Thursday, June 01, 2006

Gargh! (Rant)

Attention anyone that owns a Razr cell phone. (excepting Sara, because I adore her.)

We get it, it's trendy. Trendy, trendy, trendy. Except for the fact that EVERYBODY has one. EVERY-BODY. And their goddamned dog.

Also, The same goes for Bluetooth headsets. You guys look like retards talking to yourselves. This is directed at the fuckheads in the bank/mall/store/shower shrieking into your headsets, because you dont think the people on the other end of the phone can hear you. You're really damned rude, you know that?

I visualize blowing your heads off with shotguns.

You do not look cool. You should realize that the moment you drop The Razr on a hard surface, it will shatter into a MILLION pieces. You should realize that once you put that swanky leather case on the phone, that you will never EVER get it off, and I will laugh at you. Laugh, I say.

Also, just because the Uberwhore Paris Hilton has a pink razr, That doesn't mean that you ladies out there have to emulate her. Please, refrain from copying Paris Hilton, unless you want to walk around like a poster child for STD's. Short flippy skirts, peroxide hair with dark roots, travelling in packs in the "Oh my god, like, we're in the mall!", This is not attractive.

Try to be original.

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