Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is It Still The Honeymoon Phase?

Because I honestly couldn't be happier.

I know. I know. Fantastic relationships make poor humourous blog fodder. You always seem to smirk when I write scathing commentary about people/things with my ascerbic, sharp wit.

But I think I earned a bit of happiness, with a decent man that listens to me, and accepts me, laughs at how dorky I can be, COMMUNICATES, and tolerates the fact that I'm at work approximately 60 hours a week instead of spending my time with him.

Christmas is coming up. I expect that to be half again more work. *sighs*

I went out last night and introduced Cliff to Elizabeth, and I think he passed the grade. Regardless if he did or didn't, I'd still keep him.


This is the first actual weekend off that I've had in a couple of months, and I realize how incredibly much I needed it. Two days to spend with the people I love and doing the things I want to do. Wowzers.

I purchased a few Christmas presents this week, getting that arduous task underway is something that I usually don't enjoy... Correction, I LOVE buying stuff for people that they find totally personal and unique, it's just the atmosphere of "mall" at the start of the Christmas season that I don't like. I spend too much damned time in the mall as it stands, anyways.

Cliff and I plan to put up the tree and decorations next weekend... sometime. This will be the first holiday season I'll spend with a signifigant other since when I was dating my first boyfriend. I think I'll feel much more comfortable and loved with THIS boyfriend. We've agreed that we're visiting my family in the morning on Christmas day, and then going over to his sister's for dinner so I can meet the rest of his family.

I've got a few design jobs as well as my day job happening right now, some completed and some not so completed, one being a finished logo for an adult playspace, which looks pretty neat, if I say so myself, and my client is quite happy. A few photos that need to be touched up, (always nice for some extra cash) and a photo session with a friend of mine.

Glamour shots of myself from my professional photographer friend and co-worker, Heather, are scheduled sometime after christmas, and should be a blast on her big sexy red bed. Hell, if you guys are lucky, I might even post one or two tamer photos.


So tell me, what's new with you?

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