The Glamazon Shoe Diaries
Hi there! Welcome to GSD territory. Chock full of the trials and tribulations, reviews and recommendations of music and literature, anecdotes, stories and woes of a Chick in her late 20's, in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Poor Poor Neglected GSD...
I promise baby, I'll come back soon and do an update. I'm tired. Oh, we got married Nov. 6th. Jake's almost 2.5 now. He's talking loads. I will totally come back and do an update. I promise.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Back In The Saddle Again, My Ass!
Okay okay. So I know I said I'd write more often, but you'd be surprised at how easy it is to get distracted by everything else that has been going on. So much has happened. Here's a quick update for y'all.
1. Hallowe'en. This year wasn't a typical trick-or-treating Hallowe'en for us, because we attended the wedding of our dear friends Heather and Ian. It was amazing, it was beautiful, it was exhausting. I was Heather's Maid of Honour, so Cliff got the boychild dumped on him for almost the entire wedding and did fabulously. Cliff was Danny Zuko, Jake was Kinickey, and I was a Pink Lady after I removed myself from the gorgeous but exceedingly movement limiting scarlet dress I was wearing as Maid Of Honour. I'd managed to lose approximately 25 pounds since September, (My "diet" was No pop, No processed flour products, only whole grain foods, lots of walking and lots of water, and criminally, Skinny Vanilla Lattes from starbucks instead of Mocha frapps) and even after ALL of that work, I still felt like a sausage in it's casing.
Here's a pic of Jake and Cliff, they look adorable, no? FYI. Yes I handpainted his "cigarette" package of Marlboros and they are era appropriate for the 50's. God bless Google for it's image search capabilities.
2. Christmas. I'd reentered the work force from mid-November to approximately the 10th of December, when I was informed by my employers that I wouldn't be covered for breaks, and told them to go fuck themselves. I'm sure it wasn't the smartest thing to do considering our financial situation despite Cliff not working for 4 months prior. (and honestly, who really isn't suffering during these economic times?) Cliff supported me 100% during my decision, and though I felt horribly guilty not sticking to my job and something I'd promised I'd do for someone, I felt like being treated like a human being more.
But in all actuality Christmas was wicked cool, I baked and baked and baked, I found a fabulous recipe for Sugar cookies by Alton Brown on the food network site. Quite honestly, if I wasn't worried about my ass exploding out of my pants I'd be making them every week because they were freaking awesome with a cuppa Earl Grey... Sadly, I have no impulse control with them. Reality (that bitch!) interferes, and it doesn't help my "diet" one bit. But they are SO. GOOD.
Jake got spoiled to hell and back, with almost all of our friends and family sending him at least 2 or three things each. It was crazy.We decided to put our tree up on Christmas Eve, after he'd gone to bed, and the look on his little face was priceless when there was another "Kissmas! ho ho ho!" thing up in the house. He, of course, promptly decided to denude our poor Charlie Brown tree of 4 ornaments within the first 5 minutes of him seeing it, so maybe "training" him to not touch the tree during the week prior might have been a better decision, overall. Whoops, there's always next year.
Jake's visit with Santa went well, If by well you mean "At least he's not screaming his little brains out!" as quite a large number of toddlers do when they meet Santa. Out of the 6 pictures we got of him on the old man's lap, this is the only one that I really liked, because I think he was in a Christmas coma at that point, completely overwhelmed by the number of decorations and activities going on in the mall and then we put him in the lap of some hairy dude wearing a red velvet suit. I mean, come on, if you were one and a half, you'd be pretty overwhelmed too! Every other photo of him on Santa had him looking like he'd been beaned on the head by a frying pan and he was completely expressionless. The poor kid. Cliff had picked up a book earlier that horror of all parental horrors, plays the song "frosty the snowman"at supersonic tinny volume repeatedly, and Jake being our child, has a strong affinity for being read to and reading books himself. I think it's a cute and very apt picture of him.
Christmas dinner was hosted at my house with my parents and cousin and his girlfriend Amy attending, and for the very first time I can say that I achieved true adult-hood by violating and roasting my first turkey. So can my friend Amy, who helped roast the SECOND turkey that we made. Yes. I said it. Two 15 lb birds. It was chaos! Amy and I were putting on this big show of 'no big deal, we're women we can do this no problem!' bravado, and then... And then... *shudders* And then we had to slather herbed butter underneath the skin of the turkey breasts and we turned into total freaking wimps. We had to reach into turkey body cavities and remove giblets!!! We had to PIN THE WINGS to the birds' body!! We had to rinse and pat dry the INSIDES of a turkey ribcage and then shove bread and sausage into the holes we had just cleaned out. Eeeeeeewwwww!!!
But the taste was phenomenal. I mean, coming in your pants and your mouth at the same time tasty-ness. I had enough turkey left over to feed an army sandwiches for a week. I made mashed potatoes with herbs and what my family calls "hossenpheppher" which is lightly mashed carrots and rutabega/turnips, stuffing made from Authentic San Francisco sourdough bread that my Aunt had picked up for us when she went in November with bratwurst sausage with whole and half fresh cranberries, Celery and red onions, gravy and buns and two types of cranberry sauce. My table spread was freaking amazing. I was so proud of us for all the work we did. My best memory of Christmas 2009? My three very sweet goodnight kisses from my completely exhausted and very happy son.
And then we all got the flu for the next week. Yuck. Sleeping a lot, fevers, snot. Sinus headaches and crankiness. (But at least we had turkey sandwiches!)
3. New Years. consisted of Cliff and I reading our books in bed and then when I looked at the clock when the hullabaloo started in the neighborhood and went "Holy shit! Happy New Year, Babe!" a smooch and back to our books. Yes, darlings, we lead a life of excitement and vigor. *sighs*
4. Our Leaky bedroom. Oh yes, I said it. We had/have a massive leak in our Master suite. I can't tell you how happy I was to discover that it had been oozing water slowly throughout the week and during our most recent monsoon ALL down the side of the window which is of course right behind my head. Happy happy! Of course the Land/slum lords that we love dearly but don't do anything for our house didn't bother to actually do anything to fix it until approximately a week after our first phone call. This meant a week of dumping 4 litre pails of water into a 10 litre pail, at a rate of about 8 to 10 litres a day during the heavy rain we've been suffering here. Yeah. Linds is NOT pleased.
They've since come and slathered roof repair tar over every nook and cranny of the bedroom addition, our porch roof and the conjoined corrugated plastic cover that is half of our porch area. This was today, I've no idea if it will actually fucking DO anything yet, as it hasn't really rained enough for it to drip drip drip. I hope it does something.
I'm sure that I've entertained you enough for the evening, but let me say, Happy New Year! Welcome to a new decade, and let's hope that the next 10 years are far more successful than the last 10!
Love ya!

Here's a pic of Jake and Cliff, they look adorable, no? FYI. Yes I handpainted his "cigarette" package of Marlboros and they are era appropriate for the 50's. God bless Google for it's image search capabilities.
2. Christmas. I'd reentered the work force from mid-November to approximately the 10th of December, when I was informed by my employers that I wouldn't be covered for breaks, and told them to go fuck themselves. I'm sure it wasn't the smartest thing to do considering our financial situation despite Cliff not working for 4 months prior. (and honestly, who really isn't suffering during these economic times?) Cliff supported me 100% during my decision, and though I felt horribly guilty not sticking to my job and something I'd promised I'd do for someone, I felt like being treated like a human being more.
But in all actuality Christmas was wicked cool, I baked and baked and baked, I found a fabulous recipe for Sugar cookies by Alton Brown on the food network site. Quite honestly, if I wasn't worried about my ass exploding out of my pants I'd be making them every week because they were freaking awesome with a cuppa Earl Grey... Sadly, I have no impulse control with them. Reality (that bitch!) interferes, and it doesn't help my "diet" one bit. But they are SO. GOOD.

Christmas dinner was hosted at my house with my parents and cousin and his girlfriend Amy attending, and for the very first time I can say that I achieved true adult-hood by violating and roasting my first turkey. So can my friend Amy, who helped roast the SECOND turkey that we made. Yes. I said it. Two 15 lb birds. It was chaos! Amy and I were putting on this big show of 'no big deal, we're women we can do this no problem!' bravado, and then... And then... *shudders* And then we had to slather herbed butter underneath the skin of the turkey breasts and we turned into total freaking wimps. We had to reach into turkey body cavities and remove giblets!!! We had to PIN THE WINGS to the birds' body!! We had to rinse and pat dry the INSIDES of a turkey ribcage and then shove bread and sausage into the holes we had just cleaned out. Eeeeeeewwwww!!!
But the taste was phenomenal. I mean, coming in your pants and your mouth at the same time tasty-ness. I had enough turkey left over to feed an army sandwiches for a week. I made mashed potatoes with herbs and what my family calls "hossenpheppher" which is lightly mashed carrots and rutabega/turnips, stuffing made from Authentic San Francisco sourdough bread that my Aunt had picked up for us when she went in November with bratwurst sausage with whole and half fresh cranberries, Celery and red onions, gravy and buns and two types of cranberry sauce. My table spread was freaking amazing. I was so proud of us for all the work we did. My best memory of Christmas 2009? My three very sweet goodnight kisses from my completely exhausted and very happy son.
And then we all got the flu for the next week. Yuck. Sleeping a lot, fevers, snot. Sinus headaches and crankiness. (But at least we had turkey sandwiches!)
3. New Years. consisted of Cliff and I reading our books in bed and then when I looked at the clock when the hullabaloo started in the neighborhood and went "Holy shit! Happy New Year, Babe!" a smooch and back to our books. Yes, darlings, we lead a life of excitement and vigor. *sighs*
4. Our Leaky bedroom. Oh yes, I said it. We had/have a massive leak in our Master suite. I can't tell you how happy I was to discover that it had been oozing water slowly throughout the week and during our most recent monsoon ALL down the side of the window which is of course right behind my head. Happy happy! Of course the Land/slum lords that we love dearly but don't do anything for our house didn't bother to actually do anything to fix it until approximately a week after our first phone call. This meant a week of dumping 4 litre pails of water into a 10 litre pail, at a rate of about 8 to 10 litres a day during the heavy rain we've been suffering here. Yeah. Linds is NOT pleased.
They've since come and slathered roof repair tar over every nook and cranny of the bedroom addition, our porch roof and the conjoined corrugated plastic cover that is half of our porch area. This was today, I've no idea if it will actually fucking DO anything yet, as it hasn't really rained enough for it to drip drip drip. I hope it does something.
I'm sure that I've entertained you enough for the evening, but let me say, Happy New Year! Welcome to a new decade, and let's hope that the next 10 years are far more successful than the last 10!
Love ya!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Santa Baby...
Dear Santa,
Hello, my name is Jacob. I asked my mommy to help me by writing this letter to you as I’m too little to write myself yet. How are you? I hope Mrs. Claus and the Reindeer and elves are doing fine and that you had a good year so far. I am very excited to see you again this year and have been practicing my “Ho Ho Ho” laugh to show you. Mommy says it’s a pretty good Santa laugh.
I have been a very good boy since I saw you last year, I learned a lot of new things like how to talk and walk and draw pictures and a lot more things. I like to dance and sing along with music, my favourites are Bob Marley and the Wailers and Michael Buble. I love doggies and playing with Daddy. I have tried very hard to be a good boy and listen to Mommy and Daddy when they ask me to do things.
This year for Christmas I would like a big bag of money. (Daaaad!!!) I would like a toy farm with animals, and some cars because I love to play with them. Also mommy says I should ask for some clothes, but they are kind of boring, so you can forget to bring me clothes if you don't want to bring them.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope you have a good Christmas.
Hello, my name is Jacob. I asked my mommy to help me by writing this letter to you as I’m too little to write myself yet. How are you? I hope Mrs. Claus and the Reindeer and elves are doing fine and that you had a good year so far. I am very excited to see you again this year and have been practicing my “Ho Ho Ho” laugh to show you. Mommy says it’s a pretty good Santa laugh.
I have been a very good boy since I saw you last year, I learned a lot of new things like how to talk and walk and draw pictures and a lot more things. I like to dance and sing along with music, my favourites are Bob Marley and the Wailers and Michael Buble. I love doggies and playing with Daddy. I have tried very hard to be a good boy and listen to Mommy and Daddy when they ask me to do things.
This year for Christmas I would like a big bag of money. (Daaaad!!!) I would like a toy farm with animals, and some cars because I love to play with them. Also mommy says I should ask for some clothes, but they are kind of boring, so you can forget to bring me clothes if you don't want to bring them.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope you have a good Christmas.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Dear Guys: 5 Easy Things That Will Keep Your Woman Happy.
Okay gentlemen, Here's some free advice.
Women, despite popular male belief, are actually quite easy to keep happy, and the things that keep US happy are relatively the same things that keep YOU happy. This is my advice to my clueless guy friends that have women that are frustrated with them on a regular basis over simple things that could be easily remedied.
Keep in mind, that this is a 2 way street, things that are here are applicable FOR men as well.
1. Sex.~ Schtupp us on a regular basis. It's not an ordeal that should be compared to the Queen of England looking up at the ceiling and doing it for the good of the country. It's fun. It's SUPPOSED to be fun. Sure it's a little effort and a little sweat and... Other things... But hey, It's nookie. It's good for your skin, it's good for your soul, it's good for your heart and it keeps your relationship healthy. Get it on! As a bonus, you get the almighty "O" as well, so quit your bitching.
2. Compliments. ~ I don't mean gratuitous fawning, I mean a genuine and sincere sounding compliment every once in a while. You'd be surprised at how receptive your ladyfriend will be to things you suggest afterwards. Try "Wow! Your hair looks really nice today." or "You look great in that outfit." or "This dinner tastes fabulous! You really did a good job." Or the ever awesome "Have you lost weight? You look like you have." Was that so difficult? No. Would it break you to open your gob and let fly with a little verbal love? Nope.
3. If you're Pissed off about something, let us know and ask for space. We'll give it to you. Go eat a sammich and a cup of coffee, and guaranteed you'll feel better. Nothing is worse than a cranky bear of a man that is hungry. God help us, we don't want to get snarled at for something we didn't even know we did wrong because you're cranky.
4. Chores. We appreciate it when you get off of your ass and do something around the house instead of sitting in front of the idiot box watching hockey or baseball when we've been running around with the kids all weekend or at work or whatever it is we've been doing. We come home and the dishwasher has been unloaded and another load of dishes has been run through, or the bathroom garbage is empty or the floors have been mopped or the bookcase arranged properly. Try doing a load of laundry, and not just your stuff, do your kids clothes. DON'T wash our bras, we'll do that ourselves. Those things are tempermental as hell. If you do these things, we'll notice. You'll get kisses. If you're notoriously lazy or disorganized, a great website that teaches you baby steps is dudes can use it too, and after you've retrained yourself (it only takes 2 weeks to ingrain a new habit into your brain, it's not that difficult!) Hey if it can work on me, miss disorganized and messy, then it can work with you! Attack a clutter hotspot every day!!
5. Flowers. ~ All girls like flowers. Especially if we've been having a really bad day/week. They show you care and they show that you notice that we've been down in the dumps. (substitute electronics, beer or whatever else your dude of the manor appreciates for the guys.)
Women, despite popular male belief, are actually quite easy to keep happy, and the things that keep US happy are relatively the same things that keep YOU happy. This is my advice to my clueless guy friends that have women that are frustrated with them on a regular basis over simple things that could be easily remedied.
Keep in mind, that this is a 2 way street, things that are here are applicable FOR men as well.
1. Sex.~ Schtupp us on a regular basis. It's not an ordeal that should be compared to the Queen of England looking up at the ceiling and doing it for the good of the country. It's fun. It's SUPPOSED to be fun. Sure it's a little effort and a little sweat and... Other things... But hey, It's nookie. It's good for your skin, it's good for your soul, it's good for your heart and it keeps your relationship healthy. Get it on! As a bonus, you get the almighty "O" as well, so quit your bitching.
2. Compliments. ~ I don't mean gratuitous fawning, I mean a genuine and sincere sounding compliment every once in a while. You'd be surprised at how receptive your ladyfriend will be to things you suggest afterwards. Try "Wow! Your hair looks really nice today." or "You look great in that outfit." or "This dinner tastes fabulous! You really did a good job." Or the ever awesome "Have you lost weight? You look like you have." Was that so difficult? No. Would it break you to open your gob and let fly with a little verbal love? Nope.
3. If you're Pissed off about something, let us know and ask for space. We'll give it to you. Go eat a sammich and a cup of coffee, and guaranteed you'll feel better. Nothing is worse than a cranky bear of a man that is hungry. God help us, we don't want to get snarled at for something we didn't even know we did wrong because you're cranky.
4. Chores. We appreciate it when you get off of your ass and do something around the house instead of sitting in front of the idiot box watching hockey or baseball when we've been running around with the kids all weekend or at work or whatever it is we've been doing. We come home and the dishwasher has been unloaded and another load of dishes has been run through, or the bathroom garbage is empty or the floors have been mopped or the bookcase arranged properly. Try doing a load of laundry, and not just your stuff, do your kids clothes. DON'T wash our bras, we'll do that ourselves. Those things are tempermental as hell. If you do these things, we'll notice. You'll get kisses. If you're notoriously lazy or disorganized, a great website that teaches you baby steps is dudes can use it too, and after you've retrained yourself (it only takes 2 weeks to ingrain a new habit into your brain, it's not that difficult!) Hey if it can work on me, miss disorganized and messy, then it can work with you! Attack a clutter hotspot every day!!
5. Flowers. ~ All girls like flowers. Especially if we've been having a really bad day/week. They show you care and they show that you notice that we've been down in the dumps. (substitute electronics, beer or whatever else your dude of the manor appreciates for the guys.)
Monday, July 20, 2009
In the words of The Dixie Cups...
We're going to the chapel and we're, (Bah-boom) gonna get maaaaarried...
On September 18th, 2010. Woot woot!
Cliff proposed in front of my family on February 20th, 2008, so we figured it was about time to get our shit in gear and actually make my last name match my kid's. *winks*
I am pretty excited about this, Debating on colours and dresses, flowers and who is getting invitations. So far it's gourmet appetizers (both Vegan friendly, vegetarian and carnivorian style, heck yes!) and Orange (shocker, considering it's my fave colour) Bright cerulean blues and Creamy colours, which has me a little nervous, but Cliff want's blue in there somewhere.
The Guest list is about 65-70 people, We are preparing and supplying the food and looking for a cash bar scenario. That being said, I'm struggling to find a venue that isn't extortion expensive. Are there any suggestions from the Local Glamazon Peanut Gallery? Also are there any suggestions for photographers (as well as not being extortion expensive? since Diapers are! Haha!)
Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
On September 18th, 2010. Woot woot!
Cliff proposed in front of my family on February 20th, 2008, so we figured it was about time to get our shit in gear and actually make my last name match my kid's. *winks*
I am pretty excited about this, Debating on colours and dresses, flowers and who is getting invitations. So far it's gourmet appetizers (both Vegan friendly, vegetarian and carnivorian style, heck yes!) and Orange (shocker, considering it's my fave colour) Bright cerulean blues and Creamy colours, which has me a little nervous, but Cliff want's blue in there somewhere.
The Guest list is about 65-70 people, We are preparing and supplying the food and looking for a cash bar scenario. That being said, I'm struggling to find a venue that isn't extortion expensive. Are there any suggestions from the Local Glamazon Peanut Gallery? Also are there any suggestions for photographers (as well as not being extortion expensive? since Diapers are! Haha!)
Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Infamous "Proust Questionnaire"
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Of my personal misery, would be to be alone, unloved and destitute. I have a particular fear of being destitute. I guess it's years of comfy living that put that there. *she says tongue in cheek*
Where would you like to live?
Somewhere where quiet would be the general theme of the place I lived. I don't like excessive noise when it's not necessary. A thumping subwoofer at 11 am (and especially at 11PM!) isn't my idea of relaxed living. Modern, contemporary, and clean, or historic and well loved before I was there. Either works for me. I want a house with a large enclosed wraparound porch, somewhere safe, welcoming and beautiful for my family, for myself, and for the friends that visit.
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Being loved, with a close family. Really, everything else just falls into place when that happens. Everything else is also just the icing on the cake.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Clumsy-ness and Naivete. Things that you can't help, or things that show you have learning yet to do. Clumsy-ness, actually I find rather endearing.
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Phedre, from the Kushiel's Dart series by Jacqueline Carey.
Your favorite painter(s)?
Tamara de Lampicka, Don Li-Liger, Van Gogh, Monet.
Your favorite musician?
I have so many. Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Norah Jones, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan. A lot of jazz and Blues. I like low, smoky, impassioned voices, or ones that are just purity to listen to.
The quality you most admire in a man?
Logic, in the face of emotion. It's so enviable! Often it can be confused with being cold, but it's more a matter of seeing things rationally when you're hot tempered.
The quality you most admire in a woman?
Thoughtfulness for others. The ability to not be petty, selfish or vindictive.
Your favorite virtue?
Honesty. It so often gets mixed up in the muck.
Your favorite occupation?
Painter/artist, writer or musician. The ability to create is so wonderful.
Who would you have liked to be?
That's a loaded question. When I was in my youth, I dreamed of fame without the accompanying tripe that came with it. When I was in college, it was a well known but easy to get along with creative mind, not someone that was in charge of things, but someone that would contribute to important discussion, and one that would make the touches that made a project personal and universally appealing at the same time. Now... Something a little more than what I am, an educator, or instructor with good sense.
Your most marked characteristic?
I think my inherently playful nature. My social tendencies.
What do you most value in your friends?
Their ability to laugh when the world is hard on them. Positivity can be so beneficial not only to you but the world at large. Also, the depth and unquestionable genuine quality of their love.
What is your principle defect?
What is your dream of happiness?
Safety, Security financially. Simple pleasures and watching my son grow.
In what country would you like to live?
I never really thought of it but I'm remarkably lucky to be living in Canada. It's beautiful, relatively clean, welcoming and the autumn (My favourite season by far) in Canada is spectacular.
What is your favorite color?
I've got a deep and inexplicable love of the colour orange.
What is your favorite bird?
Eagles, Crows.
Who are your favorite prose writers?
Jacqueline Carey, Anne Rice, Orson Scott Card, J. R. Ward. Many more.
Who are your favorite poets?
Robert Frost.
Who are your favorite composers?
Satie. Pachabel.
Who are your heroes in real life?
My parents. My Fiance Cliff, My son for teaching me that every day is a gift, and that every day you can learn something new/that things that we take for granted are fascinating for a one year old. My friends that accept me, never judge me and love me for who I am and what I've done.
What are your favorite names?
I don't really have any favourites, persay. I love Jacob's second Middle name, Nicholas, which I chose. Sophie or Sophia, which we have chosen if we decide to and are able to have another baby and it's a girl. (this is a few years in the future.)
What is it you most dislike?
Greed. Spite. Malice. Deliberate cruelty.
What historical figures do you most despise?
Hitler tops the list. George W. Bush, for being so smart (Yes I do honestly believe he is a smart man...) and playing up the stupid to a ridiculous amount to cover up his Fuckups.
What event in military history do you most admire?
I have no idea.
What reform do you most admire?
The right for women to choose abortion if they so desire. The way that the European states treat Maternity leave (2 years of mat leave there! This is so wonderful!)
What natural gift would you most like to possess?
Physical grace, athleticism.
How would you like to die?
I don't really dwell on these questions. Loved. Elderly.
What is your present state of mind?
Nervous about reentering the writing world. Slightly lost at the fact that for the first time in 10 years, I'm unemployed because I'm taking care of my son.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Emotional reactions to things that deserve emotional reactions. When someone tells me "I'm sorry" when they are crying about something that is hard on the heart and soul, I often tell them they are allowed to be upset, if they weren't they wouldn't be a human being.
What is your motto?
I believe that every day you should do at least one random act of kindness towards someone else, that you should spend more time with your family and enjoy the most that life has to offer. You only get one life, live it well.
Of my personal misery, would be to be alone, unloved and destitute. I have a particular fear of being destitute. I guess it's years of comfy living that put that there. *she says tongue in cheek*
Where would you like to live?
Somewhere where quiet would be the general theme of the place I lived. I don't like excessive noise when it's not necessary. A thumping subwoofer at 11 am (and especially at 11PM!) isn't my idea of relaxed living. Modern, contemporary, and clean, or historic and well loved before I was there. Either works for me. I want a house with a large enclosed wraparound porch, somewhere safe, welcoming and beautiful for my family, for myself, and for the friends that visit.
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Being loved, with a close family. Really, everything else just falls into place when that happens. Everything else is also just the icing on the cake.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Clumsy-ness and Naivete. Things that you can't help, or things that show you have learning yet to do. Clumsy-ness, actually I find rather endearing.
Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Phedre, from the Kushiel's Dart series by Jacqueline Carey.
Your favorite painter(s)?
Tamara de Lampicka, Don Li-Liger, Van Gogh, Monet.
Your favorite musician?
I have so many. Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Norah Jones, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan. A lot of jazz and Blues. I like low, smoky, impassioned voices, or ones that are just purity to listen to.
The quality you most admire in a man?
Logic, in the face of emotion. It's so enviable! Often it can be confused with being cold, but it's more a matter of seeing things rationally when you're hot tempered.
The quality you most admire in a woman?
Thoughtfulness for others. The ability to not be petty, selfish or vindictive.
Your favorite virtue?
Honesty. It so often gets mixed up in the muck.
Your favorite occupation?
Painter/artist, writer or musician. The ability to create is so wonderful.
Who would you have liked to be?
That's a loaded question. When I was in my youth, I dreamed of fame without the accompanying tripe that came with it. When I was in college, it was a well known but easy to get along with creative mind, not someone that was in charge of things, but someone that would contribute to important discussion, and one that would make the touches that made a project personal and universally appealing at the same time. Now... Something a little more than what I am, an educator, or instructor with good sense.
Your most marked characteristic?
I think my inherently playful nature. My social tendencies.
What do you most value in your friends?
Their ability to laugh when the world is hard on them. Positivity can be so beneficial not only to you but the world at large. Also, the depth and unquestionable genuine quality of their love.
What is your principle defect?
What is your dream of happiness?
Safety, Security financially. Simple pleasures and watching my son grow.
In what country would you like to live?
I never really thought of it but I'm remarkably lucky to be living in Canada. It's beautiful, relatively clean, welcoming and the autumn (My favourite season by far) in Canada is spectacular.
What is your favorite color?
I've got a deep and inexplicable love of the colour orange.
What is your favorite bird?
Eagles, Crows.
Who are your favorite prose writers?
Jacqueline Carey, Anne Rice, Orson Scott Card, J. R. Ward. Many more.
Who are your favorite poets?
Robert Frost.
Who are your favorite composers?
Satie. Pachabel.
Who are your heroes in real life?
My parents. My Fiance Cliff, My son for teaching me that every day is a gift, and that every day you can learn something new/that things that we take for granted are fascinating for a one year old. My friends that accept me, never judge me and love me for who I am and what I've done.
What are your favorite names?
I don't really have any favourites, persay. I love Jacob's second Middle name, Nicholas, which I chose. Sophie or Sophia, which we have chosen if we decide to and are able to have another baby and it's a girl. (this is a few years in the future.)
What is it you most dislike?
Greed. Spite. Malice. Deliberate cruelty.
What historical figures do you most despise?
Hitler tops the list. George W. Bush, for being so smart (Yes I do honestly believe he is a smart man...) and playing up the stupid to a ridiculous amount to cover up his Fuckups.
What event in military history do you most admire?
I have no idea.
What reform do you most admire?
The right for women to choose abortion if they so desire. The way that the European states treat Maternity leave (2 years of mat leave there! This is so wonderful!)
What natural gift would you most like to possess?
Physical grace, athleticism.
How would you like to die?
I don't really dwell on these questions. Loved. Elderly.
What is your present state of mind?
Nervous about reentering the writing world. Slightly lost at the fact that for the first time in 10 years, I'm unemployed because I'm taking care of my son.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Emotional reactions to things that deserve emotional reactions. When someone tells me "I'm sorry" when they are crying about something that is hard on the heart and soul, I often tell them they are allowed to be upset, if they weren't they wouldn't be a human being.
What is your motto?
I believe that every day you should do at least one random act of kindness towards someone else, that you should spend more time with your family and enjoy the most that life has to offer. You only get one life, live it well.
All we need is just a little patience...
I hope I still have readers after my lengthy hiatus.
I'm back. We'll see how well I can do writing this after such a long break, and FYI, I've changed the URL to
This may throw people for a loop, but hopefully I can reestablish my readership and develop a new one in the process!
I'm back. We'll see how well I can do writing this after such a long break, and FYI, I've changed the URL to
This may throw people for a loop, but hopefully I can reestablish my readership and develop a new one in the process!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I absolutely hated being pregnant. Seriously, it was 9 months of hell, I'm absolutely never doing it again.
I hated my personality. Hormones wreaked havoc on my body and my mind. I hated my body feeling like it wasn't just my body, (sometimes) and I hated feeling nauseated just from walking near a public bathroom, or into a supermarket. By the time I was in the late 3rd trimester, everytime Jake moved it was excruciating. And I had a relatively easy pregnancy! I had no gestational diabetes, and I carried only 1 day past my due date (though I was in labour for 2 days prior to it).
I spend pretty much every hour of every day in the company of my son.
And I love it. I LOVE being a parent. Nothing in my life has made me happier than hearing his teeny baby giggle or seeing his gummy smile. There is nothing in this world that compares to the feeling of knowing that you are responsible for someone, that you created something more important than a piece of art, or song, or writing, or cuddling your beloved pet, and it is nothing in comparison. There is someone in this world that lives and breathes and smiles at you, someone who trusts you unconditionally, because you provide love and support and consolation, and also, just for being you. they hold you in regard as the center of their universe, which is only fair, because they are the center of yours.
If you have never had a child, you will never understand this. You may think you do, but seriously, you don't. You won't until you have had one. You suddenly become willing to sacrifice everything you are and everything you have for the safety and happiness of your kid.
And I know this is deep. but these are the thoughts that continually circle around in my sleep deprived brain. The thoughts that go, "Shit, Linds, you didn't know WHAT the fuck you were in for, did you?"
Sure didn't!
But just think of it this way, They're really cute, even when they fart in their sleep.
I hated my personality. Hormones wreaked havoc on my body and my mind. I hated my body feeling like it wasn't just my body, (sometimes) and I hated feeling nauseated just from walking near a public bathroom, or into a supermarket. By the time I was in the late 3rd trimester, everytime Jake moved it was excruciating. And I had a relatively easy pregnancy! I had no gestational diabetes, and I carried only 1 day past my due date (though I was in labour for 2 days prior to it).
I spend pretty much every hour of every day in the company of my son.
And I love it. I LOVE being a parent. Nothing in my life has made me happier than hearing his teeny baby giggle or seeing his gummy smile. There is nothing in this world that compares to the feeling of knowing that you are responsible for someone, that you created something more important than a piece of art, or song, or writing, or cuddling your beloved pet, and it is nothing in comparison. There is someone in this world that lives and breathes and smiles at you, someone who trusts you unconditionally, because you provide love and support and consolation, and also, just for being you. they hold you in regard as the center of their universe, which is only fair, because they are the center of yours.
If you have never had a child, you will never understand this. You may think you do, but seriously, you don't. You won't until you have had one. You suddenly become willing to sacrifice everything you are and everything you have for the safety and happiness of your kid.
And I know this is deep. but these are the thoughts that continually circle around in my sleep deprived brain. The thoughts that go, "Shit, Linds, you didn't know WHAT the fuck you were in for, did you?"
Sure didn't!
But just think of it this way, They're really cute, even when they fart in their sleep.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
profile view, 6.5 months along
Most recent ultrasound, taken March 27th, 2008 @ a little over 6.5 months
It's a boy!
Profile shot!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Queer bird for the straight guy?
My mom's lovebirds deciding that Cliff needed a new hairstyle.
This photo makes me giggle inccessantly.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Maintaining My Privacy...
I've removed all of my contact information from this blog, as I'm getting unsavory emails and some spamgalore in my IM everytime I logged in, so it's all gone from the main page.
Those of you that know how to get ahold of me, can still get ahold of me, those that don't, leave a comment on my entries, and I get a notification that I've recieved one in my email inbox.
I'm starting to get a little creeped out, so this was my resolution.
Those of you that know how to get ahold of me, can still get ahold of me, those that don't, leave a comment on my entries, and I get a notification that I've recieved one in my email inbox.
I'm starting to get a little creeped out, so this was my resolution.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I know I'm partial to Vampire Smut, but come on!!!
Dork online: hi
Dork online: im Brian
Dork online: nice to meet you
Dork online: im from england im a vampire
Linds: One would think you're retarded, with an introduction like that.
Linds: one would also think you would have better sentence structure if you were an immortal.
(To Jerilyn after copy and pasting the initial conversation:)
Linds says: Oh man, why do I get the idiots?
Jeri: hehe
Jeri: You'd think, that being an immortal, he would have had eons to perfect his pickup skills
Jeri: it's almost as bad as 'Hey, baby..wanna see my fangs?'
Linds: LOL
Linds: I am just shocked that someone would say that to hit on someone.
Jeri: THIS is why I don't date
Jeri: Dear Lestat, I have garlic, my room is covered in crosses...and I have a stake with your name on it...get lost!
Linds: Brian the vampire. how intimidating sounding eh?
Jeri: Ohhhh...poor guy...he's the geekpire.
Linds: lol
Jeri: None of the other vampires want to stalk victims with him.
Linds: He wears fangs held together with cellophane tape.
Jeri: hahahahha! Genius!
Linds: I looked at his message, which was an offline one, and actually snorted.
Linds: Cliff says I should have said, Hi Brian, I'm buffy, a vampire slayer.
Jeri: Cliff wins the internets.
Linds: lol
Dork online: im Brian
Dork online: nice to meet you
Dork online: im from england im a vampire
Linds: One would think you're retarded, with an introduction like that.
Linds: one would also think you would have better sentence structure if you were an immortal.
(To Jerilyn after copy and pasting the initial conversation:)
Linds says: Oh man, why do I get the idiots?
Jeri: hehe
Jeri: You'd think, that being an immortal, he would have had eons to perfect his pickup skills
Jeri: it's almost as bad as 'Hey, baby..wanna see my fangs?'
Linds: LOL
Linds: I am just shocked that someone would say that to hit on someone.
Jeri: THIS is why I don't date
Jeri: Dear Lestat, I have garlic, my room is covered in crosses...and I have a stake with your name on it...get lost!
Linds: Brian the vampire. how intimidating sounding eh?
Jeri: Ohhhh...poor guy...he's the geekpire.
Linds: lol
Jeri: None of the other vampires want to stalk victims with him.
Linds: He wears fangs held together with cellophane tape.
Jeri: hahahahha! Genius!
Linds: I looked at his message, which was an offline one, and actually snorted.
Linds: Cliff says I should have said, Hi Brian, I'm buffy, a vampire slayer.
Jeri: Cliff wins the internets.
Linds: lol
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Linds's Classic Apricot Marinated Roast Beast.
Cliff was the subject of experimentation from my past, tonight for dinner. My parents used to make this when I was younger, and it has been years since I've had it. Thankfully, we didn't die, and neither will you, if you eat my fancy shmancy Apricot marinated Roast beef dinnah!!
This meal is both sweet and savory, the apricot marinade/gravy adds a flavour you wouldn't expect into your dish! (and for those who think I'm crazy, what do you think HP sauce you have with your steak is made from? That's right, PLUMS, vinegar, and spices!!)
1- 2 or 3 pound Beef Roast, your choice in cut.
1- bulb of garlic, 1/2 of this bulb should be chopped into coarse chunks.
2- containers of pureed/strained apricot baby food
1/3 cup of White vinegar
3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary, chopped fine
15 or so bite sized baby white potatoes
1/2 pound of carrots, chopped in bite sized chunks
1 medium white onion, that has been cut into 5ths
approximately 10 large white mushrooms, cut into halves
extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper
Using a sharp paring knife, place strategic stabs into the roast and using your finger, stuff the roast with peeled garlic segments. (This feels quite dirty, to be honest. Ignore the slightly pervy sensation and continue to make your roast deeeeffinglicious.)
In a large plastic ziploc bag, place roast, chopped garlic, vinegar, apricot baby food, rosemary, pepper and mix thoroughly until roast is covered in it.
Zip up and place into fridge to marinate in overnight. A bowl works great to keep the marinade covering the entire roast as it sits there absorbing the flavours.
The next afternoon, take the roast out of the bag of marinade, but DO NOT throw the leftover marinade away. This will be used later. Add 1/2 a cup of water to the mixture.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.
In a large cooking pot that is suited to being in the oven for extended periods of time, heat and drizzle olive oil in, and when the oil starts to smoke slightly, you know it's hot enough to sear the sides of the roast to keep moisture in during the time it's in the oven. Sear roast until it is browned on all sides, and turn heat off.
Wash your potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots, and layer them in however you want, I'd suggest carrots on the bottom, mushrooms, onions, and potatoes on the top, to get them all brown and gorgeous.
Pour your remaining apricot marinade over the top of the roast and potatoes, and place in the oven to cook.
When your roast is at the right level of done-ness, (depending on size and cut of meat, and center temperature) place the meat on a cutting board to rest for approximately 10 minutes.
While your roast is resting, take a strainer over a bowl, and pour your veggie/gravy mixture into the strainer, separating the gravy.
Pour the gravy back into the pot that you were roasting everything in, on low heat, simmer until it thickens into real gravy as opposed to Au jus, and slice your meat against the grain in thin slices to get the best results. Sometimes a bit of beef gravy mixture adds some more flavour. Add some salt and coarsely ground pepper into the gravy to taste.
I also placed the veggies back in the oven for about 5 minutes to add a bit of crisp to the potatoes.
This meal is both sweet and savory, the apricot marinade/gravy adds a flavour you wouldn't expect into your dish! (and for those who think I'm crazy, what do you think HP sauce you have with your steak is made from? That's right, PLUMS, vinegar, and spices!!)
1- 2 or 3 pound Beef Roast, your choice in cut.
1- bulb of garlic, 1/2 of this bulb should be chopped into coarse chunks.
2- containers of pureed/strained apricot baby food
1/3 cup of White vinegar
3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary, chopped fine
15 or so bite sized baby white potatoes
1/2 pound of carrots, chopped in bite sized chunks
1 medium white onion, that has been cut into 5ths
approximately 10 large white mushrooms, cut into halves
extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper
Using a sharp paring knife, place strategic stabs into the roast and using your finger, stuff the roast with peeled garlic segments. (This feels quite dirty, to be honest. Ignore the slightly pervy sensation and continue to make your roast deeeeffinglicious.)
In a large plastic ziploc bag, place roast, chopped garlic, vinegar, apricot baby food, rosemary, pepper and mix thoroughly until roast is covered in it.
Zip up and place into fridge to marinate in overnight. A bowl works great to keep the marinade covering the entire roast as it sits there absorbing the flavours.
The next afternoon, take the roast out of the bag of marinade, but DO NOT throw the leftover marinade away. This will be used later. Add 1/2 a cup of water to the mixture.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.
In a large cooking pot that is suited to being in the oven for extended periods of time, heat and drizzle olive oil in, and when the oil starts to smoke slightly, you know it's hot enough to sear the sides of the roast to keep moisture in during the time it's in the oven. Sear roast until it is browned on all sides, and turn heat off.
Wash your potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots, and layer them in however you want, I'd suggest carrots on the bottom, mushrooms, onions, and potatoes on the top, to get them all brown and gorgeous.
Pour your remaining apricot marinade over the top of the roast and potatoes, and place in the oven to cook.
When your roast is at the right level of done-ness, (depending on size and cut of meat, and center temperature) place the meat on a cutting board to rest for approximately 10 minutes.
While your roast is resting, take a strainer over a bowl, and pour your veggie/gravy mixture into the strainer, separating the gravy.
Pour the gravy back into the pot that you were roasting everything in, on low heat, simmer until it thickens into real gravy as opposed to Au jus, and slice your meat against the grain in thin slices to get the best results. Sometimes a bit of beef gravy mixture adds some more flavour. Add some salt and coarsely ground pepper into the gravy to taste.
I also placed the veggies back in the oven for about 5 minutes to add a bit of crisp to the potatoes.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Heather and Linds
We won tickets to go Chill in the effing SWEET Rogers corporate box at GM Place to watch the Blue Man Group perform on Saturday, September 29th, 2007.
We were well watered and well fed, it was good times! H is such a cutie!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
For The Record...
Happy Anniversary, Cliffy. My pirate, my cowboy, and my gentleman, all rolled into one.
You've held my hand during our tough times, shared our joy together during everything we've been through, and captured my heart for the past year. I thank whatever god(s) exists in this universe that I had the chance to go out with you one year ago today, for that dinner at the little neighborhood restaurant where we had our first date. I love the feeling of your body next to mine at night. I love that you want to make this relationship actually work. I love how you kiss me goodbye every morning, even if I'm so asleep I don't remember it until later that afternoon. I love the sound of your voice from the other room when you sing with the radio. I love how you smell after I haven't seen you for the entire day. Like male, and wood, and cologne you put on that morning and... I cannot find the words to do it justice... It just smells like... Home. Where I belong.
Just know, I love you. So very much.
P.S. Dinner? It was amazing. Dessert? Even better. *wink*
You've held my hand during our tough times, shared our joy together during everything we've been through, and captured my heart for the past year. I thank whatever god(s) exists in this universe that I had the chance to go out with you one year ago today, for that dinner at the little neighborhood restaurant where we had our first date. I love the feeling of your body next to mine at night. I love that you want to make this relationship actually work. I love how you kiss me goodbye every morning, even if I'm so asleep I don't remember it until later that afternoon. I love the sound of your voice from the other room when you sing with the radio. I love how you smell after I haven't seen you for the entire day. Like male, and wood, and cologne you put on that morning and... I cannot find the words to do it justice... It just smells like... Home. Where I belong.
Just know, I love you. So very much.
P.S. Dinner? It was amazing. Dessert? Even better. *wink*
Friday, August 31, 2007
Stupid Chuffing Fish!!!
I've recieved 3 betta fish now, from my mom, one has survived, and is enormous, the other (red one) was apparently sick from the get go, and after copious TLC, finally bit the big one after coming back from my trip to Puntzi lake with Cliff. Damnit.
So, my mom gets me one more betta, to replace the now deceased Siddartha, (who I renamed "ugly" because of all of his hideous fish diseases. Seriously. That was one ugly fish...) I decide to get 2 mini catfish, and see if they will be the little tank cleaners that my mom's is with her betta. No dice. Both Blue (Gautama) and Turq, my new turquoise betta attempt to beat the snot out of these two, terrified little catfish. *grumble*
Well, fine! I'll put them in a new, smaller tank, unoccupied by my big, territorial guppies in drag. Lets put this one up on the shelf, and the two larger tanks (I purchased another, with gravel and awesome decorations, to house turq, that was another 50 bucks out of my pocket.)
Wait... I can't see them. They are BOTTOM dwelling fish. Super. Fine. I'll put them in the middle of the two larger tanks on the desk. Awesome, except they are algae and fish waste eating fish, and they are the only things in the tank, thusly no poop to munch on.
Okay. Lets go get some tetras. Harmless. 10 for 15 bucks at the pet store. Awesome cheap and easy, just like my women.
Linds: "Can I put these in a tank with no filter?"
Fucking stupid twat at pet store: "Oh yeah, no problem. These guys can handle it."
Linds: "Sweet! Gosh they are pretty."
I arrange tetras and catfish together in tank. Pretty little zippy fishes. Nice! Pooping and wasting all over the place, lots of nibblies for the catfish. What a great little ecosystem I've got!!
Later that night...
Cliff: "Hey, honey? Are they supposed to be swimming all at the top of the tank like that?"
Linds: "Uhm... They weren't doing that at the pet store. My guess is 'No'."
Cliff: "I think they need a bubbler or a filter or something... Don't tropical fish need stuff like that?"
Linds: "Dammit! That stupid bitch!!! I ASKED HER THAT! Now I feel bad! How irresponsible and money grubbing!"
Cliff purchases me a filter/bubbler at walmart, 20 bucks. I place it in the tank, which is now 1/3 filter, 2/3rds water and plants etc. I'm one catfish and one tetra short now. They've gone to the happy goldfish bowl in the sky. I've also picked up some catfish/bottom feeding tablets for the lone, sorry little catfish in the tank. another 8 bucks out of my pocket.
Linds: "Dammit!"
I pick up a tank with a built in gravel filter and bubbler that occupies the side of the tank. Awesome. 20 more dollars out of my wallet. My last resort, because the tank is too small, and I don't make shitloads of money at my job. I've probably spent close to 120 bucks in fish, fish supplies, tanks, gravel, filters, nets, aquarium salt, water treatment/dechlorinator, medication, and aquarium toys/decorations, including plants. I've followed instructions religiously, gradually aquainted these new fish into their living environment, and spent hours in the past 2 months, pampering these tempermental little shits.
I come home, to find little bodies floating in the bubbling water.
Linds: "Dammit!!!!!! DAMMIT! Waste of my TIME, WASTE of my MONEY, I feel so BAD! I killed these stupid effing FISH! Cliff I'm a bad fish parent!!! BAD!"
I scoop up turq, and toss him into the new, now happily (properly) bubbling tank. Hopefully he does well in there, it's got an adjustment for how much air comes through the filter, and will stay cleaner sans-catfish.
I swear to jeebus above and all that is holy, If these ones croak, I'm getting a pet rock. Zero responsibility, Zero cost, and zero disheartening experiences. This has to be one of the most expensive, effort wasting, time consuming hobbies I've ever decided to pick up. This is why I spend time reading. It costs me less and is far more enjoyable. Plus, I don't end up committing fish genocide.
Does anyone want to buy a couple fish tanks? I've got a 1.17 gallon and 2 - 0.5 gallon tanks, with toys. I need to recoup my funds after this whole fucking scenario.
I tried, I really REALLY tried to make this whole thing go smoothly, what the hell is wrong with me? I feel so crappy.
So, my mom gets me one more betta, to replace the now deceased Siddartha, (who I renamed "ugly" because of all of his hideous fish diseases. Seriously. That was one ugly fish...) I decide to get 2 mini catfish, and see if they will be the little tank cleaners that my mom's is with her betta. No dice. Both Blue (Gautama) and Turq, my new turquoise betta attempt to beat the snot out of these two, terrified little catfish. *grumble*
Well, fine! I'll put them in a new, smaller tank, unoccupied by my big, territorial guppies in drag. Lets put this one up on the shelf, and the two larger tanks (I purchased another, with gravel and awesome decorations, to house turq, that was another 50 bucks out of my pocket.)
Wait... I can't see them. They are BOTTOM dwelling fish. Super. Fine. I'll put them in the middle of the two larger tanks on the desk. Awesome, except they are algae and fish waste eating fish, and they are the only things in the tank, thusly no poop to munch on.
Okay. Lets go get some tetras. Harmless. 10 for 15 bucks at the pet store. Awesome cheap and easy, just like my women.
Linds: "Can I put these in a tank with no filter?"
Fucking stupid twat at pet store: "Oh yeah, no problem. These guys can handle it."
Linds: "Sweet! Gosh they are pretty."
I arrange tetras and catfish together in tank. Pretty little zippy fishes. Nice! Pooping and wasting all over the place, lots of nibblies for the catfish. What a great little ecosystem I've got!!
Later that night...
Cliff: "Hey, honey? Are they supposed to be swimming all at the top of the tank like that?"
Linds: "Uhm... They weren't doing that at the pet store. My guess is 'No'."
Cliff: "I think they need a bubbler or a filter or something... Don't tropical fish need stuff like that?"
Linds: "Dammit! That stupid bitch!!! I ASKED HER THAT! Now I feel bad! How irresponsible and money grubbing!"
Cliff purchases me a filter/bubbler at walmart, 20 bucks. I place it in the tank, which is now 1/3 filter, 2/3rds water and plants etc. I'm one catfish and one tetra short now. They've gone to the happy goldfish bowl in the sky. I've also picked up some catfish/bottom feeding tablets for the lone, sorry little catfish in the tank. another 8 bucks out of my pocket.
Linds: "Dammit!"
I pick up a tank with a built in gravel filter and bubbler that occupies the side of the tank. Awesome. 20 more dollars out of my wallet. My last resort, because the tank is too small, and I don't make shitloads of money at my job. I've probably spent close to 120 bucks in fish, fish supplies, tanks, gravel, filters, nets, aquarium salt, water treatment/dechlorinator, medication, and aquarium toys/decorations, including plants. I've followed instructions religiously, gradually aquainted these new fish into their living environment, and spent hours in the past 2 months, pampering these tempermental little shits.
I come home, to find little bodies floating in the bubbling water.
Linds: "Dammit!!!!!! DAMMIT! Waste of my TIME, WASTE of my MONEY, I feel so BAD! I killed these stupid effing FISH! Cliff I'm a bad fish parent!!! BAD!"
I scoop up turq, and toss him into the new, now happily (properly) bubbling tank. Hopefully he does well in there, it's got an adjustment for how much air comes through the filter, and will stay cleaner sans-catfish.
I swear to jeebus above and all that is holy, If these ones croak, I'm getting a pet rock. Zero responsibility, Zero cost, and zero disheartening experiences. This has to be one of the most expensive, effort wasting, time consuming hobbies I've ever decided to pick up. This is why I spend time reading. It costs me less and is far more enjoyable. Plus, I don't end up committing fish genocide.
Does anyone want to buy a couple fish tanks? I've got a 1.17 gallon and 2 - 0.5 gallon tanks, with toys. I need to recoup my funds after this whole fucking scenario.
I tried, I really REALLY tried to make this whole thing go smoothly, what the hell is wrong with me? I feel so crappy.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Oh Fish, Fishy, Fish, Fish, Fish...
I'm getting a present from my Mom, because she works at a pet store and I'm not allowed to have (due to space constraints and the fact that we're usually working more than home) a "real" pet.
So I'm getting 2 betta (siamese fighting fish) as a gift. One red, and one blue/purple. Obviously, due to their aggressive and territorial nature, I'm NOT keeping them in the same tank, since the delicate little buggers would butcher each other.
While sitting on my coffee break yesterday, inspiration! People eating sushi! I had a revelation, Asian fish, named "Sake" and "Wasabi". Both things pack a punch. Cute, humourous. Perfect. Great for fishes with temperment issues.
Then it hit me, like a mack truck, Dammit, these aren't japanese fish. They're Siamese ones. What language did they speak in Siam? Sanskrit. (Thank you, Anna and the King, and Suzie for remembering that...) Does Siam even exist? Nope, not anymore, it's now Thailand and the surrounding areas. What language did they speak in ancient Siam? Sanskrit.
Going with that theory, I looked up names in Sanskrit, for my wee angsty fishes. Meena is cute, it means "fish" in Sanskrit. You can't get any more literal than that, really. Except I'm getting male fish. Hrm. I don't want to gender confuse my guys.
In my profile, I admitted to collecting buddhas. I collect Fat, happy, Chinese style buddhas. Cliff made me a shelf at his work for my 11 or so figurines, and I wanted to put either tank on the ends of my shelf. Oh look! Boys names in Sankrit! How about "Siddartha" and "Gautama"? Siddartha means 'One who has accomplished his goal. A name of the Buddha. ', Gautama is literally 'the name of the Buddha.'
Since it's going on my buddha shelf, I figured, 'Hey, why not name them after buddha?' But wait! Siam/Thai buddhas are the slender, Indian style buddha. Dammit. Roadblocks everywhere!
So, my question for you folks, is thus.
Should I name my fish "Sake and Wasabi" or "Siddhartha and Gautama"?
Please, let me know your thoughts, I have until Saturday evening to name them.
So I'm getting 2 betta (siamese fighting fish) as a gift. One red, and one blue/purple. Obviously, due to their aggressive and territorial nature, I'm NOT keeping them in the same tank, since the delicate little buggers would butcher each other.
While sitting on my coffee break yesterday, inspiration! People eating sushi! I had a revelation, Asian fish, named "Sake" and "Wasabi". Both things pack a punch. Cute, humourous. Perfect. Great for fishes with temperment issues.
Then it hit me, like a mack truck, Dammit, these aren't japanese fish. They're Siamese ones. What language did they speak in Siam? Sanskrit. (Thank you, Anna and the King, and Suzie for remembering that...) Does Siam even exist? Nope, not anymore, it's now Thailand and the surrounding areas. What language did they speak in ancient Siam? Sanskrit.
Going with that theory, I looked up names in Sanskrit, for my wee angsty fishes. Meena is cute, it means "fish" in Sanskrit. You can't get any more literal than that, really. Except I'm getting male fish. Hrm. I don't want to gender confuse my guys.
In my profile, I admitted to collecting buddhas. I collect Fat, happy, Chinese style buddhas. Cliff made me a shelf at his work for my 11 or so figurines, and I wanted to put either tank on the ends of my shelf. Oh look! Boys names in Sankrit! How about "Siddartha" and "Gautama"? Siddartha means 'One who has accomplished his goal. A name of the Buddha. ', Gautama is literally 'the name of the Buddha.'
Since it's going on my buddha shelf, I figured, 'Hey, why not name them after buddha?' But wait! Siam/Thai buddhas are the slender, Indian style buddha. Dammit. Roadblocks everywhere!
So, my question for you folks, is thus.
Should I name my fish "Sake and Wasabi" or "Siddhartha and Gautama"?
Please, let me know your thoughts, I have until Saturday evening to name them.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I've been very busy the last 2 months. I suppose it shows, what with lack of posts.
I suppose... I should give you some small details from the things that have happened in the last while, since I've neglected this page, for quite some time.
As of 3 weeks ago, I was pregnant with my first child. Yes, a big, momentous event, indeed. I was thrilled. Cliff was beyond thrilled. My parents were totally stoked. Unfortunately, on June 11th, at 5 am, I lost my baby, three and a half months into my pregnancy.
I was leery of writing about being pregnant, mainly for the fact that I wasn't over my first trimester, and I wasn't comfortable discussing it in a fairly public venue. I'm still not too comfortable discussing it in a public venue, but maybe that might shed some light as to why I wasn't writing very much. Most of the time I was sleeping, bitchy (not a big change from the usual...) and when I wasn't sleeping, I was working. Or eating. Or bitching. Or massaging my sore feet. One of those, just pick one at random.
I was... Am... Highly traumatized by the whole event, even though I keep on telling myself to "Get over it". I don't really want to discuss it. I've learned more about my mental state, or lack thereof, more than ever in the past 3 weeks. I spent a week lying in bed, mourning the loss of my baby, and recuperating, and the last 2 weeks struggling to make ends meet from that week that I had to take off of work, that isn't covered by medical leave from my work despite my bosses best efforts to make it that way. Fun? No. Not so much.
It's been very hard for me, to contemplate writing in here, when all I've been trying to do is clear my thoughts, and remain calm and collected. I'm not doing a very good job. It's really difficult to maintain a happy face when my thoughts are so troubled and cluttered with grief.
Once again, the brightest spot in my life is Cliff, who outshines my highest hopes and expectations, giving me love, affection, devotion and support; and expecting nothing else other than for me to be myself in return. I am a very lucky woman.
If I don't return to write in here for a while, I'll beg your pardon for the bloggus interruptus. I'm still sorting through how I feel and for once, GSD doesn't feel like a welcome, reliable outlet to gush my feelings out into. Nothing personal of course, it's just that this whole scenario hurts too much for me to put out there for the whole world to dissect.
I'll see you guys on the flip flop, when I've waded out of the mire in my head, and back into Glamazon Shoe territory.
I suppose... I should give you some small details from the things that have happened in the last while, since I've neglected this page, for quite some time.
As of 3 weeks ago, I was pregnant with my first child. Yes, a big, momentous event, indeed. I was thrilled. Cliff was beyond thrilled. My parents were totally stoked. Unfortunately, on June 11th, at 5 am, I lost my baby, three and a half months into my pregnancy.
I was leery of writing about being pregnant, mainly for the fact that I wasn't over my first trimester, and I wasn't comfortable discussing it in a fairly public venue. I'm still not too comfortable discussing it in a public venue, but maybe that might shed some light as to why I wasn't writing very much. Most of the time I was sleeping, bitchy (not a big change from the usual...) and when I wasn't sleeping, I was working. Or eating. Or bitching. Or massaging my sore feet. One of those, just pick one at random.
I was... Am... Highly traumatized by the whole event, even though I keep on telling myself to "Get over it". I don't really want to discuss it. I've learned more about my mental state, or lack thereof, more than ever in the past 3 weeks. I spent a week lying in bed, mourning the loss of my baby, and recuperating, and the last 2 weeks struggling to make ends meet from that week that I had to take off of work, that isn't covered by medical leave from my work despite my bosses best efforts to make it that way. Fun? No. Not so much.
It's been very hard for me, to contemplate writing in here, when all I've been trying to do is clear my thoughts, and remain calm and collected. I'm not doing a very good job. It's really difficult to maintain a happy face when my thoughts are so troubled and cluttered with grief.
Once again, the brightest spot in my life is Cliff, who outshines my highest hopes and expectations, giving me love, affection, devotion and support; and expecting nothing else other than for me to be myself in return. I am a very lucky woman.
If I don't return to write in here for a while, I'll beg your pardon for the bloggus interruptus. I'm still sorting through how I feel and for once, GSD doesn't feel like a welcome, reliable outlet to gush my feelings out into. Nothing personal of course, it's just that this whole scenario hurts too much for me to put out there for the whole world to dissect.
I'll see you guys on the flip flop, when I've waded out of the mire in my head, and back into Glamazon Shoe territory.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Linds' Hot damn, that's a really good Penne Pasta Cassarole!
This is a massive layered pasta dish, with approximately 6 to 10 servings. Or my 2 regular servings and the rest for my boyfriend after a long day at work. He loves Loves *LOVES* this dish, and it's super easy to make.
I use a 5 by 9, 4 inch deep ceramic cassarole/lasagna dish to bake it in.
Ingredients required
1 bag of Penne Pasta
1 large white onion, diced
2 or 3 cloves of garlic, diced fine
1-2 pounds of lean ground beef (or ground turkey, or tofu, or whatever rings your bell)
1 to 2 pounds of shredded mozzarella
1 large container of either ricotta cheese or relatively dry cottage cheese
1 large can/jar of premade tomato based pasta sauce (any kind you prefer)
1 small can of tomato paste (I use garlic tomato paste)
various italian seasonings for the meat while browning.
optional ingredients
8 to 10 white mushrooms, sliced
1 large green and 1 large red pepper.
Preheat your oven to about 400 degrees.
Boil water with a teaspoon full of salt and add penne until it is al dente. Drain completely and take off of heat. It's okay if the pasta cools.
Sautee onions and garlic in a large deep sauce pan until onions start to get translucent. Add hamburger, browning until it is fully cooked, adding spices until you get it seasoned to your preference. This is where you would add the optional ingredients at this time, and let cook for approximately five minutes, on medium heat, until flavours start to mix.
I usually premix the canned pasta sauce and can of tomato paste, to make it easier to pour on top of the meat and ingredients in the sauce pan. Let meat sauce simmer on low heat for approximately 10 to 25 minutes.
As I mentioned before, this is a layered dish. Put a layer of penne on the bottom of the cassarole dish, until it's just under halfway full, and then spread the entire amount of ricotta/cottage cheese and half of the mozza on top of this pasta. Spoon half the amount of meat sauce onto the pasta.
Repeat the layer of pasta on top of this and then top the dish liberally with the remaining mozza. Place in the center of the oven, and let bake for at least 20 - 45 minutes, checking periodically to ensure that the cheese is not overbaked. It should be bubbling and the cheese should look nice and browned in places on the top, but not burnt!
This goes great with a salad, and though it's a bit high in calories and carbs, it's the best comfort food you can imagine when it's blah outside and you want some good ol' italian fare!
I use a 5 by 9, 4 inch deep ceramic cassarole/lasagna dish to bake it in.
Ingredients required
1 bag of Penne Pasta
1 large white onion, diced
2 or 3 cloves of garlic, diced fine
1-2 pounds of lean ground beef (or ground turkey, or tofu, or whatever rings your bell)
1 to 2 pounds of shredded mozzarella
1 large container of either ricotta cheese or relatively dry cottage cheese
1 large can/jar of premade tomato based pasta sauce (any kind you prefer)
1 small can of tomato paste (I use garlic tomato paste)
various italian seasonings for the meat while browning.
optional ingredients
8 to 10 white mushrooms, sliced
1 large green and 1 large red pepper.
Preheat your oven to about 400 degrees.
Boil water with a teaspoon full of salt and add penne until it is al dente. Drain completely and take off of heat. It's okay if the pasta cools.
Sautee onions and garlic in a large deep sauce pan until onions start to get translucent. Add hamburger, browning until it is fully cooked, adding spices until you get it seasoned to your preference. This is where you would add the optional ingredients at this time, and let cook for approximately five minutes, on medium heat, until flavours start to mix.
I usually premix the canned pasta sauce and can of tomato paste, to make it easier to pour on top of the meat and ingredients in the sauce pan. Let meat sauce simmer on low heat for approximately 10 to 25 minutes.
As I mentioned before, this is a layered dish. Put a layer of penne on the bottom of the cassarole dish, until it's just under halfway full, and then spread the entire amount of ricotta/cottage cheese and half of the mozza on top of this pasta. Spoon half the amount of meat sauce onto the pasta.
Repeat the layer of pasta on top of this and then top the dish liberally with the remaining mozza. Place in the center of the oven, and let bake for at least 20 - 45 minutes, checking periodically to ensure that the cheese is not overbaked. It should be bubbling and the cheese should look nice and browned in places on the top, but not burnt!
This goes great with a salad, and though it's a bit high in calories and carbs, it's the best comfort food you can imagine when it's blah outside and you want some good ol' italian fare!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Safety First!
There's nothing as exciting as working in a "family oriented" shopping center, and experiencing the entire marvel comics cadre dressed up and MIC'ED up, blasting children's safety information at top volume throughout the mall.
Whilst I appreciate the whole 'safety oriented' factor involved, nevertheless, I'm quite sure it doesn't need to be that damned loud.
Whilst I appreciate the whole 'safety oriented' factor involved, nevertheless, I'm quite sure it doesn't need to be that damned loud.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
She still lives.
Busy, busy me! Lots has been going on lately, and sadly to say there's not been a lot that I've been willing to write down, because it's not ready to be written yet...
I know it sucks for blog fodder, for you guys, and I'm sorry.
April 20th brings about the return of the Wiggler!?!, visiting his REAL hometown for a couple of days. I think Miss Ultrahonig, (the lovely Allison) and I plan on going out with Mr! Erik for dinner... I think. I'll need refreshment on the discussion. I think it's time to send out an email...
I've inducted Cliff into the addictiveness/triviality/internet cesspool that is Myspace, and hes got a whole 8 friends! Yay Cliff! I think a majority of my friends discovered Facebook at exactly the same time, from the looks of it, since we all started adding one or two friends over the past week.
I am learning more hockey knowledge than I know what to do with, now that I live with a hockey fan whose hometeam is in the playoffs. I learn it so that I don't look absolutely dumbfounded when he lists off a bunch of players names, or curses at the referee from the living room. I think I've outgrown the age where I can be sufficiently addicted to the sport known as hockey, which makes me a piss poor Canadian, doesn't it?
I've bounced back to my old job, finding that benefits, (given certain circumstances) play a more important role in my life at this moment in time, and the overall comfortability (is that a word? I don't think it is... Whatever.) of my position to be more suited to my desires.
Today's dinner special consists of Chili on a bed of rice, with a non-sardine inclusive Caesar salad and a glass of whole milk. Mmm. I'm hungry.
Busy, busy me! Lots has been going on lately, and sadly to say there's not been a lot that I've been willing to write down, because it's not ready to be written yet...
I know it sucks for blog fodder, for you guys, and I'm sorry.
April 20th brings about the return of the Wiggler!?!, visiting his REAL hometown for a couple of days. I think Miss Ultrahonig, (the lovely Allison) and I plan on going out with Mr! Erik for dinner... I think. I'll need refreshment on the discussion. I think it's time to send out an email...
I've inducted Cliff into the addictiveness/triviality/internet cesspool that is Myspace, and hes got a whole 8 friends! Yay Cliff! I think a majority of my friends discovered Facebook at exactly the same time, from the looks of it, since we all started adding one or two friends over the past week.
I am learning more hockey knowledge than I know what to do with, now that I live with a hockey fan whose hometeam is in the playoffs. I learn it so that I don't look absolutely dumbfounded when he lists off a bunch of players names, or curses at the referee from the living room. I think I've outgrown the age where I can be sufficiently addicted to the sport known as hockey, which makes me a piss poor Canadian, doesn't it?
I've bounced back to my old job, finding that benefits, (given certain circumstances) play a more important role in my life at this moment in time, and the overall comfortability (is that a word? I don't think it is... Whatever.) of my position to be more suited to my desires.
Today's dinner special consists of Chili on a bed of rice, with a non-sardine inclusive Caesar salad and a glass of whole milk. Mmm. I'm hungry.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Today, I'm cranky, tired and don't want to be at work. I want to be in bed. I CERTAINLY don't want to be talking to people. Ugh.
That is all.
That is all.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
All Dressed Up, and Nowhere To Go...
This whole entry started with me being curious as to what a Partial birth Abortion was, and the lovely informative Google.
I decided to fill out the "survey" attached at the end of one website rather "pro-life" website, and along with questions like "which political party do you associate yourself with?" (the answer is democratic, or liberal, if I have to...) and what's my opinion on Gun Control (For, Duh.) and the Death Penalty (No definite Answer, it depends on circumstance.) it had a segment on where I could write my own "additional comments." I wrote and toiled and laboured on this, and finally, happy with my decision, clicked "submit" even sacrificing my valid email address, only to be greeted on the subsequent page with "Error... Error... My limbs are flailing wildly... Error, Will Robinson. Must kill Robinson Family... Destroy, destroy..."
Well, Fuck. I hit the back button, copy and pasted it into notepad, and here I am. Pissed that I wrote a pretty sharp arguement, and had nowhere to put it. It was all dressed up, and had nowhere to go.
So, I decide to post, in a rather more open forum, and hope I'm not going to kick myself in the ass because there are people out there who LOVE to argue and argue and argue this point until death. I decided "Here we go, Linds, let's piss some people off, because they disagree with my opinion... I'm probably inviting the vampires right into my humble abode by doing so.
Just remember, boys and girls, I'm TRYING to maintain a rather neutral standpoint. I CAN see it from both perspectives, I just choose to not agree as much with one over the other. I know you fuckers are going to bitch at me for it. Just refrain from saying stupid stuff like "why is it that you whining liberals always have to....." into my comments box, please. I don't reply to assholes. Play nice with the commie pinko, okay? I promise I'll play nice with you, too, if you keep your discussion nice and mature, rather than cheap shots at the fat chick who writes on a website that only 12 people come to a day.
Without further Ado...
Let me start with saying that I have read your website from front to back, excluding the page that is quotations from the bible and religious officials, which being non-religious in any aspect, did not hold much relevance for me. Sorry if that seems close-minded but I honestly don't feel that it would have changed my opinion either way.
While I am still pro-choice regarding the right for a woman to choose abortion, I personally do agree in first trimester abortion, and do not agree in abortion after the first trimester. I definitely do not agree with the notion of Partial Birth Abortions. This is only my opinion however, and here is my reasoning.
If you haven't made up your mind that you're going to keep your baby or not within two months (most women do not know if they are pregnant until they miss a period, usually 1 month after conception and into their first trimester) then there are methods to go about to give a baby a safe home via adoption. I fully embrace adoption as a viable option for a woman to make. It is not an easy decision, but it is one that when taken into consideration and well thought out, can prove to be beneficial for all parties involved. Mother, baby and adoptive parents.
I consider a fetus a human being. I do not consider a fetus a person. To me personally, there are differences.
A HUMAN BEING is someone who is created from two human beings. You are human from conception. Yes, Human from conception! Man and Woman are human, therefore creating human offspring. That's it. Male dogs and female dogs make puppies. Male cats and Female cats make kittens. It's simple species definition. They bump uglies, sperm and ovum do a little tango, and zygotes happen.
A PERSON, is someone who has had experiences and a life outside of the one that is inside the womb. A person has an established identity, a name, a place in the world, and a life outside of being concieved and the symbiotic relationship with the mother. It may seem cold and scientific, but it, at least to me, is relevant and accurate.
I've sat next to my best friend while she had an abortion 2 years after having her first son, and now is pregant with her third, (and planned pregnancy with her husband,) and it was a complicated and intense situation, that no woman should take lightly. She felt no regrets regarding her decision, and knew that it was not yet time for her to have her second child. Now she has a happy, healthy 7 year old and a new baby on the way. It's all a matter of circumstance, and to blanket judgment an entire countries decisions based on what quite possibly might be the majority of the populace who does NOT believe in abortion, does not make this country a democracy, it makes it a dictatorship.
To make abortion illegal DOES take away the rights of women to make a choice. Not all women that find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy choose abortion, and that is what makes me the saddest about this debate. I think that women should be counselled regarding the options available, but sadly from my own personal experiences, most "counselling" is very biased, either in one direction or another, which is not the way it should be.
My personal experiences with the Pregnancy Crisis Center left me with a woman who sniped at me that I was an "angry little girl", (I was 20, terrified, pregant for first time, and I found this rather insulting, and completely unhelpful in any situation...) and who threw pamphlets at me when I had informed her of my leaning toward, but not fully decided to have an abortion, when I had arrived there for advice and hopefully, answers. The stress from this along with the confusion and nervousness caused me to miscarry a day later, a month and a half into my pregancy, thus negating the need to make a decision, but leaving a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the supposed "methods" of the Crisis Pregancy Centers.
The same center, when helping the previously mentioned friend who had decided to keep her first baby, treated her like a gem, and supplied her with many things. I found the responses from the "counsellors" in these centers very biased and negative. I was not decided if I was ready to have a child, and she was, therefore I get treated like dirt, and she gets treated like royalty? Support should be given regardless of decisions. They are both difficult and hard to make when a pregancy is unexpected and would be hard to care for after the baby was born.
I do not think religion and politics should play a role in a difficult, very personal decision like this. Women should be given the correct, unbiased facts and let them make their own educated decisions, regardless of the personal leanings of the "counsellors" involved. It is a disgustingly cutthroat society that would terrify and bully a scared, single woman when all she is asking for is help and advice.
I am not one of the raving, "bra burning" uber feminists out there, but I believe that when you take the rights of women away and safer methods of removing "problems" or "unwanted" pregancies from her, you are opening the doors for "coathanger" abortions in dirty, unsanitary places, and while yes, infections, deaths and the like DO happen ocassionally from legal, supposed "safe" abortions gone awry, it is a safer place when women are not trapped and terrified when they miss a period, that the time they are going through at that moment is going to change their life forever when they are not ready for it. (and even just getting pregnant is a life changing thing, wanted or not) Children born to parent(s) that are more prepared socially, economically, or emotionally to raise children, do better jobs and give those children better lives.
I decided to fill out the "survey" attached at the end of one website rather "pro-life" website, and along with questions like "which political party do you associate yourself with?" (the answer is democratic, or liberal, if I have to...) and what's my opinion on Gun Control (For, Duh.) and the Death Penalty (No definite Answer, it depends on circumstance.) it had a segment on where I could write my own "additional comments." I wrote and toiled and laboured on this, and finally, happy with my decision, clicked "submit" even sacrificing my valid email address, only to be greeted on the subsequent page with "Error... Error... My limbs are flailing wildly... Error, Will Robinson. Must kill Robinson Family... Destroy, destroy..."
Well, Fuck. I hit the back button, copy and pasted it into notepad, and here I am. Pissed that I wrote a pretty sharp arguement, and had nowhere to put it. It was all dressed up, and had nowhere to go.
So, I decide to post, in a rather more open forum, and hope I'm not going to kick myself in the ass because there are people out there who LOVE to argue and argue and argue this point until death. I decided "Here we go, Linds, let's piss some people off, because they disagree with my opinion... I'm probably inviting the vampires right into my humble abode by doing so.
Just remember, boys and girls, I'm TRYING to maintain a rather neutral standpoint. I CAN see it from both perspectives, I just choose to not agree as much with one over the other. I know you fuckers are going to bitch at me for it. Just refrain from saying stupid stuff like "why is it that you whining liberals always have to..
Without further Ado...
Let me start with saying that I have read your website from front to back, excluding the page that is quotations from the bible and religious officials, which being non-religious in any aspect, did not hold much relevance for me. Sorry if that seems close-minded but I honestly don't feel that it would have changed my opinion either way.
While I am still pro-choice regarding the right for a woman to choose abortion, I personally do agree in first trimester abortion, and do not agree in abortion after the first trimester. I definitely do not agree with the notion of Partial Birth Abortions. This is only my opinion however, and here is my reasoning.
If you haven't made up your mind that you're going to keep your baby or not within two months (most women do not know if they are pregnant until they miss a period, usually 1 month after conception and into their first trimester) then there are methods to go about to give a baby a safe home via adoption. I fully embrace adoption as a viable option for a woman to make. It is not an easy decision, but it is one that when taken into consideration and well thought out, can prove to be beneficial for all parties involved. Mother, baby and adoptive parents.
I consider a fetus a human being. I do not consider a fetus a person. To me personally, there are differences.
A HUMAN BEING is someone who is created from two human beings. You are human from conception. Yes, Human from conception! Man and Woman are human, therefore creating human offspring. That's it. Male dogs and female dogs make puppies. Male cats and Female cats make kittens. It's simple species definition. They bump uglies, sperm and ovum do a little tango, and zygotes happen.
A PERSON, is someone who has had experiences and a life outside of the one that is inside the womb. A person has an established identity, a name, a place in the world, and a life outside of being concieved and the symbiotic relationship with the mother. It may seem cold and scientific, but it, at least to me, is relevant and accurate.
I've sat next to my best friend while she had an abortion 2 years after having her first son, and now is pregant with her third, (and planned pregnancy with her husband,) and it was a complicated and intense situation, that no woman should take lightly. She felt no regrets regarding her decision, and knew that it was not yet time for her to have her second child. Now she has a happy, healthy 7 year old and a new baby on the way. It's all a matter of circumstance, and to blanket judgment an entire countries decisions based on what quite possibly might be the majority of the populace who does NOT believe in abortion, does not make this country a democracy, it makes it a dictatorship.
To make abortion illegal DOES take away the rights of women to make a choice. Not all women that find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy choose abortion, and that is what makes me the saddest about this debate. I think that women should be counselled regarding the options available, but sadly from my own personal experiences, most "counselling" is very biased, either in one direction or another, which is not the way it should be.
My personal experiences with the Pregnancy Crisis Center left me with a woman who sniped at me that I was an "angry little girl", (I was 20, terrified, pregant for first time, and I found this rather insulting, and completely unhelpful in any situation...) and who threw pamphlets at me when I had informed her of my leaning toward, but not fully decided to have an abortion, when I had arrived there for advice and hopefully, answers. The stress from this along with the confusion and nervousness caused me to miscarry a day later, a month and a half into my pregancy, thus negating the need to make a decision, but leaving a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the supposed "methods" of the Crisis Pregancy Centers.
The same center, when helping the previously mentioned friend who had decided to keep her first baby, treated her like a gem, and supplied her with many things. I found the responses from the "counsellors" in these centers very biased and negative. I was not decided if I was ready to have a child, and she was, therefore I get treated like dirt, and she gets treated like royalty? Support should be given regardless of decisions. They are both difficult and hard to make when a pregancy is unexpected and would be hard to care for after the baby was born.
I do not think religion and politics should play a role in a difficult, very personal decision like this. Women should be given the correct, unbiased facts and let them make their own educated decisions, regardless of the personal leanings of the "counsellors" involved. It is a disgustingly cutthroat society that would terrify and bully a scared, single woman when all she is asking for is help and advice.
I am not one of the raving, "bra burning" uber feminists out there, but I believe that when you take the rights of women away and safer methods of removing "problems" or "unwanted" pregancies from her, you are opening the doors for "coathanger" abortions in dirty, unsanitary places, and while yes, infections, deaths and the like DO happen ocassionally from legal, supposed "safe" abortions gone awry, it is a safer place when women are not trapped and terrified when they miss a period, that the time they are going through at that moment is going to change their life forever when they are not ready for it. (and even just getting pregnant is a life changing thing, wanted or not) Children born to parent(s) that are more prepared socially, economically, or emotionally to raise children, do better jobs and give those children better lives.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting...

But this is cheap Tuesday night entertainment.
From the ever so delightful Seanners, showing me what fantabulous delights he can do with the "face tracking" feature on his webcam.
Henceforth, you can call him "Sir Elton".
Love you, sweets. *giggles.*
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Digging Through My Bookmarks....
Uncovers three different web comics that have snagged valuable hours from my life, when I discover them, giggle, and then decide to read the entire thing from the first strip.
Danielle Corsetto's fantabulous "Girls with Slingshots" I got a message from "Jaime" on myspace a couple of weeks ago asking if I was her twin. (I grinned my fool head off and replied that my boobs weren't nearly that big, but that I was flattered she'd see the similarities.)
Paul Taylor's multicultural and crazy plot twisting "Wapsi Square" took two nights after work to browse through his entire 2001 to 2007 strips, but it was well worth the read and lack of sleep with the references to ancient mayan/aztec cultures, mixed in with modern life and the depths and heights of human emotions.
Bernie Hau's clever and creatively done "Alien Loves Predator". How can you not like a comic that takes two of the most vicious creatures in movie-kind, and gives them names like Preston Predator and Abraham Alien (Abe, for short) with a penchant for speed dating, naked chicks, and Chinese Food in New York City, that had Jesus for a room mate? ALP has permanantly ingrained the Engrish term "Frip-frops" in my head forever.
Good stuff.
Danielle Corsetto's fantabulous "Girls with Slingshots" I got a message from "Jaime" on myspace a couple of weeks ago asking if I was her twin. (I grinned my fool head off and replied that my boobs weren't nearly that big, but that I was flattered she'd see the similarities.)
Paul Taylor's multicultural and crazy plot twisting "Wapsi Square" took two nights after work to browse through his entire 2001 to 2007 strips, but it was well worth the read and lack of sleep with the references to ancient mayan/aztec cultures, mixed in with modern life and the depths and heights of human emotions.
Bernie Hau's clever and creatively done "Alien Loves Predator". How can you not like a comic that takes two of the most vicious creatures in movie-kind, and gives them names like Preston Predator and Abraham Alien (Abe, for short) with a penchant for speed dating, naked chicks, and Chinese Food in New York City, that had Jesus for a room mate? ALP has permanantly ingrained the Engrish term "Frip-frops" in my head forever.
Good stuff.
Friday, March 23, 2007
A Thought...
When Cliff and I were born, both of our births were greeted with sorrow. Granted those auspicious days were a little over 16 years separated from each other, and sorrowful for completely related reasons. Both encompassing the loss of a child.
His because he was "unwanted" (but never in my eyes, or his adoptive parents and sibling...) and given up for adoption. Not that I think any less on a woman giving her child up to someone else, it is a huge sacrifice, and one not made lightly. He was given unto the care of an adoption agency.
When I was born, my twin sister was stillborn. Needless to say amidst the joy of birthing a whole, hale and wailing baby girl, the loss of the first, I think, at that moment overshadowed the birth of the second.
I hope, that one day when I have my baby, nothing but joy surrounds that birth.
His because he was "unwanted" (but never in my eyes, or his adoptive parents and sibling...) and given up for adoption. Not that I think any less on a woman giving her child up to someone else, it is a huge sacrifice, and one not made lightly. He was given unto the care of an adoption agency.
When I was born, my twin sister was stillborn. Needless to say amidst the joy of birthing a whole, hale and wailing baby girl, the loss of the first, I think, at that moment overshadowed the birth of the second.
I hope, that one day when I have my baby, nothing but joy surrounds that birth.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Weirdest Thing...
That's about it...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The One Word Meme
Currently listening to: "The Final Shakedown" by Groove Armada From the album "Love Box"
1. Yourself: Mellow.
2. Your Lover: Phenomenal.
3. Your Hair: multicoloured
4. Your Mother: Hrmph.
5. Your Father: Brusque.
6. Your Favorite Item: Bed. (Still, this is three times running, LOL!)
7. Your Dream Last Night: Unremarkable.
8. Your Favorite Drink: Juice
9. Your Dream Home: Larger.
10. The Room You Are In: Comfortable.
11. Your Pet: None.
12. Who You Are Now: Readjusting.
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Linds.
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: Mommy.
15. What You're Not: Motivated.
16. Your Best Friend: Working.
17. One of Your Wishlist Items: SLR.
18. Your Gender: Sugar...
19. The Last Thing You Did: Eat.
20. What You Are Wearing: Skin.
21. Your Favorite Weather: Autumnal.
22. Your Favorite Book: Multitudes.
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Granola.
24. Your Life: Haitus.
25. Your Mood: Chill.
1. Yourself: Mellow.
2. Your Lover: Phenomenal.
3. Your Hair: multicoloured
4. Your Mother: Hrmph.
5. Your Father: Brusque.
6. Your Favorite Item: Bed. (Still, this is three times running, LOL!)
7. Your Dream Last Night: Unremarkable.
8. Your Favorite Drink: Juice
9. Your Dream Home: Larger.
10. The Room You Are In: Comfortable.
11. Your Pet: None.
12. Who You Are Now: Readjusting.
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Linds.
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: Mommy.
15. What You're Not: Motivated.
16. Your Best Friend: Working.
17. One of Your Wishlist Items: SLR.
18. Your Gender: Sugar...
19. The Last Thing You Did: Eat.
20. What You Are Wearing: Skin.
21. Your Favorite Weather: Autumnal.
22. Your Favorite Book: Multitudes.
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Granola.
24. Your Life: Haitus.
25. Your Mood: Chill.
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