Tuesday, December 05, 2006

yoinked from myself... Again. God I'm lame.

I AM: Happy with who I am with, and where I am living. Anticipatory.
I WANT: Resolution.
I WISH: I'd turned the light off in the living room. Dammit.
I HATE: Being sick.
I MISS: Some of my friends. I've been too busy.
I HEAR: The sound of my boyfriend snoring lightly (sometimes) as he sleeps with his head on my shoulder... So I can't get up to turn the light off in the living room.
I WONDER: A lot of things. If I am what I think I might be and what it will do for my life.
I REGRET: At the moment, not much.
I AM NOT: Perfect. Though I'm damned near close.
I DANCE: Like a dork.
I SING: When I'm happy.
I CRY: Not as often as I used to.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: A veritable voluminous volley of vowels. Damn you, V for Vendetta.
I WRITE: Stories that make people feel things. Happy, sad, giggly, jiggly, nerdy...
I CONFUSE: My letters sometimes when I write by hand. I'm always thinking a few letters ahead and my damned handwriting can't keep up.
I SHOULD: Do the laundry.
I START: With the mere push of a "button".
I FINISH: Shaking and gasping.

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