Friday, May 05, 2006

I’ve been..

Operating on a mental psionic high for the last 2 weeks, from someone that doesn’t expect me to be on my best behaviour at all times. Someone that doesn’t expect me to be cheerful all the time, and understands when things bother me. He’s someone that talks to me about his day, and listens about mine and doesn’t mind. Someone that’s attentive, and sweet, and apparently, wholly smitten with me. It’s mutual. Someone that text messages me about missing me, all day long, and it doesn’t bug me one bit, because I miss him too. Someone that is entirely too good for me. And I’m astonished that he feels about me the way he does. I’m also very, *very* lucky.

I’m not in love. Like I said, I’m taking itty-bitty baby steps, but to paraphrase Dean, “Aw, it’s too cute how much ‘In Like’ you are with him.”

In Like. How cute. The definition of Cute, is “round, chubby and adorable”. I read that in a book, somewhere. That pretty much sums it up.

Monday, May 1st, 2006, was my 26th birthday.

I have amazing friends, that are balls-out determined to start off my 26th rotation around this sun with a bang, assuring me that this year will be better than my 25th. (I sure as hell hope so.)

On the 29th, Melissa and Luc invited Jason and myself to their apartment for Steak dinner, in depth conversation about cats and various other things, (cut me some slack, I was tanked.) and a rousing game of Killer Bunnies, which I’m not sure I quite understand yet, and am not certain I ever will fully grasp. At least not if I keep playing it seven degrees of drunk.

Apparently, according to Melissa, I play strategically. Here’s my strategy: Luc teases me, I put all the nasty bad attack-y type things I get in my hand on Luc’s bunnies, and then tease him mercilessly, telling him he’s in deep poo.

Very strategic, I tells ya.

I had a fantastic dinner, good conversation, and a few too many Tanqueray and Orange juices. I was drunk before dinner. (it could be because I hadn’t eaten during the day, and was consuming approximately three shots of gin in each drink... That *might* be why.) When I apologized to Luc for my random giggle-ness, His response was “Hell, I’m probably more drunk than you are, and I’m cooking!”.

According to Jay, when he dropped me off at home, I’m “adorable” when I’m drunk. Hell. I thought I was just an enormous slut when I was drunk. But maybe that’s actually adorable?


I received a gift certificate for Best Buy (Which led to the purchase of a collectors edition of Pulp Fiction on DVD, and the Best of Delirium on CD. Linds tres happy!) a mini-sized Aromatherapy kit with peppermint and orange oil extracts with a wee book, and a ticket to go see “Tower Of Power” at the River Rock Casino on the (I think) 29th of May, with Luc, since Melissa couldn’t attend because of prior obligations.

For those of you who don’t know who “Tower Of Power” is, Just pick up or download a copy of “Brick House” by the Commodores if you don’t have it already. That band playing in the background, with all them funky horns and percussion, is Tower of Power. This wikipedia link, tells you ALLLLL about them. Go read. I'll wait.

I’m so stoked it’s unbelievable. I’m sure Mr! Erik is seeing green right now. I’ll dance a little for you when I’m there, babes.

Luc and Melissa, you folk are ridiculously generous. I was happy with a dinner with friends. Thank-you.

This upcoming Saturday, the festivities continue, with heaps of friends attending an Indian food dinner followed by gratuitous drinking and singing off key at karaoke, and the party is hosted by the woman formerly known as “The Jewish Princess”, Miss Elizabeth.

I’ve got buddies that work in the mall that I talk to coming, I’ve got roommates and coworkers, Jay and his best friend, and a multitude of cronies and accomplices in crime from the Lower Mainland out to celebrate my birthday. That’s pretty good for someone who’s only had two birthday parties prior to this in her life.

And Liz throws a damned good partay. She phoned me on my cell while I was at work to sing the Happy Birthday song to me at full volume at roughly ten something in the morning. (Thanks, doll!)

My parents, once again are amazing, but the present they gave me was pretty personal, and very touching. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Jason gave me a mélange of presents, (totally unexpected, BTW, babe.) including a collectable Todd Macfarlane action figure of Napoleon Dynamite that says “Gosh!” “Friggin’ IDIOT!” and “This one gang wanted me because of my skills with a bo-staff.”, an Evil teddy bear, Foot lotion (Whee! foot rubs!) a DVD, and a very fantastically decorated card. *blushes* You’re too good to me, baby.

I was bombarded by my coworkers (one of whom is my roomie) and my other room mate Larry, the moment I walked in the door after work on Monday, and recieved one of those neato fish tanks that has fake fishes that swim in it, some bubbles and a bubble pipe to make me feel young again, a Feng Shui candle, and Popeye cigarettes. Though, they’re called Popeye “Candy sticks” now, and don’t have a red tip anymore, so it’s sort of lost it’s nostalgia. I also got cheesecake. Yum.

Crystal took me out for Starbucks and an enormous souvlaki take-out dinner from this place in Metrotown, that gave me enough chicken, tsatziki, and chicken flavoured greek rice with greek salad to last me two days. Yum.

Thankee’s tossed out liberally to the multitude of friends around the continent that phoned, text messaged me, IM’d me, emailed, and commented in my comments in GSD, and various other forms of communication. I feel blessed to have so many amazing friends.

Needless to say, I was so tired after my day, that I fell asleep sitting up in bed, with my lights on full blast, and woke up at five am the following morning cursing myself. I know that when Saturday evening rolls around, and we’ve sung our little hearts out, (and tried to assassinate our livers...) That I’ll be passing out for other reasons.

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