Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh Fish, Fishy, Fish, Fish, Fish...

I'm getting a present from my Mom, because she works at a pet store and I'm not allowed to have (due to space constraints and the fact that we're usually working more than home) a "real" pet.

So I'm getting 2 betta (siamese fighting fish) as a gift. One red, and one blue/purple. Obviously, due to their aggressive and territorial nature, I'm NOT keeping them in the same tank, since the delicate little buggers would butcher each other.

While sitting on my coffee break yesterday, inspiration! People eating sushi! I had a revelation, Asian fish, named "Sake" and "Wasabi". Both things pack a punch. Cute, humourous. Perfect. Great for fishes with temperment issues.

Then it hit me, like a mack truck, Dammit, these aren't japanese fish. They're Siamese ones. What language did they speak in Siam? Sanskrit. (Thank you, Anna and the King, and Suzie for remembering that...) Does Siam even exist? Nope, not anymore, it's now Thailand and the surrounding areas. What language did they speak in ancient Siam? Sanskrit.

Going with that theory, I looked up names in Sanskrit, for my wee angsty fishes. Meena is cute, it means "fish" in Sanskrit. You can't get any more literal than that, really. Except I'm getting male fish. Hrm. I don't want to gender confuse my guys.

In my profile, I admitted to collecting buddhas. I collect Fat, happy, Chinese style buddhas. Cliff made me a shelf at his work for my 11 or so figurines, and I wanted to put either tank on the ends of my shelf. Oh look! Boys names in Sankrit! How about "Siddartha" and "Gautama"? Siddartha means 'One who has accomplished his goal. A name of the Buddha. ', Gautama is literally 'the name of the Buddha.'

Since it's going on my buddha shelf, I figured, 'Hey, why not name them after buddha?' But wait! Siam/Thai buddhas are the slender, Indian style buddha. Dammit. Roadblocks everywhere!

So, my question for you folks, is thus.

Should I name my fish "Sake and Wasabi" or "Siddhartha and Gautama"?

Please, let me know your thoughts, I have until Saturday evening to name them.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I've been very busy the last 2 months. I suppose it shows, what with lack of posts.

I suppose... I should give you some small details from the things that have happened in the last while, since I've neglected this page, for quite some time.

As of 3 weeks ago, I was pregnant with my first child. Yes, a big, momentous event, indeed. I was thrilled. Cliff was beyond thrilled. My parents were totally stoked. Unfortunately, on June 11th, at 5 am, I lost my baby, three and a half months into my pregnancy.

I was leery of writing about being pregnant, mainly for the fact that I wasn't over my first trimester, and I wasn't comfortable discussing it in a fairly public venue. I'm still not too comfortable discussing it in a public venue, but maybe that might shed some light as to why I wasn't writing very much. Most of the time I was sleeping, bitchy (not a big change from the usual...) and when I wasn't sleeping, I was working. Or eating. Or bitching. Or massaging my sore feet. One of those, just pick one at random.

I was... Am... Highly traumatized by the whole event, even though I keep on telling myself to "Get over it". I don't really want to discuss it. I've learned more about my mental state, or lack thereof, more than ever in the past 3 weeks. I spent a week lying in bed, mourning the loss of my baby, and recuperating, and the last 2 weeks struggling to make ends meet from that week that I had to take off of work, that isn't covered by medical leave from my work despite my bosses best efforts to make it that way. Fun? No. Not so much.

It's been very hard for me, to contemplate writing in here, when all I've been trying to do is clear my thoughts, and remain calm and collected. I'm not doing a very good job. It's really difficult to maintain a happy face when my thoughts are so troubled and cluttered with grief.

Once again, the brightest spot in my life is Cliff, who outshines my highest hopes and expectations, giving me love, affection, devotion and support; and expecting nothing else other than for me to be myself in return. I am a very lucky woman.

If I don't return to write in here for a while, I'll beg your pardon for the bloggus interruptus. I'm still sorting through how I feel and for once, GSD doesn't feel like a welcome, reliable outlet to gush my feelings out into. Nothing personal of course, it's just that this whole scenario hurts too much for me to put out there for the whole world to dissect.

I'll see you guys on the flip flop, when I've waded out of the mire in my head, and back into Glamazon Shoe territory.