Thursday, February 08, 2007

Friday 15, Because 5 Isn't Enough, Dammit!

1. What is one thing you always have with you?

A hair elastic or three. My hair is still in the "growing out phase" and requires brutal dominance to do what I want it to do at times.

2. What are two things on your night-table (or next to your bed)?

A Bottle of water and my beside lamp for reading at night.

3. What are three things you learned in the last seven days?

i) I really needed a vacation.
ii) Love grows stronger every day you're with someone wonderful.
iii) It gets boring when you don't entertain yourself enough.

4. What are four things parents always have to tell you?

i) Clean your room!
ii) Do your homework!
iii) Call if you're going to be late!
iv) Be Careful! ( I heard this from my dad on a regular basis growing up.)

5. What are five things you paid for in the last month?

Bus Fare, cigarettes, Food, Pop/water/juice, and a book.

6. How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning?

I have an adjustable snooze setting on my alarm clock, so it's set to go off every 15 minutes. My alarm goes off at 6:45 am, and I get out of bed at 8 am., so 5 times.

7. How many cousins do you have?

I'm assuming we're talking 1st generation cousins. I have a big family.

Dad's side: Shannon & Andrew, Curtis, Ashley & Christopher.
Mom's Side: Dan & Ken, Sylvie & Paul, Peter & Eric.

8. How many bones have you broken?

None. I have had to wear a splint for muscle damage on my pinky finger when I slammed into a tree riding my bike, and also had to wear a cast from someone pushing me down an incline when I was younger, which bent my wrist completely backwards on my left hand.

9. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

We don't want to go there. I am a shoe whore. Payless Shoes is my crack cocaine.

Approximately 5 pairs of runners, 4 pairs of various sandals, 5 pairs of vintage style stilettos/heels, 3 pairs of boots, (2 mid shin and 1 pair knee high) and a couple pair of junker shoes that do well for camping etc.

10. How many things that belong in the kitchen are in your bedroom?

None. Surprise!

11. What word do you use far too frequently?

"Fuck" or variations thereof... Fucked. Fucking. Fucker. Fucks. Fuckable. I'm such a dainty lady.

It's just such an awesomely versatile and powerful word; It's verb, noun, adjective, descriptor, exclamation, emphasis word... It can be used in so many different ways. It can even be used to accent itself! "You fucking fuck!" is always one of my favourite nastier snipes at inanimate objects. All of which I shouldn't use in front of my Grandma. (And usually don't.)

My favourite fridge magnet I've got on the fridge says: "I suppose saying Fuck you would be unprofessional?"

Be afraid for my children, dear ones. They are going to be the kids that have a shirt that says something like "My dad could kick your dad's ass!" or "All daddy wanted was a blow job." I'm well on my way to being honky Surrey white trash.

12. What word do you use not frequently enough?

"Please.", when asking for things. Though I try my best to be polite at all times, "Please" is usually inferred in the tone of my voice when I'm asking for something, however, I shouldn't assume that people can always tell that.

13. What word do you use when swearing is not appropriate?

"Eff!" It works well at work when I've slammed my shin into something.

14. What’s the most recent new word you learned?

Crap. I learned a new word a few days ago, but I've forgotten it.

15. What’s a word you’ve invented?

I was chatting with Cliff in the car about something a few days ago, but I can't remember what it was anymore. I know I made a mashup of two words, but it was so dorky I think my brain has blocked it out. I'll have to ask him.

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