Saturday, December 18, 2004

Holy Hannah!

She's ALIVE!

And kicking too might I add.

I've been busier than anything lately, here's a brief rundown of the past month for me:

1. I quit my job.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I said "sayanora" to Safeway. No more belittling comments from supervisors, no more ridiculous rules that don't make sense to anyone but management, no more shifts spent in a blind panic knowing that they should have more than one person doing three peoples tasks at once, (and of course all done to perfection.) No thank-you.

I knew my company record with Safeway was more tarnished than Grandma's silverware, so I decided to go out with Panache. Yup yup, I gave em a whole two days notice. Whee fun. It would have been even MORE FUN to give them my notice two days before Christmas, but I'm not entirely evil... Really I'm not. I'm sure somewhere down the road that teeny bit of notice I gave them is gonna bite me in the ass somehow, but quite honestly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.

I'm still waiting on my Holiday Pay to be mailed to me from Calgary. That delay was making Christmas shopping a little tight, but I dipped into my Line of Credit a little to make ends meet.

2. Got a new job.

Three days after I quit working at Safeway, I was hired on the spot at a little European style bakery near where my old apartment is located, I walked in, dropped off my resume, and left with a job in a grand total of three minutes. Cool eh? As it stands, I get more hours than any other girl working front end in the place.

I took a three dollar cut in pay, but it's worth the loss in wages to save my sanity. The stuff this Baker makes is AMAZING, all real whipping cream, real butter. It's soooo dangerous to my waistline. I swear if it wasn't for my metabolism boosters I would be right back up to that magnificent size 26. (I'm a 16 right now.)

3. I Met a new man.

Yes, coincidentally enough, on the day I got a new job I ended up giving my number to a hottie that works in the restaurant downstairs from my new place of employment, and things have been gangbusters ever since. His three and a half year old son is very sweet, and seems to have taken a shine to me much to my delight. I'm just taking things one day at a time, and he's teaching me how to laugh at myself a little more, instead of taking everything so seriously.
I'm not counting my chickens, or looking at it in a negative frame of light either.

As it stands, I'm just content being around him and chilling out watching a movie. (Or like last night when I took care of him because he's really sick right now. I've always been a fan of Advil -- Cold and Sinus.)

It's all new for me to have a little boy tagging along with most of the stuff I do with my partner, but at the same time I'm totally enrapt watching how in love with his son he is, and how much of a good parent he is too.

4. I Spent Ten Thousand Dollars, in an hour and a half.

Yeah. I almost puked when I handed over my tuition bank draft for school on Thursday. That's more money than my brain can comprehend.

Now, I know I like to shop, but this was a little extreme, even for me.

The only consolation I can give myself for doing it was that I wouldn't be furthering myself if I didn't do it, and right now, it's all about me.

That's all I can think of off of the top of my head right now, Since I'm typing this out at Melissa's place...

At any rate, If I don't end up writing another entry in here before Christmas has come and gone, here's the phrase in my Christmas cards this year.

With wishes that the Joy of the Holiday
Season restores Hope in your soul.

(For those of you that don't know, hope is a word that means a lot to me, and not something that can be easily encompassed in words.)

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. I love you all.

Peace out.


1 comment:

Orion_skie said...

*HUGE HUGS* Thank you so much for filling us all in. I know that I kinda goaded you into a "Hey Linds, haven't read any good stuff lately...I'll bake you type."