Friday, April 07, 2006

Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!

Song of the moment: "Da, Da, Da." by Trio

Not much to report. I am in a very interesting mood today, which shall be evident as you progress through this entry.

I watched the newest Harry Potter flick yesterday, and I was torn between liking it and thinking that the part of Dumbledore played by Michael Gambon was a bit bizarrely done. He runs a few too many times to be convincing as a 70-some year old man, and his hands shake too often during scenes to be the confident, aware and softly spoken headmaster that I've read in the book. The movie was poorly re-cast for certain characters, I think.

Of course, I haven't seen the 2nd and 3rd Harry Potter movies, so I was hoping that Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter would as have learned how to act in the last 4 years. Sadly, it is not to be. Emma Watson as Hermione, and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley however have done very well.

That being said, I was hard pressed not to lick my laptop screen whenever Stanislav Ianevski (Victor Krum) appeared in the movie. I don't care if he's barely 20. Really, I don't. He can still be naked excepting being wrapped in a bow and given to me for my birthday, thank-you very much. He is Older than 19, and therefore fair game. Yes, I am a pervert.

I picked up The Da Vinci Code today in paperback, and I'm sure it'll get finished by tomorrow evening.

Book wormy- geekness aside... I hate my job. No big deal. Actually, I'd LOVE my job... If I got a bigger paycheque.

I am poor. I dislike being poor. No big surprise. I am secretly a rich, elitist woman inside my poor woman's clothing. Uhm...

I just had a strip of red and white tape wrapped around my arm at work, and after having it placed there, looked at it and retorted "I feel like a Nazi with this thing... Actually, more like a Jew." I'm sure that is not the most politically incorrect thing that will come out of my mouth today, and it is probably offensive.

Yeah. that's about all to report, excepting that I was woken up by my moronic crackerjack roommate Dave, this morning (at 8am) with the shrill vocals of Robert Plant and mellifluous electric strains of Jimmy Paige on guitar, echoing through the house. despite it being good music, I was not happy to be woken up in such a manner.

I now have cemented in my mind, my decision to move.

That is all.

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