Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I just want bang bang bang!

It's an older cartoon, but still funny. It reminds me of an acquaintance of mine.

Check out the link. Notice the spelling for some of the words that are crossed out.

I always laugh.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Booyah Gramma.

I've got an interview at four thirty tomorrow afternoon with that job I applied for.

Oooohboy am I nervous.

Went to EI, they can bully Safeway around now. I'm done playing fair.

Landlady visits our apartment today. We're going over the whole apartment, and signing the lease. 'Cause you know, it's only been a month and a half since we've been in here. There's nothing like being prompt. *winks* Ah well. Even if she seems a little flighty, she's a nice lady anyways.

Ooooh! I heard from that comedian that is paying me to do some writing, which is a breath of fresh air. Apparently he just got out of the hospital. Poor dougie... I hope he's *all right.* Any excuse to finish this writing and get some desperately needed cash in my pocket, is a welcome excuse.

*(I concede to my verbosely gifted mother on the usage of the term "Alright" as being American slang, and she verbally slapped my wrist for using it. So there you go Mamacita. I'm writing it properly now. And the only reason why, is because after you told me I was using the wrong word, it started to bother me. Fuck I'm anal.) *

Sunday, August 29, 2004


Went out and about today, I checked my workplace to see if they have my Record of Employment for EI. Biiiiig surprise. They don't. That's fine.

I'll let Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) bully it out of them if Safeway is going to fuck around with me. I don't care to play nice anymore. It's time for the dragonlady to stretch out her wings a little, and scorch a few eyebrows off.

My assistant manager Tom was very snotty with me today, giving me yet another poingnant reason to have no company loyalty. (Not that I had much, after seeing what they did to Marky, and every other jobber hired after 1997. By laying them off and hiring more people in my position.) The fuckers. Ah well. Tom can ogle another helpers big tits. Mine are staying out of that place.

I was surprised to feel the level of anxiety rise tremendous amounts just walking into that place. I felt nauseous. It wasn't fun. Cross your fingers kids, that I get that job.

There's yet another screaming match at this moment in time between the couple living across the street. Fuck, I just hope one day she snaps and blows him away with a double-barreled shotgun, so that I don't have to hear the fighting EVERY SINGLE DAY. I feel bad for the woman. From what I've heard from the fights, he's a real cold-hearted bastard. Although, some ditz that stays with someone that cruel, isn't really the brightest bulb on the Christmas lights anyways.

Other than those particular neighbors, this area of town isn't that bad. Well... Minus the hookers on Kingsway(which I get mistaken for on a regular basis, ewww nasty!) and stuff. No, no. I paint a bad portrait of this area of town. It's not to shabby. I love the apartment anyways.

Spent the afternoon with Crystal, driving about town, on the way back from Krispy Kreme, (because us gals had a sugar craving) and saw some really pretty clouds. I know it sounds stupid. Sometimes you've got to find the beauty in simple things. Kinda like the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses."

I wish I could win the lottery. That would be nice. I wish I had financial stability, and a loving boyfriend. I wish I had a beautiful house, with a wraparound balcony, with a bench swing that my lover and I could sit on and watch the sun set, drinking lemonade. Or beer, or vodka coolers. Whatever. Something nice like that. With a kitty at my feet. Or maybe in my lap, and holding my sweetheart's hand.

I'm lonely.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

I take it back.

Yeah. Fuck this noise. monentary stress I am VERY angry over the fact that I am getting paid but unable to touch the money that is going into my account. I am NOT a happy camper.

I applied for a new job today. Starting rate is $14.56 an hour. Not too shabby for a job selling knives. And!! it's NOT commission either. I hope to hell it's not telemarketing. I fucking hate telemarketing.

Here's a song. It means a lot to me right now. read it.

Friday, August 27, 2004


Do any of you ever knows what it's like to have life feel skewed?

To have this distorted, negative perspective that is hard to shake from your point of view?

Ever had the majority of it click back into place?? Back to the way it belongs? It just sorta "snaps" into place again. When the problem is fixed, or when you find a solution?

Where once you wuz lost, and now you iz found?

A week of practical solitude (well, I mean Norm was here, He's great company, he welcomed me into his house, and the fact that he would be here, in his house, is pretty much obvious... However, I digress.) that week of practical solitude, was so needed. The air is very clean up here. It's beautiful. Its verdant, and green, with rolling hills, and surrounded by mountains, and the town is teensy, and it's all the things that are lost in Vancouver. But, I miss home. I miss my Lizzie, and my Kirky, and my Crystallys. I miss the busy-ness of Vancouver. I'm definitely a city girl. but brief periods in the boonies are just fine with me. I saw one helluva thunder and lightening storm mid-way through my stay, no storms in Vancouver have ever rivaled it. It was phenominal. I watched enough television to probably lose a few IQ points. Although I must say, satellite television kicks solid arse. I saw more movies this week than I have in the past year. Which is sad. I'm back home at 6 AM tommorrow morning. Mizz Liz is picking me up.

Looking forward to being in the swing of things again. with all stress accompanying it. I never thought I would say that.

Thank you Norm, for sheltering me through the storm. You're company was delightful. You are as sweet as you seem on the phone and online, and are an extremely generous person. you can come for a stay in the big city anytime you want. *Hugs and kisses*

Monday, August 23, 2004

With the new blogger navbar at the top there...

I found some VERY interesting blog sites. Browsing for my entertainment. At least half of the blogs I've seen are in Spanish. So unfortunately I have to skip past them, some look phenomenal in design.

By far, one of the most interesting Blogs so far, is My Neighbors are Hoors. You would have to read it to understand.

Perhaps it's my dark sense of humour, but there is nothing funnier than a Cockney hoor. The author of the blog has a mild affection for these ladies of negotiable affection.

"Coooeeeee, deary."

In Memorium

Norm told me last night, much to my surprise, and dismay, that a friend of mine from Yahoo chat, that was having a lot of troubles in his life, died in mid-May in a car accident.

Rick was sweet, troubled and young. He was my age. Maybe a year older. He lived in Salmon Arm. He always treated me with kindness. I actually noticed I hadn't seen him online in a few months yesterday, and moved him onto another section of my list on yahoo messenger so that he could see me online when I wasn't invisible. I guess that was a pointless procedure.

I'll miss ya RickkersRed. I hope its more peaceful for you now then how it was for you down here.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

A Hundred Miles from everything...

And boy is it nice.

I arrived at 1:30 this morning via Greyhound. The trip was exhausting and also interesting.

I wish it was daylight when I went through the Fraser Canyon. The stunning towering rock faces blew me away, even in the dark. I had my nose pressed to the window, and the subsequent tunnels zipping by my face scared the hell out of me. LOL!

I had a couple of younger adults behind me on my trip up from Abbotsford to Cache Creek, and I think they were coming up for their five year highschool reunion.

I was listening to them. Not that I really wanted to. I could even hear them through my headphones. They're about three years younger than me, and were catching up with each other, about everyone from the town. I felt like a spinster being 24 years old, and not being married and popping out progeny. Life is different up here compared to the city. It's a smaller and very community based. Almost clique-ey.Everybody knows everybody else, and god help you if you're a stranger.

On the pit stop in Cache Creek, there seemed to be a HUGE biker gathering, I swear half of them were Hells Angels, I met one named Mitch, who was from Surrey, he seemed to be a nice guy. He reminded me of my dad. He gave me a slice of his pizza.

Man alive. The people I seem to make acquaintances with. *Smirks* Mitch kept on calling me "Darlin" coincidentally enough, that's what Dad calls me too.

Norm has a pretty house, and I've met two of his gorgeous cats, both Manx's, one of them, "Callie" has seemed to find me to be quite the feline admirer. She feels like a chinchilla, and reminds of Erik's cat Ripley. He also has another cat and at the moment, I can't remember her name. Darn. I also met his skittish pit bull "Jo-Jo."

Poor Jo-Jo, she's spooked quite easily, and I feel bad that she's afraid of me. I hope she gets used to me in a few days.

Norm also has this STUNNING looking Malamute, Bailove. I'm very interested in scratching behind his ears, but am waiting until he introduces me to this 145 pound, wolf dog. Norm was teasing me that I could take him for a walk when I get a chance. I'm looking forward to it if Bailove likes me.

It's a little chilly and overcast up here right now. I hope it clears up, but if it doesn't that's fine. I'm glad I packed two sweaters.

And by the way, Norm, is as sweet in person, as he is online and on the phone.*smiles*

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Is this the most stupid, funniest thing EVER created by human hands? (Well. Via mouse clicks, but whatever.)

click here.

You tell me. I laughed for ten minutes. I don't know why. I just like the damned thing.

Vacation is a mere 5 hours away... Five hours from now plus a five hour bus ride. no biggie... Bliss awaits.

Its finally raining here. It smells good outside. It smells alive.

I want to go skinny dipping when I get to the lake. I think I will.

See Y'all when I'm back from being a country cousin. Mmmmmmm. A Hundred miles from everything. lovely.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

A gift from a friend in Montreal ages ago. My favourite picture. Posted by Hello

most recent picture of me. Posted by Hello


Lower back.

Done by Michelle at Fat City Tattoos. Posted by Hello


Right Shoulder blade.

done by Rick at Fat City Tattoos. Posted by Hello


Left shoulder blade.

done by Khaos at Spider Tattoos. Posted by Hello

Apparently my expression as of late... Posted by Hello

Which "Family Guy character am I? I'm Loretta. Fancy that.

Which Family Guy character are you?

Proof positive that I'm a black lady in a white womans body.

Now, I just wish I could read what it actually says in the window, since my computer monitor doesnt show the colour red. Blast and damn. If anyone feels generous enough to type out the script in here as a comment, that would be terrific. *Feels lame*

I would walk One Hundred Miles...*In bad Scottish accent*

My trip has been postponed a few days, No big deal, but the sooner I get out of this city to find a place to BREATHE, the better.

Frustration with work has diminished, obviously because I'm not there at the moment.

However, my co-worker Erica called me yesterday to give me an update of the scene, and let me know that since I have left, boss man has been focusing his terrors on HER. I'm sorry Erica. Maybe you should follow suit.

Maybe we should all beat him soundly about the head and shoulders. As pointless as that would be. He would be dictating at us from a hospital bed.

A visit to Employment Insurance yesterday and the subsequent juggling of schedule for that, has left me a little frazzled, but it's all good. The little things like that when they aren't overwhelming me are just fine. Finances are still a mess and I plan to see if I can settle those BEFORE my trip up north.

I had coffee with my old assistant manager Mark, on Monday. He's SUCH a good friend. It doesn't hurt a whit that he's gorgeous too. *winks* (I tell him that ALL the time...) I'm such a weak woman for a tall brunette with light eyes. *grumbles* There can never be enough brunettes in the world, in my humble opinion. He's been specifically banned from dying his hair with anything other than blonde streaks, or keeping it Au Natural. Under punishment of

"Handcuffing you, and spanking you until your bum is all red and hurty."
Unfortunately, I don't think that will do a "lick" of good as to seem unappealing to him. Curses. I guess when you have the picture "Handcuffs turn me on" as your MSN messenger display picture, it's a moot subject to begin with.

I wonder if riding crops turn him on as well? (Distracts herself with thoughts of "Margaret Thatcher on a cold day," and crying Nuns.)

I'm a wee bit frustrated with the fact that the person that commissioned me for writing has been busy lately, so I have no constructive criticism to go on for finishing that particular task that he wanted me to do. I can't really fault the guy, he's got a busy schedule, but it's hard to have creativity in spurts on one thing and then to keep on putting it on hold. Nothing satisfies me like a well done, completed job.

That's okay. One thing at a time.

Catch Y'all on the flip side.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Home Sweet Home?

I've come to the realization a while ago that I needed to get out of Vancouver.

Just for a week or so. Thank Gad for my friend Norm up at 100 mile house. His generosity extended itself above and beyond the call of friendship, to invite me up there for a week. I'm taking him up on the offer. He told me he wants me to relax. I certainly need to get away from all the busy-ness in town, and sit somewhere near the water and read a book or six.

I've taken a "Medical Stress Leave" from work, compensated by Medical Employment Insurance. The drama happening at work (which I'm sorry to say, I haven't posted in here, lets just say it was shitloads...) as well as the emotional wrecking ball which is my relationship status and finances, had finally taken its toll. The doctor actually classified it as "Situational Depression." Where a few months ago I felt "Soul weary" now I feel utterly lost. Lost in myself, and lost to myself. I found myself sobbing Wednesday night without anything to stop it. (not crying. I mean serious, heart-wrenching sobbing. I'm sure Tom, my next door neighbor, thought I was dying or something... It wasn't pretty.) I've only ever broken this way one time before, when I was seventeen, working in a factory, and a girl on the line I was controlling the speed on, seemed to have some sort of emotional meltdown. I blamed myself for it at the time, because of the speed I was moving the equipment. Thankfully, I had my Father there to console me.

I called Norm, deciding to try to distract myself. And because he always makes me feel good inside. He did a good job. He got me laughing, and relaxed, and definitely proved his merit as a friend. Not that he had to... But I'm eternally grateful. He might not have known exactly what was going on, and thought of it as a regular, run of the mill phone call, but truthfully, he was the person I thought of when I knew that everyone else would ask too many questions, and he would just chat me up and make me smile and blush. A very worthy conversation in my humble opinion.

Thank-you Norm.

The doctor prescribed me some anti-depressant pills, and also wrote me off of work for a month. They'll get rid of the majority of the depression I've been feeling, and they'll also kill my sex drive.

Quite frankly, maybe that's something I need as well.

One month away from all the bullshit. One month to gather my thoughts, and find myself a little more as a person, and the last two weeks of it are going to be creating an updated resume and finding myself a new choice of occupation. Honestly, I don't get paid enough to deal with the garbage that floats around my work.

I'm not a weak person, but everyone is weak sometimes. Lately everything has been eating away at the foundations underneath me (Not in a good way.) and has left me tottering on the brink. Between sanity and insanity, or maybe just leaving me with the feeling of a complete lack of control with my situation. Being a control freak, that is pushing me past my limits. I'm trying to take Dave's advice and just "Let it go." but it's so damned hard.

My memory is shoddy lately, My hands are shaking... Most of the time just a small tremble. However, that is what is scaring me the most. It's never affected me physically like this. Ever. I can't get a full solid night's sleep anymore, I get overwhelmed with anxiety, and I'm taking my frustration out on people that don't deserve it.

My apologies. Seriously. I don't like who I am right now either.

I miss being the person that looked approachable, instead of this woman with a gruff hard exterior, the bravado and bluster hiding this wounded inner being. The last time I felt "happy" was at Spain's fireworks display with Ryan, where I teased the firemen walking about before the show started, sang the "Hari Krishna" tune (you would have to hear it to understand what I'm talking about...) that he and I made up and always jokingly sing when they parade through like so many diapered, salmon-pink clad clowns, and the sight of those huge, shimmering, golden explosions in the sky were so beautiful that I actually had tears in my eyes. Granted, that was only a week and a half ago, but I think someone should be happy more than once in three months.

I really have a hard time having my instability so damned visible to everyone else. So visible that my Boss sees it, and chooses to exploit it.

On another note.

My condolences go out to Devin. We've been through some seriously rough times, but he recently lost a dear family member. As angry as I am over him treating me unfairly, and not giving me closure, he deserves some sympathy over this.

He could even get angry with me, for doing this, but you know what? To hell with it. I'm not doing this to disrespect Darla. I'm doing this to show my respects for someone that led a long life and that obviously meant something to someone that I care about. I would do it for anyone I know. I've been angry with him for weeks, and I have respect for him even if he can't show me the respect that I deserve. I still love him in my own way. I miss him terribly as a friend. If that makes me a fool, or a masochist. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I never really forget the people I loved.

I'm sorry for your loss Devin. I've been in your shoes regarding my grandfather. I still miss him, and it pains me to know that I have a hard time remembering his face and voice now.

In Memorium

Darla Raye Thompson
1929 - 2004

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Aaw man!

Seems that no matter how hard I try, I inch forward and lose three inches of progress in the process.

Is it like this for everyone? Gad, I hope not.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Well, hey now!

I guess my passion for writing, is paying off. Literally. I was commissioned to do a profile on a website for a Canadian professional comedian who is located in the Vancouver area. Not too shabby. I just wish that when I met him today to get the gist of what he wanted, that I wasn't so damned quiet. I'm always so nervous and shy when I meet someone for the first time. I'll post the link up here when my writing is up and available on his website. I hope he likes what I've done. And hey! I get paid for it!


I'm still sick, but the SMOKING HOT doctor at the clinic (Damn, too bad he was married. He's over six feet tall, brunette European. Lucky wife. He was even flirting with me.) prescribed me some antibiotics, and they should be kicking in anytime now. So until then, it's Advil and LOTS of sleep and liquids.

I want to go play doctor and naughty nurse. I even have the outfit, damnit.

As for the weather. SMOKING HOT yet again. It's almost unbearable. I usually never complain about heat, being accustomed to working around ovens, but this, is unreal. Elizabeth had the balls to ask me if it was "Hot enough for ya?" Whilst I was roasting in the apartment, after my meeting this afternoon. Yeah. It's hot alright. :P Fat people are making their own gravy, it's that damned hot.

I was teased for getting home so quickly, to which I responded that my pasty-white, French Canadian skin would crisp quite nicely if I stayed out in this sunshine too long.

Hmm. Crispy skin AND gravy? Hell. I'm Kentucky Fried Chicken with a side dish.

I picked up a couple of CD's and a DVD on the way to the Doctors, I purchased, Aretha Franklin "Best Of Aretha Franklin, The 60's" (It's FABULOUS!!!!) And also the best of Big Sugar entitled "Hit and Run." a kickass Canadian band from Ontario as far as I could find.

Reviews on these CD's coming up in the next little while after I've dealt with this writing commission.

The movie I picked up is "School of Rock" with Jack Black. It's a highly enjoyable movie. At least in my perspective. I think the part that I like the most, is the way he teaches the kids the History of Rock 'n Roll.(He teaches them more than just Rock and Roll, however. At least according to the blackboards he's pointing at.) The kids seem to enjoy themselves thoroughly with him. The DVD extras apparently have the lessons available uninterrupted. It's very neat. I plan on sitting down and "edumacating" myself fairly soon.

Monday, August 09, 2004


Just looked at my profile for blogger.com, and happened to notice that I've written about 16,577 words in two months. More with this post.

Holy Moses.

That's a lot of typing. Maybe I'm in the wrong field of work.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Re: Ungh... *Grumbles*

Yeah. It's Strep throat/Tonsillitis. Yippee-fucking-doo-dah.


I get it every year. No matter how many times I beg the Doc to rip the fuckers out, He says I have to get it eight times in a year to get them removed.

Eight times in one year?

I don't think he realizes how much of an inconvenience it is to have Strep, or how expensive it is to get antibiotics. I've developed an allergy to penicillin, so I have to get the secondary substitute for it.(Erythromyacin.) It costs twice as much. And there's also the fact that it bloody hurts and leaves you exhausted. Not to mention the time off of work. I left work after an hour today, got home, and died in my bed for a good seven hours.

A Co-worker this morning told me that she had heard that Strep Throat can lead to depression. Now since I've been feeling under the weather emotionally and mentally, I thought maybe the reason that I was more susceptible to getting it, was that I had been feeling depressed lately. Streptococcus is a common virus, highly contagious, and usually hidden in the virus for the common cold. Since quite a few people around me at work, have been suffering from the annoying summer cold floating about, I decided to look it up online. (Scroll up a bit on the link provided to read the beginning of the article from MSN.com.)

I wish I hadn't. (I always say that, damnit.)

Not only is Strep linked to depression, but also Terets/Tourettes syndrome. So, If I start randomly cursing at inopportune times, and saying ridiculous things, (Not like I don't say ridiculous things already, but something a little more out of the ordinary I would think...) Let me know, OK?

Murray was saying he thought I might have Mono, which is associated with streptococcus as well, (Now, THAT would suck.) since I was very tired for a long, long time a few months ago and it still hits me every now and then. However, I've been sleeping more, so that should help. Y'know, I do recall joking about having it, in a previous post of mine. That could be possible, but I doubt it.

I am not a hypochondriac, at least I dont think so, and most of the time would ignore a mild illness, brushing it off as an inconvenience, but I've been feeling under the weather an alarming amount in the past six months. I just hope that Elizabeth doesn't get it. Or anyone else I associate with for that matter.

Anyways. It's off to the Doc's tomorrow, since I slept the majority of today away. I know the boss is going to demand a doctors note, even though I was obviously ill, sweating and feverish and sounding like someone had stuffed a trumpet mute down my throat. Advil is STILL a good friend of mine.

Shit, fuck, Tourettes!!!

Saturday, August 07, 2004



Not happy.

Throat, head, body hurts. Sleep is my friend.

So is Advil. Mmmm drugs.

Losing eloquence.


I'll write more later. Prolly in a few days.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

A couple notes of interest...

Luc read my blog entry for the blues/jazz CD I made from his music stash, and decided to toss in a few interesting facts about the musicians and songs that were included. Any of my notes are in Italics.

“There Must Be a Better World Somewhere” was written by Doc Pomus and I think was originally done with Dr John.

B.B. King has 15 kids, to 15 women. (Holy shit! It should be Busy Boy King, NOT Blues Boy King.) As far as I know he was never married. Though I’m not 100% sure on that as it’s been years since I’ve read his book and my memory sucks. (I disagree with this last statement. Memory is all relative. I can remember things from when I was three years old and not remember what the hell I had for dinner last night. So there. :P)

“The Sky is Crying” done by many blues musicians written by Elmore James who influenced as many blues musicians as any. Also one of my favourite early blues musicians. Stevie's version is still one of my favourites. (I concur.)

“Life Without You” was one of the songs Stevie Ray Vaughn did to prove he was more then just a guitar player. If you liked this one I highly recommend checking out “Life By The Drop” if you haven’t already.

“Peel Me A Grape” I agree definitely boil me a crab. Come on, why would she ask for a cab? It just wouldn't be right when considering the other lyrics. She would want a limo, a cab wouldn't be good enough. (Good. I'm glad I'm not going deaf.)

“They Can’t Take That Away From Me” It’s a Gershwin tune. If you haven’t heard the version by Ella(Fitzgerald) and Louis (Armstrong) with Oscar Peterson on piano I highly recommend it. Along with any other Gershwin tune or anything else Stach and Ella ever did. (I actually knew this was a Gershwin tune, being that my favourite jazz song of all time, that I'm found belting around the apartment, or work, or on the street for that matter... is "Summertime" also a Gershwin tune.)

Dr John. His Autobiography is one of the weirdest books I’ve ever read. If half of it’s true he’s hands down had the most interesting life I’ve ever heard of. If you ever get the chance to read it, it’s called “Under a Hoodoo Moon” I’d lend it to ya but I don’t have it, been trying to find it for years but every time I find it they want at least $50 for it and I can get it from the library for free. Also worth checking out is “Litanie Des Saints,” “How Come My Dog Don’t Bark,” and “Walk on Guilded Splinters.”

A veritable Cliff Claven of information regarding tunes. It's always nice to have a different perspective, and random notes of interest.


Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Tunes to Groove by... (Volume 3)

Okay, long time no post of any real significance, or amusement value. Apologies tendered all around. I'm a bad, bad, busy girl. *smirks*

Linds' Blues Compilation (Various Artists)

I promised a review of the new Blues/Jazz CD of stuff that I picked, and Luc burned up for me.

Oh My God in Heaven...

This CD, is orgasmically good. I tried to stay away from more modern sounding blues, and stick to the gritty, raw emotion filled vocals, grumbly bassed, rock style blues. I think I should have left the Diana Krall out, and maybe the very first Tracy Chapman track, because they don't really go with the flow of the music, but I wanted the songs anyways.

This is the track listing, and lyrics if I could find all of them:

1. Tracy Chapman -- "Fast Car"
Quite possibly the saddest, most bittersweet love song ever written that I've heard. With the young dream of leaving everything you know behind to make a fresh start and something better out of life, and finding out you were wrong.

2. Tracy Chapman -- "Give Me One Reason"
God, I love this song. Modern or no, the bass line is sooo sexy. Recognizable in an instant. I do this song at Karaoke quite frequently.

3. John Lee Hooker -- "1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch, 1 Beer"
Unbelievably gorgeous song of heartbreak, and the character Johnny, His baby's gone away, he want one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer to get the her off of his mind.

4. Ella Fitzgerald -- "Mack the Knife"
By far the most original version of "Mack the Knife" I've ever heard. She forgets the lyrics and brilliantly ad libs at least half the song.

5. Ella Fitzgerald -- "Black Coffee"
This is one of my all time favourite Ella songs. I acquired a compilation 4 disc set of her stuff as a gift, with 60 songs total, and this song, much to my dismay, was not on any of the CD's. So I got it for this mix. Gorgeous.

6. Etta James -- "At Last"
This is the song that I want to have my first dance to with my husband when I get married. The lyrics are simple and unadorned and very, very sweet.

7. B. B. King -- "There Must be a Better World, Somewhere"
No lyrics for this song unfortunately, at least none that I could find. However, I did find a GREAT Biography of B.B. King. The man is phenomenally accomplished. This is a great tune about how the world can seem to be against you when all you're trying to do is make it through to the next day.

8. B. B. King -- "Why I Sing the Blues"
Basically, this song, is a history of Blacks and the struggles that they've gone through. Everything from slavery,the trials and troubles of love, poverty, prison, to the black power movement in the 60's and the treatment they receive. (However, this version, seems to be completely different from any other lyrics that I've found online that are the same title as this song, all the ones I've found are pretty much just about marriage.) This song is almost ten minutes long, and a live recording as far as I can tell.

9. B. B. King -- "How Blue Can You Get"
A story about a woman that B.B. may have married, but probably didn't. Who was "Evil when you're with me, and jealous when we're apart." seems that she was quite the nasty lady. This is a live version and the crowd goes just NUTS in the background in portions of the song when he wails out the lyrics.

10. Billie Holiday -- "Good Morning Heartache"
Billie has a voice that expresses emotion so beautifully, that it's no wonder she's famous. "Good Morning Heartache, sit down." If you can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em.

11. Peggy Lee -- "Fever"
Not necessarily "Blues" but still, a good song. Everyone I know loves it. "Chicks were meant to give you Fever, be it Fahrenheit or centigrade." Damned rights.

12. Stevie Ray Vaughn -- "The Sky is Crying"
Oh My God
. Everything about this song is amazing. Guitar, vocals, lyrics. Probably one of the few of my absolute favourites of all times. If they had this at karaoke, I guarantee you, that I would sing it every single time.

13. Stevie Ray Vaughn -- "I'm Leaving You"
Good Lord this woman is nasty. I think I would want to send her "Swimmin' with the Fishies" too.

14. Stevie Ray Vaughn -- "Life Without You"
Very bitter sweet love song about love lost, and meeting up with them again afterwards. I originally thought this song wasn't quite what I was looking for in the mix, but it makes up for the stuff about the nasty women in all the other songs. I can empathize with the sentiments in this song.

15. Diana Krall -- "Peel Me a Grape"
Now, I swear in this song, she says "Boil me a crab," and not "Call me a cab." However it could just be my ears, but I don't think so. It's not like she slurs her words. *shrugs* Very sensual, sexy song, but I think it's too modern a style of Jazz to put on this mix. Oh well.

16. Diana Krall -- "They Can't Take That Away From Me"
This song is simply about remembering the things that enamoured you to you're lover. Very well played piano. Nice slow walking bass line. I did this song in Jazz Choir in highschool.

17. Dr. John -- "Since I fell for You"
I couldn't find the lyrics for this song either unfortunately. I included a biography of him. He's got a very unique voice. This song is about being in love with someone that has stopped loving you, and how it's too bad that you're still in love with them when "you love me and now you snub me."

That's it. Awesome mix.

Thank-you, Luc, for letting me browse your collection of Blues/jazz.