Friday, December 02, 2005

OH, Oh, oh.

I just reread my last entry. Yeesh. I tallied up that I wrote the word "Fuck" or a variation thereof, I.E.) "Fucking", "Fucked" approximately 18 times in one post. That's roughly 350 words, half a dozen of the spelled incorrectly; not to mention the two completely unfinished sentences. I'd delete it, but according to King Seanly, I rant "with style". Sure, if style consists of unfinished sentences and a heap of curse words, I'm the queen of style. I'll keep it because it's raw, and uncensored, and it might offend a few people. Like I said, I'm tired of cowtowing to people.

Consider it the equivalent of an online tantrum; a real tantrum (that a five year old would envy) plus Linds equals very rare, and few and far between. The last one I had was utterly silent, approximately 5 to 6 months ago, in my room at three in the morning, when I fucked up a project I had been working on for nine hours straight that was *perfect* and due the following Monday. It's amazing how you can singe paper with vicious thoughts.

Okay, I really just tossed shit around, messed up my room, screamed into a pillow, sat there feeling pathetic after I had burned myself out and then buggered it all up, and then cleaned the entire mess I just made up again... But still. burning things with your mind? Damn, Gina!

I've spent the last few days experiencing 12 hour shifts at work. That being said, because I started at the middle of the week, after payroll cutoff, I have to wait two more weeks before I get ANYTHING deposited into my bank. I guess there won't be a Christmas this year, kids.

I've ALSO spent the last few days writing. Something broke in me a few days ago, and I think it was writers block. Thank god. The ten or so paragraphs that I posted up here, for the first section of my novel have transformed themselves into a relatively fully completed chapter, and I've come up with a format to be able to write my characters as realistically as possible for character development, and made tentative relationships between certain introductory characters.

The two major characters, Suzie Q. and Nate Carter, have become more fleshed out, thanks to my character development, however, due to intellectual property and copywrite, I'm not going to give this out to very many people. and I am removing the segment I have posted up. Consider that brief period of time a sneak preview, because it is gone as of immediately after I post this entry. (or at least the segment where the body of the post was.) It's rare that I edit my posts, but I think I have a good thing going right now, and I'm not about to lose it to anyone else.

A couple friends have proofread the originals, and actually, the friends of mine that have read it, drive a mac, since I'm writing on a mac based programme, called "Pages" which is the equivalent to Microsoft Word, but wholly uncompatable with ANYTHING else. Stupid fucking programme.

However, I am requiring some assistance, preferably from my southern pals in arms, especially the kiddo's down in Texas. I need a location for my novel, preferably in a medium sized, Southern Texas town. Any suggestions will be considered, especially if you can provide me with the links to a Google map of the location, and/or some sort of website for tourism for that particular town. I'll be exceedingly grateful, and credit you in the notes, kapeesh?

Anyhoo. I'm going to bed. I had a meeting in Langley today for work and it was supposed to be my day off. I'm bagged.


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