Sunday, December 03, 2006

Good Evening Ladies and Germs...

How are you guys doing?

I'm doing great. Tired, ill, a little cranky, but on the whole, very, very good.

I've been working upwards of 52 hours a week now that the holiday hours are in full swing, and training craploads of brand new employees. It's kind of fun, and very exhausting. All of my new trainees are between the ages of 17 and 21, so I've got hordes of little man-geeks in training to manipulate as I see fit. It's kind of like babysitting and nerd school at the same time. Does that make me the Head honcho Geek? Threats of spanking for bad behaviour seem to go across quite nicely and end up with appropriate results.

my Man-Geeks-in-training keep on telling me that I'm too serious, though. Me? Serious? I just don't encourage the pranks between staff ("I don't care if you do it, I just DON'T want to know! Ignorance is my protection! Oh, and don't fuck with me.") I don't encourage the flight of miniature helicopters through the mall, because I don't want to get screamed at by Mall Admin. This just seems logical.

Typical conversation with my employees consist of shit like this:

Me: "What are you guys doing?"

Man-Geek-in-Training #1: "Downloading some stuff."

Me: "What are you downloading?"

MGiT#1: "remixes of music from Final Fantasy."

Me: *rolling eyes to heaven, stifling laugh* "God, you guys are such NERDS! Cute, but WOW... Nerdy." *walks towards store exit* "Oh, and get a girlfriend!"

I seem to be getting more and more tasks tossed onto my list of 'stuff to do at work', and I know for sure I'm going to appreciate my vacation when I take one.

I'm getting into month number two of living with my boyfriend, Cliff, and things are going quite well. He was pampering me today, while I wheezed and whined and doped myself up with as few as possible painkillers on the couch. We've only had one argument in the past 2.5 months, based upon miscommunication, due to the fact that last night I was owly and grouchy, because I felt like poo, and seemed to be taking it out on him when really I wasn't. Whoops. Other than that, it's a few minor squabbles and smooth sailing. This is good.

My nephew decided to share his strep-throat with me, masked in kisses and "I love you, Auntie Lynn"'s. Unfortunately, I can't attribute malice to a seven year old who gives me kisses and loves whilst infecting me with streptococcus. The cute little bugger.

My Year end compilation will be posted up sometime between the 15th-20th of this month, as a Christmas present to my friends, near and far. It's 23 (roughly) tracks of high-bitrate, mp3 music-y goodness, from stuff I've not been able to get enough of this past 12 months. Save about 170 megs of space on your hard drive, kids!!

Depending on the situation (more on that, potentially, in a later post, further on in the month...) The cover has been completed, (though constantly under revision due to my own picky tendencies) and I've been doing a lot of design work for some pretty constant clients over the past few weeks as well.

Oh, and because I suck, and couldn't manage to remember to wish people a happy birthday ON their birthdays, despite constantly reminding myself, A happy belated Birthday to Miss Melissa, A happy birthday to Miss Jerilyn, and a happy early Birthday to Miss Elizabeth.

Okay. It's time for bed. I'm bagged.



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