Sunday, April 02, 2006

Only In My Life, I Swear.

I live in the ultimate bachelor pad. By this, I mean I live in a gigantic house sharing the upper floor with three single men and one attached man. There is a pool table, a very good stereo system with many many albums to choose from, a fantastic entertainment system and a belowground swimming pool in my back yard. It's pretty sweet.

My landlord, Greg, had a few friends over last night for dinner and drinks. Not unusual, being that he's a very social guy, and has a varied assortment of friends that come over, eat food, drink a lot of wine/beer, play pool, talk loudly, listen to the stereo at high volumes, and go swimming (though, the swimming is usually in the summer.)

At any rate, after 11:30 pm, the music gets turned down, to allow for the residents of the house, all of which have different work schedules, (some start at 4 am) to get some rest. No big deal. it's a common respect thing when we know that we have to work. I was up reading until midnight anyways, so it wasn't any skin off of my nose.

Greg got drunk last night. Very drunk. Greg crashed and burned in his room at about midnight, after all his friends have left.

Now, I'm assuming that you all know I'm blind without glasses or contacts. I wear them all the time if I want to see things more than half a foot away from my face. Obviously, I don't wear them while sleeping. (This isn't random facts, this plays a part in my story.)

I was sprawled on my bed, fast asleep, when I heard my bedroom door open. I sleep heavily, but somehow am able to wake up immediately when I hear a noise that I feel isn't normal. Groggy and muzzy headed, I wonder "Who the fuck is opening my bedroom door?"

There stands Greg. Naked as the day he was born, albeit MUCH hairier than that auspicious day, and very fuzzy, due to the fact that without my glasses, it's like looking through grease smeared glass. he sat on my bed, presumably because he thought it was his. Needless to say, this freaked me out somewhat.

I managed to say "Greg?" clearly enough, and the light dawned across his face. He realized, "Wait a second, this isn't MY ROOM!" and he slurred out, Oh my god! Linssshy, I'm shorry, I went to the wrong room! forget thish even happened!" He got up off my bed and stumbled/ran out the door, closing it behind him.

*sighs*. I haven't talked to him yet today, but rest assured, I'm going to tease him mercilessly about it when I get home.

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