Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Usually, I hate television. It doesn't get turned on under my own control, (unlike many other things) unless I feel like watching some music videos.

However, Elizabeth tends to watch TBS quite a bit in the evenings, and it's on in the background. I get distracted watching "Sex In The City" (which is HYSTERICALLY funny, by the way...) and have noticed a few television shows that intregued me and are advertised for viewers upcoming winter entertainment.

"He's A Lady" -- A TV show based on the idea that four men, (perhaps more, I'm just going off of the commercials) are put in drag "Tootsie" style, and live life dressed and acting like women. (VERY ugly women, but women.) I think I've been hanging out at the Dufferin too often.

"The Real Gilligans Island"-- A reality TV program based off of the idea from the sitcom "Gilligans Island." And I mean VERY based on the sitcom.

How much "technology" you can develop out of coconut shells and bamboo shoots is beyond me, but apparently that's the plan. Hey Professor, you had better be a regular fuckin' MacGyver, that's all I can say.

I can't wait to see "Ginger" tottering around in a gold backless evening gown, and stilettos in the bush. Perhaps it's the evil in me.

I'm also very eager to see what concoctions "Mary-Anne" makes to feed the crew. I'm predicting it will end up very much like "Bubba" on Forrest Gump. IE.) Coconut stew, coconut soup, coconut kebabs, coconut bread...

This is one fucked up version of Survivor... AND! I wonder if they are going to toss in the head hunting natives that visit the island like what happened in the show... Or is that too politically incorrect? I predict rapid starvation of the "crew" lost on this "three hour tour," and no Coconut shell CB radio is going to save their asses. ( I actually love the whole damned idea, as lucrative as it seems.)



I hear you calling and it’s needles and pins (and pins)
I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
Don’t wanna touch you but you’re under my skin (deep in)
I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison
You’re poison, running through my veins
You're poison
I don’t wanna break these chains

--"Poison" by Alice Cooper.


Anonymous said...

i tried to sign in but blogger doesn't like firefox.
some pretty funny stuff you post. if you're ever in texas stop by! you sound like fun. i'm at zentner.blogspot.com . poetry, pictures of me and my place and the band i was in. august has the pictures. i moved here from santa cruz ca. zentner98@hotmail.com . chow!

Anonymous said...
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Linds said...

The last deleted comment was merely a repeat post. :D :D