Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I would walk One Hundred Miles...*In bad Scottish accent*

My trip has been postponed a few days, No big deal, but the sooner I get out of this city to find a place to BREATHE, the better.

Frustration with work has diminished, obviously because I'm not there at the moment.

However, my co-worker Erica called me yesterday to give me an update of the scene, and let me know that since I have left, boss man has been focusing his terrors on HER. I'm sorry Erica. Maybe you should follow suit.

Maybe we should all beat him soundly about the head and shoulders. As pointless as that would be. He would be dictating at us from a hospital bed.

A visit to Employment Insurance yesterday and the subsequent juggling of schedule for that, has left me a little frazzled, but it's all good. The little things like that when they aren't overwhelming me are just fine. Finances are still a mess and I plan to see if I can settle those BEFORE my trip up north.

I had coffee with my old assistant manager Mark, on Monday. He's SUCH a good friend. It doesn't hurt a whit that he's gorgeous too. *winks* (I tell him that ALL the time...) I'm such a weak woman for a tall brunette with light eyes. *grumbles* There can never be enough brunettes in the world, in my humble opinion. He's been specifically banned from dying his hair with anything other than blonde streaks, or keeping it Au Natural. Under punishment of

"Handcuffing you, and spanking you until your bum is all red and hurty."
Unfortunately, I don't think that will do a "lick" of good as to seem unappealing to him. Curses. I guess when you have the picture "Handcuffs turn me on" as your MSN messenger display picture, it's a moot subject to begin with.

I wonder if riding crops turn him on as well? (Distracts herself with thoughts of "Margaret Thatcher on a cold day," and crying Nuns.)

I'm a wee bit frustrated with the fact that the person that commissioned me for writing has been busy lately, so I have no constructive criticism to go on for finishing that particular task that he wanted me to do. I can't really fault the guy, he's got a busy schedule, but it's hard to have creativity in spurts on one thing and then to keep on putting it on hold. Nothing satisfies me like a well done, completed job.

That's okay. One thing at a time.

Catch Y'all on the flip side.

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