Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Gullible’s Travels

The Long weekend, turned into a long week, which is why I haven't been writing anything lately.

My landlord decided to throw a few rather enormous parties over the duration of the long weekend. The first one starting Friday night, at the end of my 12 hour shift, and not ending until approximately 8 am, Saturday morning.

When I ended it.

Of course, I’m sure the dramatics and bullshit would have lasted until noon somewhat, If I hadn’t come downstairs after trying to sleep for ten hours, and thrown one hell of a shit fit before I left for work, since I thought it was established that I was actually HOME and SLEEPING because I was WORKING all weekend. Apparently, not so much.

Let me clarify. I was described by one drunken/stoned/possibly minorly retarded partygoer as:

“Listen, lady, I don’t even know you, and I’m sure you’re a nice person, but when you’re mad? Damn, you one scary bitch.”

Apparently, sleep deprived me, plus eight or so inebriated, hard-drug fueled freaks, equals “Scary bitch”. Of course, I don’t think it was without reason, and I received a full-on apology from my landlord, after I took him aside, and then calmly burst into tears after telling him that I was NOT happy with the evenings developments.

There is a hole in my bedroom door, from where the hasp for my lock slammed through the wood paneling at mach 10. Whoops.

I was remarkably cheerful at work for the entire day. I came home, spent some time blabbing and having a slice of amazing coffee cake with my neighbors, played the sims on my computer... 8:30 p.m. came around...

And then I started throwing up for approximately 18 hours. I had a fever, nausea, sore muscles, you name it. I had to abandon my boss, and leave him by himself in the store all Sunday. I felt terrible for doing it, even though he gave it to me.

I’m got over that. Then, came the second part. The strep throat, which creeped up on me. I could feel it coming. The strep throat which I *knew* my boss was going to give me, and I swore upside and down that I was able to avoid receiving from my boss since I thought I was in the clear after the first few days of him taking his antibiotics.

Goddamnit. This is why people shouldn’t come to work when they are sick. Especially around ME!

My doc banned me from work, because strep/tonsillitis is highly contagious, and there’s no way in hell I was planning on spreading it around to any more people. This means I had time off. Plenty of it. All unpaid. There ain’t no sick days in retail, baby.

I spent approximately 5 days, with severe strep, that transferred to my tonsils, I got a sinus infection, and then for a few days, I had an earache. I sounded like total hell. I felt like something that Death had shit out, and stepped on. I didn’t eat for approximately four days. I was one sick puppy.

I was feverish, and seeing things in the embroidery on the top of my mattress.

Seriously. I was convinced my sheets and pillowcases were bad, and ripped them off of my bed. No reasoning made sense. I saw the character “Pei Mei” from Kill Bill 2 (and various other kung fu movies) in my bed embroidery. I was talking to him. (Thank god he wasn’t talking back, or I’d have been on my way to the hospital.) Other times, I was hallucinating little people, like Lilliputians in my bed, and I was a Gulliver to them. I thought I was sleeping, but I was hallucinating with my eyes wide open.

I had visions of turning my head and looking like I’d had half my cheek blown out with a shotgun, or the position I was in while trying to sleep had me bent backwards like a bow, which it didn’t. I was feeling the urge to yell out “You greedy, teabag licking, potato bottom!” and various other nonsensical epithets at no one in particular. Sounds from outside were affecting my sleep and my visions. Dimensions were skewed in rooms and hallways. Nightmare after nightmare keeping me tossing and turning all night. Some of it was funny, but some of it was completely terrifying.

I almost thought I was losing my sanity, for a while. The only thing that cooled my poor overheated noggin off, was long showers. I probably had about three showers a day.

My mom and Jay were both really worried about me. Hell, *I* was really starting to get worried on my fourth day with a fever up to 102. Day five came around, and poof. I’m up, I’m bouncy. I’m not over it all yet, but I actually mowed the lawn today, tired of my inertia.

I went to my Tower of Power concert on Friday with Luc, and they were damned flawless. I told myself that if I didn’t go, I was going to regret it big time, and I would have. I bullied myself into feeling better. they were AWESOME! Thanks Melissa and Luc!!! *huge hugs!*

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