Tuesday, February 27, 2007



So I've been permanantly laid off of my job due to "Corporate restructuring" which is a nice way of saying "We have stores that don't make enough money for us so we're canning them". Ironically enough, lost my job because of I'm good at my job and became management. There aren't any Assistant Manager positions available due to the number of stores closing and the reshuffling of staff from said "restructuring", and I haven't had enough experience with managing to be entitled to a location of my own.

Well fine, then. *pouts*

This sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks. My last day is tomorrow. Eugh. I've never been fired before. (Though technically, laid off is not considered fired... It's tantamount to the exact damned thing...) I found out on the 21st that I was getting laid off, but stayed until the 28th in order to get my severance pay. A week's notice. How lovely and oh so considerate. That being said, losing my job this way, looks better than getting fired because I'm incompetent and don't know how to do it in the first place.

However, I've had an interview this past Saturday with a small, local company that produces well known art for the "Nouveau Riche" in the Lower Mainland. Now, my interview seemed to go well, and I'm awaiting the reply from the company owner, with a mixture of trepidation and a little excitement... If I get it, it's going to be a neat experience, with potential room for expansion.

That being said, the nervousness comes from the fact that I'm not the sort of person that goes from one job to another without having it under my belt in the first place. It's unnerving.

I'm also, at this point in time, really, quite incredibly stoned on cough syrup. I'm Freezing cold and sweating, hyper as hell and trembling like a leaf at the same time, with a nice, dry barking cough that must incur lust in the strongest and most willful of men. My voice, sounds like Patty and Selma went on a binge-drinking, super-smoking, music-so-loud-you-have-to-shout-over-it Par-tay!

M'eh. It's time for dinner. Hopefully things work out the way I hope they do, and if not, you'll see me armed with a squeegee harassing the passengers and drivers of SUV's on Main Street and Terminal Drive, to wash their windows with urine tainted water.


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