Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Overheard... (At work)

Linds is in the back room getting a product for a customer. Phone rings.

Me: Hello, *company named blanked* Linds speaking.

Man: Hi, I was wondering if Uh... If, Uh.... Uh... If you know why Uhhh... the *company name blanked* still has it's commercials for back to school stuff on T.V?

Me: *pause* Well, as far as I know it does, however I don't watch television, so I wouldn't be the best person to ask that question to. As far as I know, yes, our advertisements are stil on TV, and all of our back to school sales end on the 24th of September.

Man: Uh... Well, Uhmm.... I was just calling to see why the ads were still on tv, because I was watching the space channel, and they had ads for Futureshop, and Best Buy and (lists of a few more companies...) and they still have ads for back to school stuff, but I think that Uh... Kids are already in school and they already have stuff so why are you still showing commercials that say back to school when Uh... Uhm.... They like, don't need to go, and Kids had to start going back into school on the eighth, at like nine am, like grades 8 to 11 to 5, and stuff so I don't know why you have the ads on tv still. And Uhh... do you have the number for like a head office and stuff?

Me: *pause. look up at ceiling as if to beg God for strength* We usually don't give out the number for head office unless it's a serious complaint about a product or poor service, sir.

Man: Uh well this sort of is a serious complaint.

Me: *confused and slightly annoyed* You're complaining about the length of time that commercials run on television for Back to School sales?

Man: Yes.

Me: It's a sale. It just means prices are lower on things, and you get better deals. You don't have to go to school in order to buy the products we sell! Parents of children and college students do not neccessarily purchase all of the supplies they need for school the week before or the day of school starting. In some cases they choose to do price comparisons with other locations that sell the same products we do. I have absolutely no control over the advertising for my company.

Man: Well, Uh, I don't see why they are running still on tv, since school started already and stuff, see I'm 43, and I don't go to school.

Me: Well, sir, if you want, we can give you the *regular* price. We can even increase the price in items if that will make you happy. That being said, I really see no point in your calling our store. I have customers waiting for me, I am the only one available to take care of them, and you're tying me up in my back room on the telephone to complain about something as unimportant as the length of a back to school sale. Unless you have something more relevant to bring up, I have work to do.

Man: But, Uhm, I don't see why the commercials are still on.

Me: *Brusquely* Sir, I've already explained the answer to you, and I'm not going to say it twice. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do. I have customers waiting for me, I don't have time or the inclination to continue this discussion.

Man: Oh, okay. Bye.

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