travis: Listen, our "love" making was one long three stooges parody...
linds: I recall you poking me in the eye a few times, yes. And a couple of "why I oughta”’s coming out of you, too.
travis: I told you, I'm not good at it.
linds: I think you said "A wiseguy, huh?!" once, too. But that was when you came.
travis: I never cum only go. But Moe and Larry are perfect names for your breasts, and Curly... Well I'll leave that for you to figure out.
linds: Well considering I have hardwood floors, the carpets don't match the drapes... And I'm not so hot about naming one of my tits after my Dad.
travis: You can't name anything sexual after parental figures it's against the rules.
linds: Yeah I always found the whole "Who's your daddy" thing a bit gross... Hey wait... Curly was bald, wasn't he?
travis: lol
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