Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Five...

1. What do you wear to bed?


2. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on the left side of the bed. When Cliff leaves for work at quarter to five in the morning, I sort of sprawl diagonally, corner to corner, for maximum sleep satisfaction.

3. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Nope, but I often find myself cuddling one of my many pillows if I end up sleeping in late. I'm not one for "stuffed animals".

4. Blanket/bed hog?

I, most definitely am NOT a blanket hog. My cuddly bedmate, however... *grumbles* Let's just say the phrase "One good turn gets all the blankets" is VERY apt. As for the classification "Bed Hog".... Weeeellllll... I think I may be guilty of that on occasion...

The Man: Hey, can I have some of the bed?

Me: There's heaps of room right HERE! *indicates space between him and myself*

The Man: There's tons of room on the other side of you, too. I'm hanging on by a cheek, here.

Me: Gah! Fine... Here!

5. Do you make your bed everyday?

I never used to give two shits about making my bed, but since I got my kickass medieval captain's bedframe, I've realized how very nice a freshly made bed looks, and how much LESS effort it takes to just collapse on the bed after a long day at work, instead of having to push aside craploads of blankets. My Grandmother should be proud.

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