Monday, August 30, 2004

Booyah Gramma.

I've got an interview at four thirty tomorrow afternoon with that job I applied for.

Oooohboy am I nervous.

Went to EI, they can bully Safeway around now. I'm done playing fair.

Landlady visits our apartment today. We're going over the whole apartment, and signing the lease. 'Cause you know, it's only been a month and a half since we've been in here. There's nothing like being prompt. *winks* Ah well. Even if she seems a little flighty, she's a nice lady anyways.

Ooooh! I heard from that comedian that is paying me to do some writing, which is a breath of fresh air. Apparently he just got out of the hospital. Poor dougie... I hope he's *all right.* Any excuse to finish this writing and get some desperately needed cash in my pocket, is a welcome excuse.

*(I concede to my verbosely gifted mother on the usage of the term "Alright" as being American slang, and she verbally slapped my wrist for using it. So there you go Mamacita. I'm writing it properly now. And the only reason why, is because after you told me I was using the wrong word, it started to bother me. Fuck I'm anal.) *

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