Monday, October 11, 2004

Happy Turkey Day.

Just a shout out while I'm over at the Parental Units place for a feast extraordinare of Turkey.

Yay leftovers!!

Work has been insanely busy for the past week, being the week before Thanksgiving. I've seen enough butter pan buns to give Dr. Atkins heart failure. (Whoops! That already happened didn't it? Oh! I'm so macabre.) I've been TRYING to have somewhat of a social life while working so fucking much that my back is in intense pain in the evenings. There have been quite a few incidents of me falling asleep at seven o clock in the evening, or while soaking my back in the tub trying to relax my muscles. It will all balance itself out soon hopefully.

I'd like to send a quick prayer out to whatever God/Goddess is listening to help my mom.

I won't get into details, she's been having a horrid time with menopause, but the news that shocked me the most today, was that she found a lump in her breast a few weeks ago, and I just found out tonight. It hits home really really REALLY hard. It also makes this chord of terror run right through me, after knowing how much Devin was affected by his mothers death, and thinking that something could harm my mother, who is a beautiful, strong creature. And that if things go badly, I could lose her. I've never felt that way before, and it's terrifying. It leaves me feeling so incredibly vulnerable that I don't know what to do.

Today was a day where I felt so incredibly lonely that I broke down in tears while having a bath. Not something I do frequently, more often than not I fall asleep in the tub. However, with Elizabeth gone all long weekend to celebrate her brother getting married; I had been pretty much alone all weekend, except for dinner with a friend on Saturday night.

I miss Devin. As much as I berate myself for wanting him. I know it would never work out, but he soothes that savage inner part of my soul, where no one has ever really reached me. I just kinda hope I could have a conversation with him if nothing else... But that's probably wishful thinking on my part.

Anyways, I really hope you all are having a swell Thanksgiving. I'll try to have one of my own. Bad news recieved and everything. I think it's time to spend more time with my mom. She needs a stalwart friend at this time of her life.

And if you have any room left in your prayers, for anyone, send them out to my mom. I know I will be.



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