Sometimes, I'm such a genius it hurts.
Cliff from the living room: "Why are they showing a yeast infection medication commercial during the middle of a war movie?! Gee, you guys sure hit your target audience right on the head! Idiots!"
Me, from the bedroom: "Hey! Girls like war too, you know!"
Previously in the day, discussing dinner:
Cliff: "I added peas to the stew last."
Me: "That makes sense. Peas tend to disapparate when they overcook."
Cliff: *looking at me oddly* "Disapparate?"
Me: "Wait. No... I meant "dissipate"... You know, dissolve."
Cliff: *smirks at me*
Me: "Fall apart into mush blending in with everything else in the pot, like peas tend to do!"
Cliff: *tries to stifle laughter*
Me: "Damn those Harry Potter books!!"
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