Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween.

Yet another evening spent at my parents. I had a fabulous roast beef dinner cooked by Mom. Yum.

However, this afternoon revealed a lot of information. About school, and me moving into my Grandmothers place for a year while I take my course. I got accepted for my student loan from the British Columbia Student Assistance Program. Now it's a matter of getting a secondary loan from a private institution, and moving probably around mid December.

On top of carving at least four pumpkins this weekend alone, (All of them that looked wicked cool, if I say so myself.) all total, I did a headless horseman astride his horse brandishing his pumpkin dome of choice,(kinda like Mr. Burns picking out his dentures) a skeleton pirate replete with earring and bandana, a grinning flaming maw with flame eyes, and a very flamboyant "drag queen" face. Whee fun!

Needless to say, I dig Halloween. I've been helping my parents hand out oodles of chocolate to ghouls, princesses, pirates, spidermen, and Gad only knows what else. Not to mention the ones my dad said were "a tad underdressed" Ie. the street Hoors walking around... And I've been stealing a few dairy milks of my own for all the hard work. Not to mention lookin totally HOT in my dad's fur accented Viking helmet. All I need is a gold plate bra and fur loincloth with fur trimmed knee high boots. That would rule.

I'm also watching the flick "Ice Age" with my folks. Damn that movie. There's two scenes that always make me cry. Now all I need is a boyfriend to cuddle with while I watch it.

Anyways. I can't monopolize the comp here long. I just thought I would give a shout out to everyone. Hope everyone is doing well.

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