Thursday, June 24, 2004

What's shakin' Bacon?

Well, back to work today and other than the teasing about me trying to become some hot fresh buns...(Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can hear the comments already.) It was fairly uneventful. Almost pleasant. Almost.

I've found myself listening to Evanescence a lot, having borrowed it from a friend a few weeks ago and have had it in my Discman quite frequently since then. The music seems to put me in a melancholy mood, not surprising since Amy Lee, with her phenomenal vocals, has dark lyrics. She sorta reminds me of some psychotic pixie, or elfin type of gal, facially anyways. And actually, in her latest music vid, she puts on a few different persona's selling products called "Lies". She's actually quite pretty, in a freaky sort of way. I can't quite mimic her voice perfectly, but CAN hit the notes she does, so I put my own spin on it. I find myself belting it out along with her in my Apartment, or on the bus or street for that matter. The combination of her Operatic vocals and the distorted metal of the guitar, seem to appeal to me. Pretty damned good for a band that used to be hardcore Christian.

The Roomie has gone house sitting for two weeks for a friend that's gone to England, to watch her cat. The moving date for her and I is approaching quickly. It's only one floor up and down the other end of the building, so it shouldn't be a difficult move, by any means. I'm getting excited about decorating the new pad up, and she quite handily tossed me a home decorating mag that she got in the mail from Home Depot or somesuch place... I think I'll take a gander at it sometime in the next few days, and see what this brain of mine can conjure up.

I found my new favourite perfume. Hypnotic Poison by Christian Dior. Fuck, dude, this stuff rocks! It's got a very unique fragrance. It's pricy though. I'm sure I attracted the saleslady's attention at the Bay in my "Erotic" hoodie and jeans and runners, more for the fact that she thought I was going to rip it off, than be interested in buying it. I didn't however. (Buy it or rip it off.) Maybe another day, when I've got a hundred bucks to burn. A little too much to stink pretty.

Annnnyways, it's off to Karaoke tonight, Mizz Liz is hosting, and its always fun to play kamikaze Karaoke when she's spinning the discs. Last time it was "I'm a slave 4 u" by Brittany Spears. Good Lord. I swore I wouldn't sing that after the first time I sang it. It's fun to sing along with in the car. That's about it. *smirk* See Y'all on the flip side.

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