Friday, November 18, 2005


I was going to write something meaningful in here, for the lot of you rowdies... But then I nailed my knee on the desk, and all I see is a haze of red.

No. I'm kidding. Okay ya, I wailed my knee on the desk, but such is life. Suck it up, princess.

My cell phone squeaky Buddhas are on the way via airmail. Whoopee! I am very excited about that.

I'm glad to see you guys miss me, (because I don't miss you guys, at all. I lie. I do.) and don't think it didn't escape my attention that I get more comments on my posts when I'm not around to do any witty repartée. I think you guys plan it that way.

At any rate, I was out last night with the lovely Melissa, from My Stars in the Sky, the Jewish Princess herself, and "Myluc", who is actually Melissa's Luc. We were attending a fundraiser for Mizz Melissawho is collecting fundage for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society of Canada. I donated 6 hours worth of design as a prize, and a lovely lady who had just bought a house, won the draw for that particular prize. She's thrilled that she gets a unique piece of original art for her house, and I'm thrilled that someone is actually INTERESTED in having me design something for them. I went in the shoes you see in the header, and Melissa, I have searched and searched the quotes on google to no avail, seeking the quote on "beauty is pain". If anyone remembers this quote (TJP, Melissa and myself were trying to figure it out on the skytrain on the way home) we'd be much obliged. You might even get a wubby or two. (That's a titty face rub, in case you were wondering.)

At any rate, this event was held at the Roxy, aka, Meat Market extraordinare, and other than flirting with the bass player for Dr. Strangelove, (Andre), Who gives a hella good massage; I danced until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. Or at least couldnt feel them last night... I sure could this morning/afternoon, whatever. Gin and sprite, NOT a good combination. You think I'd have learned that from Hallowe'en. Apparently not.

Chris Strange my darling, as far as I know, the lovely Melissa will have pictures of my poor exhausted feet, strapped on but not actually ON my feet on My Stars In the Sky. Go ahead, I know you wanna.

As for the rest of this week, I've been looking for employment, and the odds are looking fairly good, at least for temporary full-time employment, though I may become a full-time permanant employee for either Staples, or "The Source", (aka. Radioshack... Get your nerd glasses out, boys and girls.)

I'm tired of typing. Damien is waiting for cuddles, so I'm going to bid you adeiu, until next week, chilluns.

Muchas love, kisses and all that rot.

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