Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stolen from Sara...

Q: Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
A: Eugh. No, thank god.

Q: What would you do with 1000 plastic spoons?
A: Melt them down and make one GIANT plastic spoon.

Q: What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
A: New Kids On The Block. I had no taste. Step by Step, Ooooh Baby...

Q: What is the best thing about your current job?
A: That I get holidays. Sweet, sweet holidays. And decent benefits.

Q: Do you wish cellphone etiquette was a required class upon purchasing one?
A: YES! The number of people advertising personal information at top volume in public places is astonishing.

Q: What's the most messed up food combination that you've had that was actually good?
A: Strawberry Jam and Aged Cheddar cheese.

Q: Where are you going on your next vacation?
A: Home sweet home. I have heaps to do, and it's not technically a vacation since I'm working my OTHER job. At least it uses a different part of my brain.

Q: Are most of your friends new or old?
A: Most are friends I've known for 8 years or more.

Q: What's one of your most random pet peeves (something that annoys you)?
A: People who tell me their life story when I just want to know what the fuck they are looking to buy. Note to person: I may pretend that I'm listening, but really I'm visualizing what Homer Simpson sees about Chocolate town in my head and ocassionally going "Oh!", "Mmmhmmm...", "I'm sorry to hear that." and "Yeah, I hate it when that happens."

Q: What do you wish someone would buy you?
A: The winning lottery ticket.

Q: What are you wearing right now?
A: a blue and white horizontal pinstriped 3/4 sleeve double v neck T, and blue jeans, Undies n' stuff.

Q: When is the last time you had Mom's home cooking?
A: Christmas Day I had some sausage rolls she made. They were yummy.

Q: Do you like your parents?
A: Yes.

Q: Tell us about the last conversation you had.
A: Blabbing with the boyfriend over some groceries and how awesome cool the clearance store near my work is.

Q: Where do you see yourself in one month?
A: Back at work. Potentially a NEW work, depending on how I feel after my holidays.

Q: What is your favorite smell?
A: The boyfriend wearing Eternity Night by Calvin Klein. Satsuma orange, Chocolate.

Q: What do people label you as?
A: Nice. Sometimes nice enough to be walked all over, especially by subordinates at work.

Q: Do you consider yourself bipolar?
A: No, I don't think so. Potentially? Ergh.

Q: What's your current problem?
A: Cramps. and the fact that I feel really cold. Ow. Brrr.

Q: What are you doing right now?
A: Doing a Meme, lounging on the bed, being satisfied with the birthday present I made for the BF's sis, and hoping that she'll like it. Contemplating a nap. Hearing the hockey game from the living room, smelling spaghetti sauce on the stove being made, .

Q: What's one type of person that really bothers you?
A: People that talk when I'd like some quiet.

Q: What's one type of person that you enjoy being around?
A: Open, optimistic people.

Q: What random things make you happy?
A: BF cuddles, Happy movies, chai tea, Vanilla lattes, chocolate, beef, oral sex, sleeping in, country music, vampire romance novels, pretty shiny things, being creative, love.

Q: If you could go back and change something, what would it be?
A: More than likely, it would be going to college. Sometimes I think that was the worst decision I've ever made in my life. Sad, huh?

Q: If you could be any animal or creature for one day, what would it be?
A: A cat. Things would smell so neat, and exploring would be fun.

Q: Ever had a near death experience?
A: Not that I'm aware of.

Q: Name one obvious quality you have?
A: Sweetness.

Q: What are some song lyrics you have stuck in your head right now?
A: None, surprisingly enough.

Q: Are you happy today?
A: Every day I've been with Cliff, I've seen what happiness is.

Q: Do you believe in Heaven?
A: I'm not sure.

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