Friday, September 09, 2005


If you haven't heard of, go check it out now.

I'd suggest translating with it, you might get a giggle or ten.

GSD is pretty interesting translated as well, here's a taster of my header underneath the banner, and what Gizoogle can do for you.

Welcome ta tha Glamazon Shoe Diaries . Drop it like its hot. Chock fizzy of tha trials n tribulizzles reviews/recommizzles of music n literature. Anecdotes, stories n woes of a 25 year old chick study'n Electronic Design, liv'n in Pusha B.C. Canada. Anyth'n fo` shits n giggles. I thrive off of banta.

Aight. peace out. Fo' shizzle, mo nizzles...

Gawd I'm way too white to say that.

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