Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dear Guys: 5 Easy Things That Will Keep Your Woman Happy.

Okay gentlemen, Here's some free advice.

Women, despite popular male belief, are actually quite easy to keep happy, and the things that keep US happy are relatively the same things that keep YOU happy. This is my advice to my clueless guy friends that have women that are frustrated with them on a regular basis over simple things that could be easily remedied.

Keep in mind, that this is a 2 way street, things that are here are applicable FOR men as well.

1. Sex.~ Schtupp us on a regular basis. It's not an ordeal that should be compared to the Queen of England looking up at the ceiling and doing it for the good of the country. It's fun. It's SUPPOSED to be fun. Sure it's a little effort and a little sweat and... Other things... But hey, It's nookie. It's good for your skin, it's good for your soul, it's good for your heart and it keeps your relationship healthy. Get it on! As a bonus, you get the almighty "O" as well, so quit your bitching.

2. Compliments. ~ I don't mean gratuitous fawning, I mean a genuine and sincere sounding compliment every once in a while. You'd be surprised at how receptive your ladyfriend will be to things you suggest afterwards. Try "Wow! Your hair looks really nice today." or "You look great in that outfit." or "This dinner tastes fabulous! You really did a good job." Or the ever awesome "Have you lost weight? You look like you have." Was that so difficult? No. Would it break you to open your gob and let fly with a little verbal love? Nope.

3. If you're Pissed off about something, let us know and ask for space. We'll give it to you. Go eat a sammich and a cup of coffee, and guaranteed you'll feel better. Nothing is worse than a cranky bear of a man that is hungry. God help us, we don't want to get snarled at for something we didn't even know we did wrong because you're cranky.

4. Chores. We appreciate it when you get off of your ass and do something around the house instead of sitting in front of the idiot box watching hockey or baseball when we've been running around with the kids all weekend or at work or whatever it is we've been doing. We come home and the dishwasher has been unloaded and another load of dishes has been run through, or the bathroom garbage is empty or the floors have been mopped or the bookcase arranged properly. Try doing a load of laundry, and not just your stuff, do your kids clothes. DON'T wash our bras, we'll do that ourselves. Those things are tempermental as hell. If you do these things, we'll notice. You'll get kisses. If you're notoriously lazy or disorganized, a great website that teaches you baby steps is dudes can use it too, and after you've retrained yourself (it only takes 2 weeks to ingrain a new habit into your brain, it's not that difficult!) Hey if it can work on me, miss disorganized and messy, then it can work with you! Attack a clutter hotspot every day!!

5. Flowers. ~ All girls like flowers. Especially if we've been having a really bad day/week. They show you care and they show that you notice that we've been down in the dumps. (substitute electronics, beer or whatever else your dude of the manor appreciates for the guys.)

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