Friday, November 11, 2005

I am not dead...

Nor am I in jail. I am living in my new home, with all the other granny refugees in Surrey.

Okay, maybe just with a houseful of older guys, in a room of a gorgeous five bedroom house.

I should have the internet within the next week, but with looking for work, and getting a few design jobs completed, I'm running around the equivalent of a chicken with it's head cut off.

The ever so gracious Damien is letting me use his hifaluten PC with it's plenitude of browsers (hweck) right now, and I'm not used to this massive keyboard, comparing it to my wee little flat laptop keyboard.

I miss y'all. I'll be back soon, I hope. Lots to tell, and not all of it the best parts of my life. I'm pretty pissed off at myself right now, and i don't have the time to tell it all at this point.

It sure is nice not living under Granny anymore though. Boy howdy.

OH! and the blasphemous church sign contest continues. I won't wrap it up until the week after I get the 'net at my house. My beloved Dean, The neurotic monkey, has sent in a whopping NINE more pics. That's it for you though mister. If I knew you wanted to see my tits so bad I'd just send you a picture. Lordy. (A picture? Make that a couple MORE pictures. Jeezuz. Greedy man.)



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