Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I think I Just....

Came. Just a little bit.

Over these.

Delectable, "Minnie Mouse" wedge slingback sandals.

I have a shirt that matches. I think with white capris, they would knock socks off. Well, not literally, since they are sandals and if I wore socks with them, I'd be entirely unfashionable.

I MUST have.


(For anyone willing to purchase them as gifty's, size 11 will be just fine. Thanks. ;) )

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I entered a photo I'd taken approximately 22 months ago into a Hewlett Packard Graphic Design/Artists contest. It was one that had been lurking in my Flickr.com photostream for just about as long, in the hopes that I might end up "winning" some recognition in the contest.

Guess what?

I did. Take a look for yourself.

In case you have trouble finding it, since it's only going to be up for about a week, to the best of my knowledge, It's the one that looks like this.


(You can click the image for the full sized picture.)

Did I win mass amounts of fortune? I wish. Heaps of glorious fame? Nope. Just exposure to the design/artist community. Which is equally as cool.

Yay! I won something! :D

Friday, January 19, 2007

Meet The Parents...

My parents.

Who apparantly read GSD.

Wow, Uhm... *scratches the back of her neck absentmindedly while looking askance. Then back up again...*

Hi, Mom, Dad. Welcome to GSD territory.

I love you.

But if you think I'm gonna censor anything on here... I'm not. Fuck it. You've read it already. There's no sense in playing shy now, eh?

My parents ≠ Canadian Broadcast Standards Council of Linds.

I mean, cripes, I've already written about half a dozen things that probably raised your eyebrows, more for the fact that you didn't need to know stuff about my sex life, (slightly awkward, but whatever... Yes I have sex. It doesn't bother me...) Or my deep dark secrets that I've confessed... Of which there aren't any, really. That being said, if I chose to put it out here on "teh intarweb", then I can't really complain about having my folks reading it, so "Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome." You guys have a good sense of humour anyways, Who else would I have learned it from?

Have fun. Don't trip on any shoes lying about.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Of Exes and Oh's...

Between a conversation with myself and a friend online, discussing whether or not X's represent kisses, and O's represent hugs.

The term is hugs and kisses, or X's and O's. So based on Dave's logic, hugs are X's, and kisses are O's. My logic states that O's are huglike in shape, being the two arms going AROUND something, so that O's are hugs, and X's are the shape of pursed lips, being kisses.

His stance? X's are hugs, O's are kisses.

Mine: O's are hugs, X's are kisses.

Which is right? What do you guys think?

Monday, January 15, 2007

I Should Readily Admit...

That not a day goes by where I don't think politely to myself "Hey! Linds! Hi honey, how's it going? Good, good. Glad to hear it. Hey listen, why don't you write something in GSD? You know... It's kind of been a while."

Then I tell myself, "Well, Miss Linds, it's not really your fault, is it, that it's because you've been so awfully busy, what with management changes and the unholy mess left after Christmas/Boxing Day sales have blown through my store like the wild typhoon of commercialism and the "Spirit of Giving". (Sure, "Giving" yourself an enormous credit card bill...) And me a giant headache.

The resulting exhaustion from running around like maniacs during the season, and remerchandising the store AFTER the loss of two salespeople due to "seasonal hiring adjustments"... Not to mention the upcoming inventory which should be right fucked, considering the state of my workplace over the past 6 months... *sighs* Things are coming together but God! What an enormous pile of shit to wade through until it's finished... (though, it never really gets "finished".) I'm very, very tired. Bone tired.

However, that's not the only reason...

And then I tell myself it's because I've been so happy, living with my boyfriend, and just puttering along, on my/Our own little cloud nine. How much could I really write about how nauseatingly, incredibly, fantastically WONDERFUL my relationship is, and how complete it makes me feel before I become some sort of online I Heart Cliff fanclub, and I'm his number one super-awesome happyfuntime fangirl? Who the hell wants to read that sort of stuff? Yeah, you're happy, Linds, we get it. Good for you. Excuse me while my teeth rot and then fall out.

Who wants to hear that shit? No one, right? Right.

Well, I am really damned happy. So there. I do Heart Cliff. But trust me, it won't lead up to that point where I've uploaded sparkly MySpace animated gifs for every bloody day of the week up here, and if it does, someone please point it out, by, like, slapping me?

But no, that's not it, either.

It's that I have nothing else to write about right now, and I honestly feel unmotivated to write anything in general. I feel obligated to post in here, instead of wanting to.

I could tell you I did an IQ test on Tickle at 11something pm, a week ago and it told me I had an IQ of 122. (What with Cliff poking his nose in and distracting me, while I was trying to answer in a timely fashion.) I'm sure I could have scored higher.

It told me my strengths lie in art/creative projects, writing/communication and logic/problem solving... Well, goodness golly me... You think? Thank you Tickle.com. Whatever would I do without you? Let me write it out on an online weblog and tell all the people that don't give a shit the stuff I knew already!

I could tell you I got my ring that I got for Christmas sized for my left middle finger, but honestly, it's boring. Well, no... Wait. Not the jewelry, I LOVE the ring, don't get me wrong, but it's not "write worthy" material.

I could write and apologize to my readers that I still have yet to post my compilation album for 2006, "Biologique" up for grabs, because I've been busy. Real busy. Honest Injun. I have holidays starting on the 3rd of February, where I'll have 10 days of doing absolutely nothing in between having crazy-hot sex with my boyfriend and sleeping in obscenely late in the afternoon, to ensure that these tracks and the album art get posted up here. You'll just have to wait for your free music, imported under exceptional bitrate and quality, so really, I'm very sorry. I appreciate your patience.

Oh wait, this is under the assumption that I actually still have readers after this diatribe.

Just... Give me a bit, okay? I know it leads to a more boring work day for you guys, but I'd like to focus on the book I've been hemming and hawwing over, which I'll probably scrap entirely and start anew on. I'd love to work on my website for design that I've been neglecting to work on for months and months. I'd like to put the finishing touches on my digital portfolio, and then go and get the same thing printed all shiny and glossy and posted by my own hand onto some gorgeous charcoal grey 140 weight card stock, in a stunning black, butter-soft, leather folder.

I've just got some stuff on my plate, and my mind in other places right now. That doesn't mean I don't think your sexy and don't want to be with you anymore, baby. Once this stuff is dealt with, I'll be back, and better than ever. I promise.

Listening to: Beyoncé - "Irreplaceable" from the album "B-Day"

Friday, January 12, 2007

Huh Hah!

Huh Hah!, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Stolen from the lovely Miss Liz, via the lovely miss melissa. tres funny.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Sometimes, I'm such a genius it hurts.

Cliff from the living room:
"Why are they showing a yeast infection medication commercial during the middle of a war movie?! Gee, you guys sure hit your target audience right on the head! Idiots!"

Me, from the bedroom: "Hey! Girls like war too, you know!"

Previously in the day, discussing dinner:

Cliff: "I added peas to the stew last."

Me: "That makes sense. Peas tend to disapparate when they overcook."

Cliff: *looking at me oddly* "Disapparate?"

Me: "Wait. No... I meant "dissipate"... You know, dissolve."

*smirks at me*

Me: "Fall apart into mush blending in with everything else in the pot, like peas tend to do!"

Cliff: *tries to stifle laughter*

Me: "Damn those Harry Potter books!!"

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Courtesy of The Mayor, from one of his "linkie love" posts.

A very effective, thought provoking public service announcement directed at women, regarding A.I.D.S./H.I.V. (This is Not Suitable For Work.)

This P.S.A. was so eye-openingly different, that I wanted to do a little research to find out who made it. The creators of this Public Service Announcement, (which was broadcast on MTV during International World AIDS Day, December 1st) is an international advertising agency called Ogilvy.

I'd like to commend them on their... Well... Really, amazing work, for this public service announcement on an important issue, that needs to be addressed. It's not dancing around any issues, and certainly has a shock value that left me with a few tears in my eyes, and speechless for a moment or two.

I'll admit, I've behaved recklessly in my past, and I'm bloody well lucky that I haven't ever ended up with anything that would have made me regret my actions. This just kind of brought it home to me. Hard.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Elf" Cliff

"Elf" Cliff, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

I got what I wanted for Christmas! Plus, I even got to open it up early! Sweet!

We went to a Christmas dinner at the local little restaurant that we go to on a regular basis, and I snapped a photo with the trusty cell camera, that I just got to uploading now.

Monday, January 01, 2007


A wee roggy from browsing various websites on the internet... Mostly Myspace page layout and glittery graphics pages.

To the "webmaster" (who is more likely some pimply teenaged nerd who picked up one book on code and got daddy's credit card number for web hosting access): Did you actually LEARN how to connect hyperlinks to the pages they are supposed to link to properly? Ever? Did the thought even occur to you? One click on Burberry layouts, and I'm tits deep in Emo pictures. Eurgh! Myspace is the haven for shitty coding. CSS works, kids.

For instance, (though it makes me look completely geeky) take a browse at MY profile. it's simple, there are NO shiny shiny things on it. There's good, interesting music on it. It's not myspace default. This doesn't take much effort.