Sunday, October 03, 2004

These are a few of my favourite things...

Music of the moment : Liz on her Acoustic Spanish Guitar.
Mood of the moment: Mellow, Longing.


1.) Listening to Elizabeth play her acoustic and singing for me.

She plays "The Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog so sweetly it makes tears come to my eyes. Actually, she always sings sweetly. It's rare and very enjoyable. Occasionally I join in with harmony if I can think it up fast enough in my head. I love hearing her work on a song while I'm being creative writing here.

2.) Watching British Comedy, and Old Bugs Bunny cartoons.

I grew up on Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, and Monty Python. I grew up watching Bugs Bunny with my parents. I still do it occasionally.

3.) Butter chicken, Basmati rice and a Garlic Naan bread.

Every Thursday, I reward myself for surviving the week with a whole bunch of it from Curry Express.

4.) Skin.

I'm a hedonist. I love the feel, scent, taste and look of skin.

5.) Celebrating my time with my friends.

Crystal B, Crystal D, Elizabeth, Ryan, Erik, Allison, Melissa, Liser(Lisa), Norm, Murray, Dave, Dave, Dave, Chris, Chris, Chris, (Whoo my bois are in three's no less!) Sandy, Cass, a ton of others I'm not listing, but just because I've forgotten them at this point in time but that doesn't make them any less important...

People I miss: Charlene, Josee, Aiden V.

People I wish I could meet: Devin, Travis, Yashi, Glenn, Tory.

5.) Lazy early Autumn afternoons.

I love warm afternoons and cooler evenings, I love wearing a sweater, jeans and runners and just chilling out, going for coffee, or reading a novel on my balcony.

6.) My Apartment.

Its spacious, nicely lit, full of windows, and comfortable. It's got a view of the mountains that I always got to see from my parent's place growing up. It's got a huge corner balcony, and best of all... My bed, which rocks.

7.) Plain Dark Chocolate. Orange flavoured anything. Apple juice. Cranberry juice.(ZING!) Mocha Chip Frappucinos. Giant beef "the works" burritos from Steamrollers. Coca Cola.

I'm sure my Dad would be appauled that I've switched from Pepsi to Coke, being the Pepsi Purist that he is.

8.) Purses! Shoes! Clothing! Fashion!

I am a girl after all.

9.) Jazz and Blues. It speaks to me.

Old school rap, R and B, Hip hop, because it's not about the bullshit, it's about politics, and thoughts and Ideas.

Rock and roll, because it can be hard and edgy and full of emotion. ranging from joy, love, sadness, anger, and everything in between.

10.) Computers.

Writing, chatting, being creative, and helping/teaching my friends new things.

There are so many other things that I love to do, love to hear, and love to indulge my senses in. Things I can't list, and things I would have no idea of how to put into words. There are people I've met (and haven't yet met, and might never meet) that have left impressions on me, that have shaped my life, and helped me become the person I am today. There are places I've been to, that I might never see again, and loved endlessly. There are places I've always dreamed of going, and things I've dreamed of seeing. There is things I want to accomplish, and things I have accomplished and things I dream of doing.

And maybe... Just maybe, I might end up doing them.

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