Saturday, November 14, 2009

Santa Baby...

Dear Santa,

Hello, my name is Jacob. I asked my mommy to help me by writing this letter to you as I’m too little to write myself yet. How are you? I hope Mrs. Claus and the Reindeer and elves are doing fine and that you had a good year so far. I am very excited to see you again this year and have been practicing my “Ho Ho Ho” laugh to show you. Mommy says it’s a pretty good Santa laugh.

I have been a very good boy since I saw you last year, I learned a lot of new things like how to talk and walk and draw pictures and a lot more things. I like to dance and sing along with music, my favourites are Bob Marley and the Wailers and Michael Buble. I love doggies and playing with Daddy. I have tried very hard to be a good boy and listen to Mommy and Daddy when they ask me to do things.

This year for Christmas I would like a big bag of money. (Daaaad!!!) I would like a toy farm with animals, and some cars because I love to play with them. Also mommy says I should ask for some clothes, but they are kind of boring, so you can forget to bring me clothes if you don't want to bring them.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope you have a good Christmas.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dear Guys: 5 Easy Things That Will Keep Your Woman Happy.

Okay gentlemen, Here's some free advice.

Women, despite popular male belief, are actually quite easy to keep happy, and the things that keep US happy are relatively the same things that keep YOU happy. This is my advice to my clueless guy friends that have women that are frustrated with them on a regular basis over simple things that could be easily remedied.

Keep in mind, that this is a 2 way street, things that are here are applicable FOR men as well.

1. Sex.~ Schtupp us on a regular basis. It's not an ordeal that should be compared to the Queen of England looking up at the ceiling and doing it for the good of the country. It's fun. It's SUPPOSED to be fun. Sure it's a little effort and a little sweat and... Other things... But hey, It's nookie. It's good for your skin, it's good for your soul, it's good for your heart and it keeps your relationship healthy. Get it on! As a bonus, you get the almighty "O" as well, so quit your bitching.

2. Compliments. ~ I don't mean gratuitous fawning, I mean a genuine and sincere sounding compliment every once in a while. You'd be surprised at how receptive your ladyfriend will be to things you suggest afterwards. Try "Wow! Your hair looks really nice today." or "You look great in that outfit." or "This dinner tastes fabulous! You really did a good job." Or the ever awesome "Have you lost weight? You look like you have." Was that so difficult? No. Would it break you to open your gob and let fly with a little verbal love? Nope.

3. If you're Pissed off about something, let us know and ask for space. We'll give it to you. Go eat a sammich and a cup of coffee, and guaranteed you'll feel better. Nothing is worse than a cranky bear of a man that is hungry. God help us, we don't want to get snarled at for something we didn't even know we did wrong because you're cranky.

4. Chores. We appreciate it when you get off of your ass and do something around the house instead of sitting in front of the idiot box watching hockey or baseball when we've been running around with the kids all weekend or at work or whatever it is we've been doing. We come home and the dishwasher has been unloaded and another load of dishes has been run through, or the bathroom garbage is empty or the floors have been mopped or the bookcase arranged properly. Try doing a load of laundry, and not just your stuff, do your kids clothes. DON'T wash our bras, we'll do that ourselves. Those things are tempermental as hell. If you do these things, we'll notice. You'll get kisses. If you're notoriously lazy or disorganized, a great website that teaches you baby steps is dudes can use it too, and after you've retrained yourself (it only takes 2 weeks to ingrain a new habit into your brain, it's not that difficult!) Hey if it can work on me, miss disorganized and messy, then it can work with you! Attack a clutter hotspot every day!!

5. Flowers. ~ All girls like flowers. Especially if we've been having a really bad day/week. They show you care and they show that you notice that we've been down in the dumps. (substitute electronics, beer or whatever else your dude of the manor appreciates for the guys.)

Monday, July 20, 2009

In the words of The Dixie Cups...

We're going to the chapel and we're, (Bah-boom) gonna get maaaaarried...

On September 18th, 2010. Woot woot!

Cliff proposed in front of my family on February 20th, 2008, so we figured it was about time to get our shit in gear and actually make my last name match my kid's. *winks*

I am pretty excited about this, Debating on colours and dresses, flowers and who is getting invitations. So far it's gourmet appetizers (both Vegan friendly, vegetarian and carnivorian style, heck yes!) and Orange (shocker, considering it's my fave colour) Bright cerulean blues and Creamy colours, which has me a little nervous, but Cliff want's blue in there somewhere.

The Guest list is about 65-70 people, We are preparing and supplying the food and looking for a cash bar scenario. That being said, I'm struggling to find a venue that isn't extortion expensive. Are there any suggestions from the Local Glamazon Peanut Gallery? Also are there any suggestions for photographers (as well as not being extortion expensive? since Diapers are! Haha!)

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Infamous "Proust Questionnaire"

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Of my personal misery, would be to be alone, unloved and destitute. I have a particular fear of being destitute. I guess it's years of comfy living that put that there. *she says tongue in cheek*

Where would you like to live?
Somewhere where quiet would be the general theme of the place I lived. I don't like excessive noise when it's not necessary. A thumping subwoofer at 11 am (and especially at 11PM!) isn't my idea of relaxed living. Modern, contemporary, and clean, or historic and well loved before I was there. Either works for me. I want a house with a large enclosed wraparound porch, somewhere safe, welcoming and beautiful for my family, for myself, and for the friends that visit.

What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Being loved, with a close family. Really, everything else just falls into place when that happens. Everything else is also just the icing on the cake.

To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Clumsy-ness and Naivete. Things that you can't help, or things that show you have learning yet to do. Clumsy-ness, actually I find rather endearing.

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Phedre, from the Kushiel's Dart series by Jacqueline Carey.

Your favorite painter(s)?
Tamara de Lampicka, Don Li-Liger, Van Gogh, Monet.

Your favorite musician?
I have so many. Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Norah Jones, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan. A lot of jazz and Blues. I like low, smoky, impassioned voices, or ones that are just purity to listen to.

The quality you most admire in a man?
Logic, in the face of emotion. It's so enviable! Often it can be confused with being cold, but it's more a matter of seeing things rationally when you're hot tempered.

The quality you most admire in a woman?
Thoughtfulness for others. The ability to not be petty, selfish or vindictive.

Your favorite virtue?
Honesty. It so often gets mixed up in the muck.

Your favorite occupation?
Painter/artist, writer or musician. The ability to create is so wonderful.

Who would you have liked to be?
That's a loaded question. When I was in my youth, I dreamed of fame without the accompanying tripe that came with it. When I was in college, it was a well known but easy to get along with creative mind, not someone that was in charge of things, but someone that would contribute to important discussion, and one that would make the touches that made a project personal and universally appealing at the same time. Now... Something a little more than what I am, an educator, or instructor with good sense.

Your most marked characteristic?
I think my inherently playful nature. My social tendencies.

What do you most value in your friends?
Their ability to laugh when the world is hard on them. Positivity can be so beneficial not only to you but the world at large. Also, the depth and unquestionable genuine quality of their love.

What is your principle defect?

What is your dream of happiness?
Safety, Security financially. Simple pleasures and watching my son grow.

In what country would you like to live?
I never really thought of it but I'm remarkably lucky to be living in Canada. It's beautiful, relatively clean, welcoming and the autumn (My favourite season by far) in Canada is spectacular.

What is your favorite color?
I've got a deep and inexplicable love of the colour orange.

What is your favorite bird?
Eagles, Crows.

Who are your favorite prose writers?
Jacqueline Carey, Anne Rice, Orson Scott Card, J. R. Ward. Many more.

Who are your favorite poets?
Robert Frost.

Who are your favorite composers?
Satie. Pachabel.

Who are your heroes in real life?
My parents. My Fiance Cliff, My son for teaching me that every day is a gift, and that every day you can learn something new/that things that we take for granted are fascinating for a one year old. My friends that accept me, never judge me and love me for who I am and what I've done.

What are your favorite names?
I don't really have any favourites, persay. I love Jacob's second Middle name, Nicholas, which I chose. Sophie or Sophia, which we have chosen if we decide to and are able to have another baby and it's a girl. (this is a few years in the future.)

What is it you most dislike?
Greed. Spite. Malice. Deliberate cruelty.

What historical figures do you most despise?
Hitler tops the list. George W. Bush, for being so smart (Yes I do honestly believe he is a smart man...) and playing up the stupid to a ridiculous amount to cover up his Fuckups.

What event in military history do you most admire?
I have no idea.

What reform do you most admire?
The right for women to choose abortion if they so desire. The way that the European states treat Maternity leave (2 years of mat leave there! This is so wonderful!)

What natural gift would you most like to possess?
Physical grace, athleticism.

How would you like to die?
I don't really dwell on these questions. Loved. Elderly.

What is your present state of mind?
Nervous about reentering the writing world. Slightly lost at the fact that for the first time in 10 years, I'm unemployed because I'm taking care of my son.

To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Emotional reactions to things that deserve emotional reactions. When someone tells me "I'm sorry" when they are crying about something that is hard on the heart and soul, I often tell them they are allowed to be upset, if they weren't they wouldn't be a human being.

What is your motto?
I believe that every day you should do at least one random act of kindness towards someone else, that you should spend more time with your family and enjoy the most that life has to offer. You only get one life, live it well.

All we need is just a little patience...

I hope I still have readers after my lengthy hiatus.

I'm back. We'll see how well I can do writing this after such a long break, and FYI, I've changed the URL to

This may throw people for a loop, but hopefully I can reestablish my readership and develop a new one in the process!