Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Caution: Writer at work.

I've got the first portion (which admittedly is probably somewhere in the middle, rather than the beginning) of my first novel underway. What genre? Hell, I donno. it could be romance, it could be mystery, it could be suspense, it could be hardcore pornographic, for chrissakes.

Here's an excerpt, which at the moment, seems more like a romance, but knowing me, I'll be changing that up half a dozen times until it doesn't even resemble anything close to it. It's looking rather "Romance Novel-ly" at the moment. Most likely, that will change.

It has no title, and I'm pro anyone handing me suggestions, however, if I veto it, just take it in stride, eh?

This excerpt has been removed. Apologies. -- Linds aka. Editor.

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