this is three times running, LOL!)
7. Your Dream Last Night: Unremarkable.
8. Your Favorite Drink: Juice
9. Your Dream Home: Larger.
10. The Room You Are In: Comfortable.
11. Your Pet: None.
12. Who You Are Now: Readjusting.
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Linds.
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: Mommy.
15. What You're Not: Motivated.
16. Your Best Friend: Working.
17. One of Your Wishlist Items: SLR.
18. Your Gender: Sugar...
19. The Last Thing You Did: Eat.
20. What You Are Wearing: Skin.
21. Your Favorite Weather: Autumnal.
22. Your Favorite Book: Multitudes.
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Granola.
24. Your Life: Haitus.
25. Your Mood: Chill.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Day 2"

day 2, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Of a Flickr group called "365 days" where I post a varied picture of myself. (Doesn't have to be my face... and no, not that, you sickos!)

This is at the new job! Three weeks in, and I'm doing pretty damned good! My boss has offered me the opportunity, thanks to careful constructive criticism on various advertisements published in newspapers; to do an ad for my company for some sort of hand out/publishment at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival! Woo hoo!

This would also be the first job where I've had the delightful opportunity to wear a cardigan sweater. Whoooo exciting! :P

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Rockstar in my Boyfriend...

Has escaped.

No you cannot borrow his tongue. It's all mine.

Monkeypaw of Moi...

Monkeypaw of Moi..., originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Plain Jane, no makeup. No smiles, either. LOL!

Cliff, hot n' honky... Heee!

Cliff, hot n' honky... Heee!, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

I've been at him for MONTHS to try this moustache/beard combo. Sexy sexy sexy! Mmmm!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Limerick...

"Eat me! bwahahahaha!"

The Witch from the West,
was evil at best,
and no one dared call her a stunner;
green warty skin,
and monkey's as kin,
She was sad 'cause no one would tongue 'er.


The Witch from the West,
was wicked at best,
and no one dared call her a stunner;
broomstick in hand,
it turned out quite grand,
as she "rode" her way to a home runner.

Courtesy of Andrew, Linds and Cliff.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Just Watched...

"Hannibal" with Cliff... While we ate dinner. Needless to say it was not my idea to watch a movie about cannibalism, whilst chowing down on my vittles.

However, I did enjoy commenting after every scene that showed Lector leering at various humans going "And I bet you'd taste GRRRREAT!" (In retrospect, it's funny, how I didn't immediately categorize Lector's character as "human"; instead delegating him as "other".) I think this was merely to allieviate the discomfort of knowing that Hopkins was playing a character who's very actions and intent were so unbelievably immoral. I suppose you could call that "The Chandler Method".

We apparently OWN this DVD. I certainly didn't buy it. My proclivities lean towards comedies.

I am. Very. Disturbed. 15 minutes before the movie ends, peeking through fingers, I look over at Cliff and say, (rather pitifully, might I add) "I don't think I can watch this movie all the way through, Cliff!" I think he enjoyed watching me squirm.

I am NEVER going to eat sweetbreads. Ever. (Not that I'd ever do that in the first place...) That ranks right up there with tripe, liver and kidneys in the "Ew! Fucking EW!" category.

Oh. I will also never be able to hear the words "Okie-dokie" again without thinking about Dr. Lector and his penchant for long pig.

Don't get me wrong, great movie. Kudo's to Sir Anthony Hopkins for portraying a brilliant, but seriously mentally unhinged antagonist.

But I almost puked. A few times.