Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Long Time Gone...

I know, I know. I've been busy, Okay?

Look mom, I'm sorry I haven't written in a week. Things just sort of popped up, and now I've finally gotten the free time.

Like what? Well, let's see. I got a promotion at work, after working for minimum wage for almost 11 months, I'm finally classified assistant manager, making assistant pay, instead of doing all the tasks and making sales associate wages.

My District manager gave me a bunch of compliments which was so flattering and really nice. He said I was more than intelligent enough to have a store to myself in approximately mid-2007. Yeah. I'm excited. It's a lot of pressure but I think I'll be able to manage it.

Yeah, actually, I have been seeing someone. I've been dating a man named Cliff, going on a month now.

Yeah, you'd like him. He's a real nice guy. Yeah, he's got a good job, and a good heart. Plus he can cook like nobodies business... I'm actually eating vegetables on a regular basis now. You'd be proud of me.

Yeah, he's handsome. All lanky and tall with dark hair and blue-blue-blue eyes. He's got a lot of character to his face, and great smile lines around his eyes. He does flytying, for a hobby, just like grandpa did. He's pretty good at it, too. He loves fishing.

He's a bit older than I am...

Yeah, older. Is that a problem?

What do you mean no comment? You've always got an opinion. I had to learn it from somebody, right? Bah, whatever.

Of course I'm happy. He treats me really well. I feel spoiled.

I met him at work. He was a regular customer and I guess he dug me more than he originally let on... I feel like I'm not the "usual" girls he goes for, when he goes for them, though.

Well, I'm a bigger girl. He's tall and lanky and slender, like I said. He's probably had his fair share of girls that are slender and curvy and blonde, and here I am, dumpy, curvy and brunette. I feel kinda inadequate. Not that he's really looking at other girls or anything. He's really devoted. It's so different than everyone else I've dated.

Thanks mom. But you have to say I'm pretty. Your my mom.

Pregnant?! Babies?! Christ, I've been dating him for a month, how about you ask me that when I've been dating him a few years? Jeez. No pressure, really!

I know, I know. You want grandkids. *rolls her eyes* How about I actually get to know him a little bit more before I get knocked up? Sound good?

No, I haven't found an apartment yet. Andrew decided to be my room mate, and he's been doing a good job of looking for apartments in the papers and stuff. I'm going to view a couple of them on Wednesday, during the morning, to see if they are decent. If he can get the day off, he's going to come with.

I'm seeing if I can extend my stay another 15 days at the place I'm at currently, so that I can fit it all in with my additional workload and some design work I've got going on.

I actually should be packing now, because I've got two days off in a row, and I need to get it going.

Okay, well I hope you're doing all right, and I'll talk to you sometime soon.

No, I won't be so long in between writing, if I can help it.

Okay. I love you too.


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