Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow Snow, Snow....

And I avoided it all last night by curling up with my man, with the gas furnace on full blast, and bags full of fuzzy peach candies, chocolate (dark gourmet for me, white gourmet for him), Hot cocoa, and smokiedogs.

Oh yes. Life is good.

Weirdest comment from someone I know sort of well ever...

I went for coffee early in the evening, last night with Crystal, and on the way through browsing London Drugs, we ran into someone that works in an adjacent store to mine in the mall.

Someone that had been on one or two impromptu dates with Cliff in the past, (which doesn't bother me one bit) and is pretty happy that he has found someone who appreciates him.

She asks what I'm doing there, I introduce my girlfriend, say that we're out for coffee and to do some pre-Xmas window shopping. With her is her sister, and her 7 month old niece, who I've had the priviledge of cuddling.

What can I say, I've got babies on the brain the last six months (Okay, a year.). Cut me some slack.

She looks at her neice, and says "Okay, let's go find 'Cars', and see if it's any less expensive here. That sounds like a PREGNANT idea." while looking directly at me.

Baffled, I look at Crystal after she's left and go, "Did she just say that sounded like a "Pregnant" idea, or am I hearing things?"

Crystal: "No. She said that... It was weird."

Me: "That's waaaayyy too weird. I wonder where that came from?"

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Mazel, Mazel!!

I've just been informed that I will be an Auntie (again) come August 2007.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

For All My American Friends Out There...

Happy American Thanksgiving...

You know, us Canadians are ahead of the times...

We had ours last month.



Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is It Still The Honeymoon Phase?

Because I honestly couldn't be happier.

I know. I know. Fantastic relationships make poor humourous blog fodder. You always seem to smirk when I write scathing commentary about people/things with my ascerbic, sharp wit.

But I think I earned a bit of happiness, with a decent man that listens to me, and accepts me, laughs at how dorky I can be, COMMUNICATES, and tolerates the fact that I'm at work approximately 60 hours a week instead of spending my time with him.

Christmas is coming up. I expect that to be half again more work. *sighs*

I went out last night and introduced Cliff to Elizabeth, and I think he passed the grade. Regardless if he did or didn't, I'd still keep him.


This is the first actual weekend off that I've had in a couple of months, and I realize how incredibly much I needed it. Two days to spend with the people I love and doing the things I want to do. Wowzers.

I purchased a few Christmas presents this week, getting that arduous task underway is something that I usually don't enjoy... Correction, I LOVE buying stuff for people that they find totally personal and unique, it's just the atmosphere of "mall" at the start of the Christmas season that I don't like. I spend too much damned time in the mall as it stands, anyways.

Cliff and I plan to put up the tree and decorations next weekend... sometime. This will be the first holiday season I'll spend with a signifigant other since when I was dating my first boyfriend. I think I'll feel much more comfortable and loved with THIS boyfriend. We've agreed that we're visiting my family in the morning on Christmas day, and then going over to his sister's for dinner so I can meet the rest of his family.

I've got a few design jobs as well as my day job happening right now, some completed and some not so completed, one being a finished logo for an adult playspace, which looks pretty neat, if I say so myself, and my client is quite happy. A few photos that need to be touched up, (always nice for some extra cash) and a photo session with a friend of mine.

Glamour shots of myself from my professional photographer friend and co-worker, Heather, are scheduled sometime after christmas, and should be a blast on her big sexy red bed. Hell, if you guys are lucky, I might even post one or two tamer photos.


So tell me, what's new with you?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

See, Speak, Hear. No Evil.

see, speak, hear.
Originally uploaded by Miss Linds.
A new addition to my collection, courtesy of Cliff.

I collect statues of The Chinese Buddha. Am I a Buddhist? No. I'm not really religious at all. So, the question remains, why do I collect them? Because Buddha is the only religious icon that is actually smiling... Plus he's fat and happy. There's something to be said about being fat, and happy with yourself, and still having the ability to find spiritual Nirvana and peace in yourself, no matter what you look like on the outside.

The other buddha he's given me, not pictured here, is a Kama Sutra buddha, with a lovely scene from the book carved into the bottom of a very rotund, (shall we say, Rubenesque...) Buddha.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oh Lord...

He's so wholly gorgeous in his exhausted sleep on our bed that I'm dying to tell someone. It almost begs to be photographed, with the play of light on his skin and muscles in his shoulders. I don't because I don't want to risk accidentally waking him.

I lay next to him, and just simply look at him. Long, and lean and soft lightly freckled pale skin over lean muscle. Dark hair with a touch of grey at the temples, and full, amazing lips.

He treats me so well, he cares for me so much, he teases me and jokes with me the same way I joke with him...


And he's all mine.

These are the moments that make any relationship worth any risk, when you can watch your lover sleep so soundly next to you.

But We're Ladies!!

But We're Ladies!!
Originally uploaded by Miss Linds.
Elizabeth spoiled me near the end of september by taking me out to go see Margaret Cho at the Orpheum theatre in Downtown Vancouver.

I had a fantastic time, and I think we both looked pretty smoking hot.

I don't think I took the opportunity to thank her like she should have been for such an enjoyable night out with such fantastic company, and lately I've been so busy that I haven't had the energy to do so.

So once again, Thank you, Miss Liz. I really appreciate you being my friend, even if I'm not around to show it as often as I should.

Are you sure?

the Questioner

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose CY - your Enneagram type is SIX.

"I am affectionate and skeptical"

Questioners are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family,
friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved
and timid to outspoken and confrontative.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Be direct and clear.

  • Listen to me carefully.

  • Don't judge me for my anxiety.

  • Work things through with me.

  • Reassure me that everything is OK between us.

  • Laugh and make jokes with me.

  • Gently push me toward new experiences.

  • Try not to overreact to my overreacting.

What I Like About Being a Six

  • being committed and faithful to family and friends

  • being responsible and hardworking

  • being compassionate toward others

  • having intellect and wit

  • being a nonconformist

  • confronting danger bravely

  • being direct and assertive

What's Hard About Being a Six

  • the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind

  • procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence
    in myself

  • fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of

  • exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger

  • wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right

  • being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations

Sixes as Children Often

  • are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and

  • are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger

  • form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent

  • look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority
    and rebel

  • are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families,
    and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent

Sixes as Parents

  • are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty

  • are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence

  • worry more than most that their children will get hurt

  • sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

you wanna know MORE?
so check out, what Wikipedia says about your type...

...even more you'll find in Google

Would you rather have chosen:

  • AY (EIGHT)
  • BY (FOUR)
  • CX (TWO)
  • CZ (ONE)

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    You scored higher than 0% on ABC
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    You scored higher than 42% on X
    Link: The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test written by felk on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    Oh, My Aching Back...

    Eons and eons since I've posted, but I have a good excuse.

    I've been busy.

    Hell, I haven't even visited with my friends lately. I passed up the opportunity to go out to two separate birthday parties (Sorry Mark and Patrick!) because of my grueling work schedule... Today is the first day off after an eight day bender running around like a maniac. I've been moving my stuff into my boyfriend's apartment the weekend prior to Hallowe'en. I know... It's a bit fast, and both he and I feel the same way about it, but hey, I was getting to the end of my rope, and my hands were slippery, and I seem to have found a male that actually appreciates me and wants me around.

    Speaking of Hallowe'en... I had the most massive sugar hangover in the universe which required me doing extreme measures of "hair of the dog" the following day with the purchase of a Coca Cola and two Aero bars to ease the pressure in my head.

    Or maybe it was just another excuse to eat chocolate.

    I'm now "Sales Floor Manager" as well as "Assistant Manager" so my workload has doubled. I think I'm handling it with aplomb, however, I'm really really damned tired at night now.

    This is the first day off I've had to sit down and WRITE something. Christ, it's even hard to read without ending up reading through osmosis via my face, I get so tired at night. Bed times have changed from 1 am, to 9 pm, if I'm lucky.

    Actually, I think I'm going to go and crawl back into bed, and catch up on the sleep that I've been missing.