Tuesday, May 30, 2006

“Oh Yeah? ‘Cause That Would Be...”

I blearily punch in the 12 digits I’ve uselessly memorized that is my account number into my phone to check my bank balance. I say useless, because there’s usually not much of a balance in my account. Commonly, I ignore the woman talking and blaze through the rest until I find out my balance. Today, I was slower on the uptake.

“Thank you, your account number has been accepted. Please enter your three-digit super secret P.I.N. number to access your account information.”

*pause, look incredulously at phone, shake head, finish entering information, and hang up.*

Uhhh, Yeah. “Super” secret? What? Aren’t all P.I.N. codes supposed to be confidential, making them “super secret”, thus making saying “super secret” not only sound retarded, but something you would say in grade six, or in a spy movie spoof? And isn’t saying the word “number” after the initials P.I.N., completely redundant? That’s like saying, “enter your Personal Information Number number. ‘N’ already means number. Thanks for showing up, though. Don’t they have copywriters for the automated system recordings?

Do you write your P.I.N. code on the back of your Interac card? (Yes, people do this. I see it all the time at work.) Well, you know what, brainiac? You’re really fucking stupid, necessitating one of the reasons for the addition of the word “Super”, to enforce how fucking secret a P.I.N. code is. And how are you supposed to get the code, when it’s in the A.T.M? This makes you, an ultramaroon.

I mean, what kind of bank am I using? Has Shaggy retired from the Mystery Machine crew now, and has become the manager of a Canadian bank? Is he hoarding all his Super Duper sandwiches with salami, pickles, mayonnaise, onion and peanut butter in the vaults? Is Scooby Doo the Vault Manager?

Shaggy: “Zoinks, Scoob! They’ve, like, entered their super secret P.I.N. number for their account!” *Gulps*

Scooby Doo: “Roooh, Nooooo! Our rericious raaaaandwiches!” .... *Scooby giggle* “Randwicheeeees...”

Is it the influence of the hundreds of thousands of Asians that come into the country, every year, building small businesses like “Super Happy Hair Salon” and “Fun Time Grocery”?

Maybe it’s because I can hear Jay making fun of people going “Suuuuuuper!” in my head, and it makes me laugh.

I don’t know. but I swear, before they had revamped this automated system into a stupid voice operated system, It never said “super secret P.I.N. Number.”.

That’s just, well... Super stupid.

Gullible’s Travels

The Long weekend, turned into a long week, which is why I haven't been writing anything lately.

My landlord decided to throw a few rather enormous parties over the duration of the long weekend. The first one starting Friday night, at the end of my 12 hour shift, and not ending until approximately 8 am, Saturday morning.

When I ended it.

Of course, I’m sure the dramatics and bullshit would have lasted until noon somewhat, If I hadn’t come downstairs after trying to sleep for ten hours, and thrown one hell of a shit fit before I left for work, since I thought it was established that I was actually HOME and SLEEPING because I was WORKING all weekend. Apparently, not so much.

Let me clarify. I was described by one drunken/stoned/possibly minorly retarded partygoer as:

“Listen, lady, I don’t even know you, and I’m sure you’re a nice person, but when you’re mad? Damn, you one scary bitch.”

Apparently, sleep deprived me, plus eight or so inebriated, hard-drug fueled freaks, equals “Scary bitch”. Of course, I don’t think it was without reason, and I received a full-on apology from my landlord, after I took him aside, and then calmly burst into tears after telling him that I was NOT happy with the evenings developments.

There is a hole in my bedroom door, from where the hasp for my lock slammed through the wood paneling at mach 10. Whoops.

I was remarkably cheerful at work for the entire day. I came home, spent some time blabbing and having a slice of amazing coffee cake with my neighbors, played the sims on my computer... 8:30 p.m. came around...

And then I started throwing up for approximately 18 hours. I had a fever, nausea, sore muscles, you name it. I had to abandon my boss, and leave him by himself in the store all Sunday. I felt terrible for doing it, even though he gave it to me.

I’m got over that. Then, came the second part. The strep throat, which creeped up on me. I could feel it coming. The strep throat which I *knew* my boss was going to give me, and I swore upside and down that I was able to avoid receiving from my boss since I thought I was in the clear after the first few days of him taking his antibiotics.

Goddamnit. This is why people shouldn’t come to work when they are sick. Especially around ME!

My doc banned me from work, because strep/tonsillitis is highly contagious, and there’s no way in hell I was planning on spreading it around to any more people. This means I had time off. Plenty of it. All unpaid. There ain’t no sick days in retail, baby.

I spent approximately 5 days, with severe strep, that transferred to my tonsils, I got a sinus infection, and then for a few days, I had an earache. I sounded like total hell. I felt like something that Death had shit out, and stepped on. I didn’t eat for approximately four days. I was one sick puppy.

I was feverish, and seeing things in the embroidery on the top of my mattress.

Seriously. I was convinced my sheets and pillowcases were bad, and ripped them off of my bed. No reasoning made sense. I saw the character “Pei Mei” from Kill Bill 2 (and various other kung fu movies) in my bed embroidery. I was talking to him. (Thank god he wasn’t talking back, or I’d have been on my way to the hospital.) Other times, I was hallucinating little people, like Lilliputians in my bed, and I was a Gulliver to them. I thought I was sleeping, but I was hallucinating with my eyes wide open.

I had visions of turning my head and looking like I’d had half my cheek blown out with a shotgun, or the position I was in while trying to sleep had me bent backwards like a bow, which it didn’t. I was feeling the urge to yell out “You greedy, teabag licking, potato bottom!” and various other nonsensical epithets at no one in particular. Sounds from outside were affecting my sleep and my visions. Dimensions were skewed in rooms and hallways. Nightmare after nightmare keeping me tossing and turning all night. Some of it was funny, but some of it was completely terrifying.

I almost thought I was losing my sanity, for a while. The only thing that cooled my poor overheated noggin off, was long showers. I probably had about three showers a day.

My mom and Jay were both really worried about me. Hell, *I* was really starting to get worried on my fourth day with a fever up to 102. Day five came around, and poof. I’m up, I’m bouncy. I’m not over it all yet, but I actually mowed the lawn today, tired of my inertia.

I went to my Tower of Power concert on Friday with Luc, and they were damned flawless. I told myself that if I didn’t go, I was going to regret it big time, and I would have. I bullied myself into feeling better. they were AWESOME! Thanks Melissa and Luc!!! *huge hugs!*

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Loooooong weekend.

This weekend, is the Victoria Day long weekend. This means that most Monday to Friday folks get a 3 day weekend, and most retail slobs like me, get fuck all. And like right now, I'm working in the ghetto mall, by myself, until the manager comes in from another local store to save my ass so I can get dinner.

However! What I do get for my long weekend, is a 12 hour shift tomorrow, most likely alone, since my manager has strep throat. Strep throat, compounded with his many many examples of karma fucking with him.

*Le sigh.*

My two co-workers booked off the next four days to go up to 100 Mile House, near my lovely friend Norm, to spend the next 4 days mired in debauchery and drunken behaviour. My darling Jay, is spending the first three of his four days off in a drunken stumble somewhere in the woods near lake Shehalis with a couple of buddies.

*jealous jealous jealous*

Potentially he'll spend the last day of his days off with me. At least in the evening, which is nice, because I miss him. I haven't really seen him in a week or so because of his schedule. And life, she intervenes.

I'd LOVE to be able to go and relax in the sunshine with my friends, drinking too much gin and OJ, instead of working a job that sucks ass.

Jay's birthday is coming up, in mid June, and I still don't know what to get him. Boo. It's not usually a very "celebrated" day for him the past couple years, for reasons I'm not disclosing, so I want to do something low key with him, that is personal and relaxing. I've already designed, printed and put together his rather kickass birthday card, that I'm retardedly proud of, and has been called "awesome" by pretty much everyone that's seen it. Yay!

The swimming pool in the back yard has been shocked to kill the baddies, but isn't ready to have bodies splishing about in various degrees of unclothed, just yet. and damn it, in this weather, the murky green blue slowly going clear is torture.

Bacteria type things lurking in the depths are screaming little, supersonic screams. If you listen really carefully, you can hear them at night. Ok, not really, but that would be kinda neat. Creepy, but neat.

I've been feeling guilty for having days off, because I'm not doing anything. This is exactly how I felt at the end of last year, and the reason why I made my new Years Resolution to "Learn how to relax". It got to the point where I was sleeping poorly or not at all, because I felt like I needed to DO something to resolve my situation instantly. I can't resolve it instantly.

I was having headaches all day, every day, then. Something I'm sure Damien remembers.

Those are back, and I have to relax again, because I can't focus anymore. I forced myself to put on a bathing suit and sit in the sun in my backyard, soaking up sunshine for about an hour after my shift on Wednesday. It was a feeble attempt at best. Natural vitamin D is supposed to combat depression, and I don't want to sink into the mire that was November and December ever again, if I can help it.

I'll be looking for new work soon since my piss poor wages and my huge debt don't seem to play nice together, and that's probably the cause of my feeling like shite. Most likely at Amazon.com, or a financial advisory service that supplies new employees with a 10 week training regimen.

I can't think anymore. I'm sure more stuff has happened, I'm just bagged. Take care.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


(background for this is a co worker and I talking about one of my teachers who got married wearing a wedding dress made out of coffee filters.)

Linds: She's not crazy, just a little "weird."

Carlene: "Oh, so she's a hippie. Like, "Hi, my name is Raiyne, I have a kiln, and a dress made out of wheat."

Linds: Yeah, kind of like that.

Carlene: "And these are my children; Daisy and Sunshine. We don't wear shoes."

Friday, May 12, 2006


Someone just five-finger discounted the 'USB drive digital bible' that we carry in our store. It's the eqivalent of both old and new testaments in rich text format (like a wordpad document) on a 256 mb flash drive.

Isn't one of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt not steal?"

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Yoinked from the lovely Melissa, over at My Stars In the Sky.

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. Post on your blog. Comment back if you post it on your site. Please comment regarding whatever songs that might come up. Stolen from LOTS of bloggers….and other people.

Will I get far in life? Shake It Off - Mariah Carey
How do my friends see me? Revolution - Arrested Development
Where will I get married? Live and Let Die - Guns and Roses
What is my best friend's theme song? Where Children Play - Headphone Science
What is the story of my life? Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas (LOL!)
What was high school like? Show Me How To Live - Audioslave
How can I get ahead in life? The Best Of You - Foo Fighters
What is the best thing about me? Miss You (Dr. Dre remix) - Rolling Stones
How is today going to be? Girl On Fire - Rob Zombie
What is in store for this weekend? Titty Twister - Viper 2
What song describes my parents? Terra Firma - Delerium
My grandparents? Love Box - Groove Armada
How is my life going? Tell me Something Good - Rufus and Chaka Khan
What song will they play at my funeral? Misty - Sarah Vaughan
How does the world see me? I Will Follow - U2
Will I have a happy life? Doo Wop (That Thing) Lauryn Hill
What do my friends really think of me? Heavy Soul - The Black Keys
Do people secretly lust after me? Possession - Sarah McLachlan
How can I make myself happy? Live Like You Were Dyin' - Tim McGraw
What should I do with my life? Mea Culpa - Enigma
Will I ever have children? Lodi Dodi - Snoop Dogg
What is some good advice? Love and Happiness - Al Green
What is my signature dancing song? Word Up - Korn
What do I think my current theme song is? Groove Me - King Floyd
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Jackie - Bossa Nostra
What type of men/women do you like? Lover's in a Dangerous Time - Barenaked Ladies


I've Found... Jesus!

It's like finding Waldo. The trouble is, you have to pick out which crazy homeless guy he is on the bus, before you're a winner.

Hmmmm... Is it the guy with the bushy beard and the reek d'odeur of Hobo no. 5? Is it the one with the scraggly hair, and the falling apart shoes? Is it the scruffy man with the noggin full of crack? No, you're wrong! It's the one I had to sit beside at the bus stop waiting for the bus this morning! He was the one publicly declaring and then acting surprised that no one believed him when he was shouting out "I am Jesus!", Looking shocked that people were giggling, and old ladies looked horrified.

As an aside, I should have known that Jesus, over the last 2006 years would have developed a passion for license plates, car tires, and is currently under the employ of the Canadian government, in their welfare services department. And that he used to be a drywaller. I'm sure he's had HEAPS of professions.

Glory, glory, Hallelujah!

But don't let me be the one to effect your decision making, MAKE YOUR OWN! Here, check out this lovely link, and decide for yourself if it's "Homeless or Jesus".

Friday, May 05, 2006

I’ve been..

Operating on a mental psionic high for the last 2 weeks, from someone that doesn’t expect me to be on my best behaviour at all times. Someone that doesn’t expect me to be cheerful all the time, and understands when things bother me. He’s someone that talks to me about his day, and listens about mine and doesn’t mind. Someone that’s attentive, and sweet, and apparently, wholly smitten with me. It’s mutual. Someone that text messages me about missing me, all day long, and it doesn’t bug me one bit, because I miss him too. Someone that is entirely too good for me. And I’m astonished that he feels about me the way he does. I’m also very, *very* lucky.

I’m not in love. Like I said, I’m taking itty-bitty baby steps, but to paraphrase Dean, “Aw, it’s too cute how much ‘In Like’ you are with him.”

In Like. How cute. The definition of Cute, is “round, chubby and adorable”. I read that in a book, somewhere. That pretty much sums it up.

Monday, May 1st, 2006, was my 26th birthday.

I have amazing friends, that are balls-out determined to start off my 26th rotation around this sun with a bang, assuring me that this year will be better than my 25th. (I sure as hell hope so.)

On the 29th, Melissa and Luc invited Jason and myself to their apartment for Steak dinner, in depth conversation about cats and various other things, (cut me some slack, I was tanked.) and a rousing game of Killer Bunnies, which I’m not sure I quite understand yet, and am not certain I ever will fully grasp. At least not if I keep playing it seven degrees of drunk.

Apparently, according to Melissa, I play strategically. Here’s my strategy: Luc teases me, I put all the nasty bad attack-y type things I get in my hand on Luc’s bunnies, and then tease him mercilessly, telling him he’s in deep poo.

Very strategic, I tells ya.

I had a fantastic dinner, good conversation, and a few too many Tanqueray and Orange juices. I was drunk before dinner. (it could be because I hadn’t eaten during the day, and was consuming approximately three shots of gin in each drink... That *might* be why.) When I apologized to Luc for my random giggle-ness, His response was “Hell, I’m probably more drunk than you are, and I’m cooking!”.

According to Jay, when he dropped me off at home, I’m “adorable” when I’m drunk. Hell. I thought I was just an enormous slut when I was drunk. But maybe that’s actually adorable?


I received a gift certificate for Best Buy (Which led to the purchase of a collectors edition of Pulp Fiction on DVD, and the Best of Delirium on CD. Linds tres happy!) a mini-sized Aromatherapy kit with peppermint and orange oil extracts with a wee book, and a ticket to go see “Tower Of Power” at the River Rock Casino on the (I think) 29th of May, with Luc, since Melissa couldn’t attend because of prior obligations.

For those of you who don’t know who “Tower Of Power” is, Just pick up or download a copy of “Brick House” by the Commodores if you don’t have it already. That band playing in the background, with all them funky horns and percussion, is Tower of Power. This wikipedia link, tells you ALLLLL about them. Go read. I'll wait.

I’m so stoked it’s unbelievable. I’m sure Mr! Erik is seeing green right now. I’ll dance a little for you when I’m there, babes.

Luc and Melissa, you folk are ridiculously generous. I was happy with a dinner with friends. Thank-you.

This upcoming Saturday, the festivities continue, with heaps of friends attending an Indian food dinner followed by gratuitous drinking and singing off key at karaoke, and the party is hosted by the woman formerly known as “The Jewish Princess”, Miss Elizabeth.

I’ve got buddies that work in the mall that I talk to coming, I’ve got roommates and coworkers, Jay and his best friend, and a multitude of cronies and accomplices in crime from the Lower Mainland out to celebrate my birthday. That’s pretty good for someone who’s only had two birthday parties prior to this in her life.

And Liz throws a damned good partay. She phoned me on my cell while I was at work to sing the Happy Birthday song to me at full volume at roughly ten something in the morning. (Thanks, doll!)

My parents, once again are amazing, but the present they gave me was pretty personal, and very touching. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Jason gave me a mélange of presents, (totally unexpected, BTW, babe.) including a collectable Todd Macfarlane action figure of Napoleon Dynamite that says “Gosh!” “Friggin’ IDIOT!” and “This one gang wanted me because of my skills with a bo-staff.”, an Evil teddy bear, Foot lotion (Whee! foot rubs!) a DVD, and a very fantastically decorated card. *blushes* You’re too good to me, baby.

I was bombarded by my coworkers (one of whom is my roomie) and my other room mate Larry, the moment I walked in the door after work on Monday, and recieved one of those neato fish tanks that has fake fishes that swim in it, some bubbles and a bubble pipe to make me feel young again, a Feng Shui candle, and Popeye cigarettes. Though, they’re called Popeye “Candy sticks” now, and don’t have a red tip anymore, so it’s sort of lost it’s nostalgia. I also got cheesecake. Yum.

Crystal took me out for Starbucks and an enormous souvlaki take-out dinner from this place in Metrotown, that gave me enough chicken, tsatziki, and chicken flavoured greek rice with greek salad to last me two days. Yum.

Thankee’s tossed out liberally to the multitude of friends around the continent that phoned, text messaged me, IM’d me, emailed, and commented in my comments in GSD, and various other forms of communication. I feel blessed to have so many amazing friends.

Needless to say, I was so tired after my day, that I fell asleep sitting up in bed, with my lights on full blast, and woke up at five am the following morning cursing myself. I know that when Saturday evening rolls around, and we’ve sung our little hearts out, (and tried to assassinate our livers...) That I’ll be passing out for other reasons.