Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yoinked... From Myself. How Lame.

I AM: Not happy in the living situation I'm in. Again. I'm moving in the middle of October, most likely. This time I'm staying in the same space for at least three years. I hate this shit.
I WANT: Stability.
I WISH: That things would go smoothly for once.
I HATE: Nagging, Feeling claustrophobic, Long rides on public transit.
I MISS: Being genuinely happy and Feeling carefree.
I HEAR: B-Boy's makin' with the Freak Freak by the Beastie Boys, my fan in my room, the sound of my teeth grinding together.
I WONDER: If I'll ever get married and have children.
I REGRET: Things falling apart with my current roomie, and also how my relationships fail.
I AM NOT: Taller than Liz. Fit. A potato chip.
I DANCE: When I hear something good.
I SING: Everyday. Or at least hum.
I CRY: ocassionally. More often than not lately.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: A hard worker.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: any baked good, or food dish and usually cook it to perfection.
I WRITE: In bed, in the evenings, after work, while feeling like falling asleep.
I CONFUSE: My lefts and rights. Yeah. I think I might be borderline retarded.
I NEED: A 400-500 dollar bachelor suite in New West. Stability. More money.
I SHOULD: Get new glasses, learn how to not freak out in a relationship, learn how to handle my finances, Do my taxes.
I START: Things with a passion.
I FINISH: Things slowly, if at all, unfortunately.

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