Friday, August 18, 2006

Poor Little JonBenet...

Her story is one that the media has beaten into submission ten years ago, and still left unsolved.

I remember when I was younger, and my mother swore up and down that it was her parents that killed this little girl. And though they were still under the "umbrella of suspicion", they never quite came off as mourning parents, to anyone that viewed them on television. They always seemed very cold, and out for media attention.

Now someone has stepped up to bat for her murder, and it's a teacher. That, in and of itself is very saddening.

John Mark Karr admitted to drugging, molesting and then "accidentally" killing JonBenet, all the while claiming to police and media, that "I loved JonBenet.". You don't drug and molest a child if you love them.

He says "I was with JonBenet the night she died... The death was an accident." That doesn't necessarily mean that he actually committed the crime. That doesn't mean that he's telling the truth, either. Psychosis makes people say things, sometimes.

However, there have recently been glaring flaws in his stories to police. He has an alibi for the night of her murder, being his ex-wife, and there were no traces of drugs in Jonbenet's body during her autopsy.

This brings up the question: Why, WHY would you lie about murdering a little girl? Why, when you photograph, do you look straight into the camera, without a trace of shame on your face, for either the lie, or the actual death of a child? I feel sick.

This also brings up the question, that if he didn't murder Ms. Ramsey, then the person that did... Is still out there. If it's not Mr. Karr, and someone else, then that someone else slaughtered a little girl, and is walking around free, because John Mark Karr is presumed innocent until found guilty.

In truth, if he's the guilty party, then so be it, I'm relieved that someone that would toss someone's feelings, emotions and life away heedlessly for the sake of their own sick pleasure, gets what's coming to them. If not...

Well, he's admitted to doing these things, which means that he's psychologically unsound or he's lying for someone else. Questions remain, Why is he lying, and who is he lying for?

I don't envy investigators on this heartbreaking case.

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