Monday, October 04, 2004

In like Flynn...

Music of the moment: Ultra Trance 3. (various Trance DJ compilation.)

Mood of the moment: Exhilarated, Terrified.


Ooooh yes, boys and girls.

I'm in. I got in the course.

I seriously thought I had blown my chances during the interview, but I ended up doing just fine. I recall winking at him teasingly when he said something banter-like towards me. Jesus. I can't turn it off. I actually said "Hoo-Hah." (Ala James Brown, think:"Hoo-Hah! Hot pants! Hit mehh!") When he told me I got into the course. Somewhat subdued of course, I know when to tune it down. However, I think he caught the reference because he just started laughing.

I should have listened to Jeff, and to all the other friends I have, that told me that my personality would get me through it with shining flying sparkly colours, but those niggling self-doubts crept in. I was actually in tears after I left the interview, Shaking from disbelief/excitement. I called my mum, with an overload of:


And then because I couldn't help myself, I called Devin to share my joy with him. Unfortunately he didn't pick up. Drag. I left a message anyways. (And then of course Liz, and Crystal D and Crystal B, Ryan, and Erik.) Ryan teased me by telling me I was going to become a total computer dork. (Newsflash for you Rylon, I already am! Hee hee.) Coincidentally enough, he called me about half an hour before my meeting, and I said the same thing to him both before and AFTER the interview. "I feel like puking." His only response was "Charming."

Elizabeth was screaming excited Downtown on her way home from work. I'm sure the office workers down on Dunsmuir really appreciated the shrill OHMYGODDDDDDDDDDDDDD! that resonated off of the office buildings.

I qualify for Canada Student Loans, which covers about 13,000 bucks of the course, and the rest of it I have to apply for a loan through the bank, to cover the rest of the course and the rent, food and bills portions of that year in school.

I'm going to be in debt for quite some time, but at least it's for a good reason.

While the sites I chose for my examples weren't quite what they were looking for, being relatively simple in design instead of spectacular, my vocabulary and oral skills (NO! Not those oral skills! You Perves!) got me where my site choices couldn't get me. Damn me for being a huge fan of simple web design, that is easy to navigate through.

It was recommended by the course coordinator, to expand my ideas on design and to "bone up" on design magazines in the Library and check out all sorts of sites in preparation for this heavily intensive course. I'm going to take his advice. I'll be damned if I'll fail when I'm given this opportunity. I know I can do this.

A guy I dated briefly, Steve, once told me that he could see "determination" portrayed in my eyes. Damned rights. I'm going to get what I want this time, by any means possible.

School starts January 10th.

Oooooh Mercy.


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
and they're like it's better than yours,
damned right it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge.

--Kelis. "Milkshake"

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