Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Seven deadly.... Memes?

1. Seven Things I Hate Doing or That Scare Me

  • The Dishes.
  • Organizing my Desk (This is truly daunting.)
  • Moths
  • Being Alone.
  • Large Crowds of people, in particular concert mosh pits, or a very crowded bus, etc. I need a way out.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • STD's. (Both six and seven on this list scare the bejesus out of me.)
  • 2. Seven Things I Like

  • My Friends.
  • Eating.
  • Reading - all kinds, Usually Science Fiction, Fantasy, Vampire books and Erotica
  • Chatting.
  • Music.
  • Design.
  • Sleeping.
  • 3. Seven Important Things in My Room

  • Bed
  • Sheets
  • Pillows
  • Laptop
  • Books
  • Lamps (Yes, Multiple. I live in a room with no windows. Otherwise it's pretty damned dark.)
  • Stereo
  • 4. Seven Random Facts About Me

  • I have never broken a bone other than a hairline fracture in my pinky when I smacked into a tree mid-trail when I was about 12, but had to wear an actual cast for six weeks for a wrist sprain.
  • I almost got married when I was 19.
  • I've never done drugs harder than marijuana.
  • I would take chocolate and coca cola with me as my luxury item on survivor. I'd eat it all too quickly and then bemoan the loss of it. Or some stupid shit would steal it from me.
  • I used to shoplift like a motherfucker when I was a kid. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you. I haven't stolen anything in about 13 years.
  • I have tried to write three books. They all sucked. I'll try again later.
  • I used to be a communist.
  • 5. Seven Things I Plan on Doing Before I Die

  • Live in New York City again. Even just for a while.
  • Open up my own business, but probably not in New York City.
  • Marry rich. Die young. (And rich.)
  • Possibly have children. (My mom is starting on me already. As *IF* my biological clock isn't doing a number on me as well. I love you, but shut up, mom.)
  • Create beautiful art.
  • Record an album.
  • Making a disgusting amount of money, if I can't marry rich... Or even if I can.
  • 6. Seven Things I Can Do or Have Done.

  • Gone dancing in the rain. (I really have.)
  • Sing
  • Write, but apparently not very often. Sorry guys, I'm a bad girl. Spank me.
  • Graphic Design
  • Type without looking at the keys, at approximately 85 some odd words per minute. I don't like the even ones.
  • Written a song, that I can play on guitar and sing to at the same time. I wrote it for Erik.
  • Worked in a publishing house.
  • 7. Seven Things I Cannot or Will Not Do

  • Deliberately hurt another human or animal.
  • Drink a coke and eat Pop Rocks® at the same time.
  • Do Drugs.
  • Sky Dive, Bungee Jump, or anything else relatively life threatening for a thrill.
  • Be a victim to my own flaws, of which there are many, and I'm trying to overcome.
  • Leave my friends.
  • Give up.
  • 8. Seven Things I Say the Most

  • “What!?”
  • “(random sentence)...Or some shit.”
  • “What the Fuck?!” (referring to something computer related, usually.)
  • “Shhhiit.”
  • “I want Chocolate.”
  • "No, I don't watch TV, Remember?" (Always in response to “Have you seen this commercial/show/actor?”)
  • “Hrm...”
  • 9. And Finally, Seven Souls I Have Ruined by Tagging Them. (Though, they don't have to write this if they don't want to, because I bloody well hate chain letters. This is just shameless linking.)

  • Orion Skie -- Darling Melissa.
  • The Mayor Say hello to my little friend.
  • Mike G, from Churn -- Creating nothing from nothing.
  • Dr. Ryan Maynard from Newsblog 5000 -- It's real news, with a twist.
  • Jerilyn!! -- Madamioselle Unfortunate Serendipity.
  • Strangedaze -- Chris only loves me for my high arches and pedicures.
  • Blue Vertigo -- The other half of Miss Unfortunate Serendipity.
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