Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I've Found... Jesus!

It's like finding Waldo. The trouble is, you have to pick out which crazy homeless guy he is on the bus, before you're a winner.

Hmmmm... Is it the guy with the bushy beard and the reek d'odeur of Hobo no. 5? Is it the one with the scraggly hair, and the falling apart shoes? Is it the scruffy man with the noggin full of crack? No, you're wrong! It's the one I had to sit beside at the bus stop waiting for the bus this morning! He was the one publicly declaring and then acting surprised that no one believed him when he was shouting out "I am Jesus!", Looking shocked that people were giggling, and old ladies looked horrified.

As an aside, I should have known that Jesus, over the last 2006 years would have developed a passion for license plates, car tires, and is currently under the employ of the Canadian government, in their welfare services department. And that he used to be a drywaller. I'm sure he's had HEAPS of professions.

Glory, glory, Hallelujah!

But don't let me be the one to effect your decision making, MAKE YOUR OWN! Here, check out this lovely link, and decide for yourself if it's "Homeless or Jesus".

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