Sunday, August 29, 2004


Went out and about today, I checked my workplace to see if they have my Record of Employment for EI. Biiiiig surprise. They don't. That's fine.

I'll let Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) bully it out of them if Safeway is going to fuck around with me. I don't care to play nice anymore. It's time for the dragonlady to stretch out her wings a little, and scorch a few eyebrows off.

My assistant manager Tom was very snotty with me today, giving me yet another poingnant reason to have no company loyalty. (Not that I had much, after seeing what they did to Marky, and every other jobber hired after 1997. By laying them off and hiring more people in my position.) The fuckers. Ah well. Tom can ogle another helpers big tits. Mine are staying out of that place.

I was surprised to feel the level of anxiety rise tremendous amounts just walking into that place. I felt nauseous. It wasn't fun. Cross your fingers kids, that I get that job.

There's yet another screaming match at this moment in time between the couple living across the street. Fuck, I just hope one day she snaps and blows him away with a double-barreled shotgun, so that I don't have to hear the fighting EVERY SINGLE DAY. I feel bad for the woman. From what I've heard from the fights, he's a real cold-hearted bastard. Although, some ditz that stays with someone that cruel, isn't really the brightest bulb on the Christmas lights anyways.

Other than those particular neighbors, this area of town isn't that bad. Well... Minus the hookers on Kingsway(which I get mistaken for on a regular basis, ewww nasty!) and stuff. No, no. I paint a bad portrait of this area of town. It's not to shabby. I love the apartment anyways.

Spent the afternoon with Crystal, driving about town, on the way back from Krispy Kreme, (because us gals had a sugar craving) and saw some really pretty clouds. I know it sounds stupid. Sometimes you've got to find the beauty in simple things. Kinda like the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses."

I wish I could win the lottery. That would be nice. I wish I had financial stability, and a loving boyfriend. I wish I had a beautiful house, with a wraparound balcony, with a bench swing that my lover and I could sit on and watch the sun set, drinking lemonade. Or beer, or vodka coolers. Whatever. Something nice like that. With a kitty at my feet. Or maybe in my lap, and holding my sweetheart's hand.

I'm lonely.

1 comment:

Orion_skie said...

*HUGE HUGS* Even tho' I'm not your lover, or your kitty, or a swing to enjoy the evening....I'm your friend. Hang in there and believe that there is a silver lining...even tho' there are times when it gets too rough...there is.