Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Lyrics to one of the best songs on Alicia Keys diary of Alicia Keys

She sounds very Motown. Actually, it sounds very similar to the beginning of "You make me feel like a natural Woman." I had to listen to Aretha Franklin's song, to get the connection. But I still dig it.

"If I Ain't Got You" A. Keys

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

Some people search for a fountain
Promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them

And in a world on a silver platter
And wondering what it means
No one to share, no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

If I ain't got you with me baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby

A cheer for Cancers...

And I mean the astrological sign. People born under the sign Cancer, around this time of month actually, tend to be my favourite people to associate with. Humorous, intelligent, emotional and sensitive. I can dig it.

One of my best friends, Ryan, who just recently came back into town, i see him about four months out of the year. He's a Cancer. His birthday is at the end of June, and I could honestly say, he's probably the only man I connect with on almost every single level except sexually.
Dave, He's a cancer too,a close friend, our conversations usually consisting soley of teasing and banter.
Josee, an old co worker of mine, who I would deliberately take my coffee break with at the end of her shift, and I swear, that I would have tears running down my face by the end of my break from laughing so hard. Unfortunately for me, Josee moved to Fort McMurray, and I haven't seen her in about six months.
Devin, well, I adore that man. For my own reasons, which He cant see, or chooses not to see, or maybe even does see. I don't know anymore. Regardless of what goes on between us, I've never stopped. I don't think I ever will.

Lately I've been listening to Alicia Keys, "Diary of Alicia Keys" album. It's quite good, and for the frame of mind I've been in lately I'm not sure if it is helping or making things worse. She sings about love. Like most singers do, but almost all of her songs are about it. A few of her songs are quite similar to the first album she put out, being "Songs in A Minor" which was very good as well. Somehow Alicia, put a spin on it this time, maybe because her first album was designed to be more acceptable to every group, but this time it makes her sound more, well... Black I guess, for lack of a better term. There's some funk tossed in there, like the song "Heart burn" which amusingly enough in my head the first few times I heard it, I couldn't shake the notion of it being a commercial for Pepto Bismol. (Tastes so good, makes my stomach ache? LOL!)

Other than that, it's totally funkedelic, and quite enjoyable. *shrugs* The porno style bowmp chicka bowmp bowmp, guitar in it is another reason to dig it. Another song on it titled, "When you really Love Someone" that is reminiscent of "A Womans Worth" from her first album. Similar, but obviously not identical. All in all, it seems like a good album, but it's one that I bought on impulse, listened to it for the first time, kinda went, "Naaaah..." And put it on the shelf for a few months. I decided to give it a second try. It grows on you. Sorta like those warts the doctor said needed to be burned off.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I like them complacent and weeping....

The penguins I mean. These birds take a licking and keep right on ticking.

I'm talking about the Yeti Games that I was introduced to about six months ago. They're fun little games where I actually felt bad for beating the shit out of these penguins with my Yeti ice baseball bat, and seeing how far I could wail on these motherfuckers. Yet somehow, it was addictive. For a while. Now it seems there has been a spin off on the original game, you can twirl them around like the hammer in PE class and launch them up a ice covered gorge (Yes, I know. How erotic...) Or, (magically enough!) Penguins and Yeti are transported to Africa, where you play golf using a Flamingo. (A Flamingo?)... Whatever. And smash the poor buggers into the ground, or trees, or Elephants and Giraffes for that matter.

Anyways, it's as good a thing to play to kill time as any other, and the games are easy enough to play once you get the hang of them. Check it out at And go smash the shit out of some penguins.

That's what those stupid birds get for not being able to fly.

"Nothing like an Abominable Snowman to leave the men scared, and the women longing for furry Yeti goodness." ~Travis

Monday, June 28, 2004

Medieval Me.

Now, when i was younger, and still do actually, I read quite a few fantasy novels. It's one of my favourite type of books to read.

Tonight I went and attended a medieval society dance lesson. What a riot. I'm planning on going again, and again, AND again, until I get the steps down pat.

Also, while I was there, Mel, the girl that introduced me to this group of people. Told me that they are looking for female archers. As far as I can recall, I was a damned good archer in PE class in highschool. Lets just say that my curiousity is definitely peaked. AND The society will be holding a "war" in mid September. I'm stoked. I'm planning on attending a few archery practises, and seeing how well I can pull it off. If I'm skilled enough, you bet your solid gold arse that I'm going to get as much practise in there as possible till September, and attending that war to compete. (And hopefully win.) I've always had a soft spot for the archers, bards, and the elves in those novels of mine. All I can picture is me in my dark brown suede pants, a pair of knee high black boots, a white scoop neck blouse and a corset laced up so damned tight, that it makes my tits look great. Not to mention a bow, and a quiver full of arrows.

So yeah, I'm a nerd. Deal with it. Just don't stand in front of me, when I've got that bow pulled tight.

What I did on my summer Vacation.... Oh boy do I need a vacation.

It's been a week or so since my last post, I've been a busy girl.

I had one of my best friends over on Saturday night, Crystal is a girl I met in Math class about eight years ago in grade ten or so, and we've been through so much shit in our relationship, (As in getting into it. Oh lord have we done stupid stuff. LOL.) and having been separated for a few years because of separate romantic relationships, etc, but the best part is that when we hook up again, we slide back into our regular routine. Like nothing ever happened, and to me, that means that she is a true friend.

Crystal and I, Had a great conversation Saturday afternoon, about men and relationships. Men don't seem to realize that apart from all the romantic shit that they THINK we want, all we want are the simple things. The things that make us feel appreciated. Like a phone call at night to say goodnight if you don't happen to live together. Just a phone call. But most men, at least in both her and my scenario's, don't do that. Actually in most of my friends relationships, they don't do that. I'm in a rather difficult position right now relationship wise, where the ONLY person I want to be with the most is too far away for it to be feasible, and also, too busy to give me a response to anything I send him, being text messages, or emails, phone calls or online messages. And it's heartbreaking.

It's not to say I don't understand. Actually, I completely understand. I can't really imagine myself content with anyone else. I probably shouldn't even be writing this in here, but the moment I saw his picture in Hot or not of all places, I was captivated. And its this stupid feeling of a girl in love, the vulnerability that I absolutely despise, that is part of the reason why I'm so frustrated. The anguished longing where I tell myself that I don't fucking care if he responds, but damnit. I do. Over the last month, He's been working SO much that I get maybe five minutes a week to communicate with him for actual conversation, and a couple sentences tossed in here or there on Yahoo or MSN messenger. It's not really my fault or his. I can't lay blame anywhere, and I've been trying to keep myself so busy lately to distract myself from his absence.

I've got people interested in me here. But honestly, my heart isn't in it. And it makes me feel horrible. They are decent guys, I don't know exactly how they feel about me, and tossing them into the mix, or making them second choice when I know who I want to be with is really fucking with my head. And also completely unfair to them. The burning sense of loneliness, when I know I could have someone here, is fucking with my head too. I'm terribly confused. Matters of the heart are the most complicated of all, because love really does fuck with your judgment. It's also the strongest, most amazing emotion of all. I don't like finding solace in the arms of others. I don't like being deceptive that way.

At this point in time, I'm so flippin confused, that I don't know what to do. I'm caught on the edge of despair, and clinging to hope. I don't know if I should give up entirely, although it would hurt both himself and I immensely, but I'm torn.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

What's shakin' Bacon?

Well, back to work today and other than the teasing about me trying to become some hot fresh buns...(Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can hear the comments already.) It was fairly uneventful. Almost pleasant. Almost.

I've found myself listening to Evanescence a lot, having borrowed it from a friend a few weeks ago and have had it in my Discman quite frequently since then. The music seems to put me in a melancholy mood, not surprising since Amy Lee, with her phenomenal vocals, has dark lyrics. She sorta reminds me of some psychotic pixie, or elfin type of gal, facially anyways. And actually, in her latest music vid, she puts on a few different persona's selling products called "Lies". She's actually quite pretty, in a freaky sort of way. I can't quite mimic her voice perfectly, but CAN hit the notes she does, so I put my own spin on it. I find myself belting it out along with her in my Apartment, or on the bus or street for that matter. The combination of her Operatic vocals and the distorted metal of the guitar, seem to appeal to me. Pretty damned good for a band that used to be hardcore Christian.

The Roomie has gone house sitting for two weeks for a friend that's gone to England, to watch her cat. The moving date for her and I is approaching quickly. It's only one floor up and down the other end of the building, so it shouldn't be a difficult move, by any means. I'm getting excited about decorating the new pad up, and she quite handily tossed me a home decorating mag that she got in the mail from Home Depot or somesuch place... I think I'll take a gander at it sometime in the next few days, and see what this brain of mine can conjure up.

I found my new favourite perfume. Hypnotic Poison by Christian Dior. Fuck, dude, this stuff rocks! It's got a very unique fragrance. It's pricy though. I'm sure I attracted the saleslady's attention at the Bay in my "Erotic" hoodie and jeans and runners, more for the fact that she thought I was going to rip it off, than be interested in buying it. I didn't however. (Buy it or rip it off.) Maybe another day, when I've got a hundred bucks to burn. A little too much to stink pretty.

Annnnyways, it's off to Karaoke tonight, Mizz Liz is hosting, and its always fun to play kamikaze Karaoke when she's spinning the discs. Last time it was "I'm a slave 4 u" by Brittany Spears. Good Lord. I swore I wouldn't sing that after the first time I sang it. It's fun to sing along with in the car. That's about it. *smirk* See Y'all on the flip side.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

It's ALL good...

It was an hour and a half wait before I could even see the doctor and the worst choice in footwear to walk around the mall I've ever chosen, being my supah high 3.5" heeled club boots. BUT, It's all good Kids. Like I thought, other than being sausage like and not to pretty at the moment, (Although the swelling HAS gone down lots) and I'm all broken bone free. Hooray!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

a cocktail for/of me.

How to make a Linds

1 part mercy

5 parts brilliance

5 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Lets try to keep my fingers attached today, Thanks.

At the best of times, I'm never graceful. Actually, I'm quite clumsy, with moments of brilliance that make people think I'm graceful. The reason I'm saying this is because on Saturday, I tried to remove my left index and middle finger at work. Fun stuff. Without getting too technical, because you really do have to understand the machinery that I was working on, I basically got those fingers squished between a very strong compression plate on the top, and a moving belt that had cup shaped holes in it, which was underneath my hands, and my fingers were IN, that had a large, sharp, "screw" shaped object, because Kaiser buns have that swirl on the top of them right? That was probably a millimeter from my fingertips... How it missed my fingers, I haven't the slightest. But I'm friggin lucky. Combine that with about 40 to 60 pounds of hydraulic pressure, from the compression plate, and it scared the hell out of me.

So my doctor at the clinic isn't letting me work until my x-rays come back, and in the meanwhile, It looks like I've got sausages attached to my hand. I don't think anything is seriously wrong with them other than being swollen and a little bruised. I can bend them, but they do feel really odd. And sometimes in the evening, I get a shooting pain in my knuckles. But I can type and I'm pretty sure I can do the shit I need to do at work, I'm not all that confident that THAT much exercise will be beneficial to my fingers just yet but I'm willing to try.

I accidentally left my phone on silent this morning, and when I woke up, I had a message from a rather stern sounding woman from the Workers Compensation Board on there. I think they will accept my claim. I've heard of bakers doing the same darned thing that have 20 years of experience. I would cross my fingers. But that might hurt.

On another note. Yesterday, I was the WebMistress yet again designing pages for my "friends" website. She's a professional domme, (Yes, for all you kids out there that don't know what I'm talking about that's S&M and Domination and submission.) Now. I am by no means a professional at website design. But I'm damned proud of myself. I worked HARD at this website and it's getting recognition. By professional domme lists. I did everything on this site, including photography and subsequent editing on photoshop, colour scheme, creative writing and editing, and refining the logo, that my mom did the basis of. This website has been added to THREE professional Domme/Domina lists. And its nice to know that I can impress professionals. It makes me feel like my hard work, and trust me I worked on this thing for hours upon hours... Is going to go somewhere.

I've done Advertising dressed up in a Naughty nurse costume for this website at fetish events, true, it was basically an excuse to go drool over some PVC Clad hotties, and dance all dirty-like, but mostly Solo to the awesome tunes, drink and glow from head to foot in blacklights... But I did do some mingling with the attendee's, and left big ol stacks of business cards at the bar and the entrance/exit. Whilst my partner-in-crime, shmoozed to her hearts content and learned some interesting things from other pro domme's in the lower mainland. So if you are curious, go check it out.

Alright kids. I gotta go put my contacts in. It's hard to type four inches from the screen. But the power of Blog compels me.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Well, well, well.

And so begins the start of my blogging. Fabulous! This is something I've been contemplating for quite a while now, it was suggested by a few friends, that know me, that find me entertaining and amusing enough in chats and in real life, that know that I can write quite well. They think that my opinions are valid, but thats niether here nor there... lol. thats up to you kids. I LOVE getting comments. So by all means. Feel free. I enjoy entertaining people, so it's up to me to differentiate what I decide to disclose on this. It's going to be a great learning process. I'm looking forward to it...and to top it all off, I'm doing it naked. (Well sorta...) Giddyup. It's 30 degrees Celcius here in the shade, (The hottest it's been in ages) and I don't friggin' well care if I'm clad in bra and khaki's. Nor, the fact that my blinds are open. Hell, I want a breeze. My socially inept neighbors across the alley can get their voyeuristic kicks off all they want...