Monday, November 21, 2005

Questions and answers.

From Sarathena's blog:

A is for Age: 25.
B is for Build: Is clumsy a build? Tall, proportionate... Yet overly so, in some areas.
C is for Career: Graphic designer.
D is for Dad's name: Larry.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party: A good wine for the hostess/host.
F is for Favorite article of clothing: Yoga Hooded sweater. Thin, black, comfy.
G is for Goof off thing I do: Chat online.
H is for Hometown: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
I is for Instrument you play: Guitar. Badly.
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Apricot, or Marmalade.
K is for Kids: None. That I know of, anyways.
L is for Living arrangement: I Rent one bedroom in the ultimate bachelor pad in Surrey. Pool table, Swimming pool, and two person jacuzzi tub, Suck that, bitches.
M is for Music I like: Everything, excepting Death Metal. I can't understand what those bastards are saying.
N is for Name of your first pet: Ginger.
O is for overnight hospital stays: a big fat zero. Thank Gawd.
P is for Phobias: large crowds, places I can't escape, relationships.
Q is for Quote you like: "One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzche
R is for Reason for blogging: I never used to write. I found that I learned a lot about myself from blogging.
S is for Siblings: None. I was born a twin, but my sister died before we hatched. I mean... Were born... That whole birthing thing... No thanks.
T is for Texas, ever been: Yes. 4 days that I wish I had spent with Jerilyn, instead of Devin. I would have had more fun.
U is for Unique trait: I can talk to almost anyone (including complete strangers) and have a good conversation.
W is for Worst traits: I smoke, have bitten my nails since I was six years old, and I am very self indulgent when the mood strikes me.
X is for X-Rays you've had: I've had about five or six X ray sessions, and two Ultrasounds.
Y is for Yummy food you make: AAA grade Steak, Wild rice with garlic butter sauteed diced onion, shitake mushrooms, garlic butter prawns and wild greens salad with a greek vinagrette.
Z is for Zodiac sign: Taurus. If you go with that sort of thing. I suggest visiting Sargon the Magnificent for a great horoscope.

But better to ask:

A is for Anal Sex: A resounding NO.
B is for Boxing: Stupid or entertaining? Would you do it for money? If so, how much? Stupid to watch, but sure I'd beat the hell out of someone.
C is for Compulsions: What are yours? Shopping.
D is for Deviant Behaviors: What is one of yours? One Night Stands. Or it used to be. No, I'm not quoting any numbers, gaddamnit.
E is for Ego: What is your biggest insecurity? My self-image.
F is for Favorite thing about yourself: My mind, my mouth.
G is for Gluttony: What do you find irresistible, or binge on? You guys know this. Do I even need to say it? Chocolate.
H is for Homosexual Acts: Ever experienced? Um. Yes.
I is for I.Q.: What is yours? I forget. Jesus that sounds stupid. I think last time I tested I was a 156 at about four am in the morning.
J is for Jesus: What is the first word that occurs when you think of him? Silly, as in "I've found Jesus! He was behind the couch the entire time! Silly Jesus."
K is for Killing: What's the last life you knowingly ended? I killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
L is for Lungs: Do you smoke? If so, what? Yes. Cigarettes, and occasionally the green. Hey, I live in BC fer chrissakes.
M is for Middle name: What is yours? I have two. Jacqueline Marie.
N is for Name of your first celebrity crush: Gawd. Ok. Jonathan Brandis. But he killed himself in 2003, by trying to hang himself... So I can't marry him anymore.
O is for Orgasm: When was your last one? Uh... A while ago.
P is for Pockets or Purse: What's in yours? smokes, cell phone, wallet, lip gloss, gum, Advil, receipts, bus pass, lighter, keys, the gun I used to kill that man in Reno; just to watch him die...
Q is for Question: What's one you hate being asked, or hate to ask? "Do you love me?" You know if I do. I'll say it. If I don't, you can bet I tried to.
R is for Right handed or left handed? Lefty loosey, Righty tighty. I'm a pretty loose woman.
S is for Swear words: Which ones do you most frequently use? Fuck, Shit, Goddamnit.
T is for Theft: What's the last thing you stole? That was so long ago I don't remember.
U is for Unusual pleasure you enjoy:
W is for Weirdest item you've purchased: squeak toy buddhas online. Yes, I did. *hangs head*
X is for eX: Is there one you think of? Yes, far too often, lately; and I wish he would leave my head alone.
Y is for Youth: When you were 9, what did you want to be when you grew up? An archeologist. Damn that Indiana Jones.
Z is for Zoo: What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet? A Tiger.

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