Saturday, November 18, 2006

See, Speak, Hear. No Evil.

see, speak, hear.
Originally uploaded by Miss Linds.
A new addition to my collection, courtesy of Cliff.

I collect statues of The Chinese Buddha. Am I a Buddhist? No. I'm not really religious at all. So, the question remains, why do I collect them? Because Buddha is the only religious icon that is actually smiling... Plus he's fat and happy. There's something to be said about being fat, and happy with yourself, and still having the ability to find spiritual Nirvana and peace in yourself, no matter what you look like on the outside.

The other buddha he's given me, not pictured here, is a Kama Sutra buddha, with a lovely scene from the book carved into the bottom of a very rotund, (shall we say, Rubenesque...) Buddha.

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